Kids really are smarter than us

UPDATED: Thursday, January 20, 2011 17:34
VIEWED: 2887
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011 11:45 PM


I'm working at vacation care at the moment. One of my male coworkers is a walking penis. He's a misoginist,officious, undermines our younger coordinator's authority, and is inclined to try and takeover any disciplinary issues other staff are dealing with...not mine because he's a little afraid of my reaction as I have reacted "strongly" in the past. My biggest problem with him is that he is not a team player. It annoys me that everytime I or a collegue make a decsion about fairplay during games etc when conflict arises at least 3 kids go "oh but so and so said we could" I'm like " do I look like him? is he the one dealing with what is happening right now?" I always run any decisions I make that affect the group by the supervisors so they aware of what's going on. he's always doing his own thing and keeping it from the rest of us. It's really annoying and disrespectful But I got some gratification today
I was talking to the big kids and casually said "so you guys think so and so is pretty cool right?" they exchanged looks and giggled a bit, and the "pack" leader a young lady who is 11 (going on 30) said "We only let him think we like him, basically we use him coz he lets us do what we want when the rest of you aren't looking"
"Gee that's a bit manipulative"
"So you should be happy we never use you"
"that's a good thing right?"
"duh...besides you wouldn't be that dumb or desperate".

Rose S


Thursday, January 20, 2011 5:25 AM


Smarter, and maybe in need of therapy...She's gonna be a hellion real soon.

Though I do have to say with her advanced observation and manipulation skills, she would make a good detective or lawyer...


Thursday, January 20, 2011 5:48 AM


Just out of curiosity, why is this dangling appendage still employed there? Upper management needs to have one of those "interesting conversations" with him.


Thursday, January 20, 2011 9:04 AM


Oh in-DEED, most of em are way smarter than they play off to us adults, to many it's even a sort of game, to see how far they can push it before someone calls BS on them.

Of course you've not seen the evil that is Wendy, due to being an undernourished closet-kid she looks maybe 12-13 despite being 18+, and boy-howdy does she *use* that to get away with stuff, and being a girl she also has that soul-crushing, will-destroying cute little bug-eyed puppydog STARE, complete with adorable pouting.

She's actually in trouble for that, since her eyesight problems do not legally allow her to drive a car, and she is restricted to a little Honda Spree to putter about the neighborhood here with (it's private property so licensing isn't an issue) - and she somehow managed to convince one of a residents guests to let her drive his freakin 2008 Dodge Challenger R/T around the complex, which she mighta got AWAY with had I not wondered what the hell it was doing the third time it went past me....

And lets not even go there about my horrible nieces...

Sometimes I really do wonder if I am protecting them from the world... or protecting the world FROM THEM!

I think one of the funniest incidents of that nature I have ever seen was a bunch of Astaru (who are huuuge, and hairy, most of em) viking types en route to a protest stumbling over a pack of girl scouts and their den mother, who looked like she swallowed a cinder block - and one of em, bold as ya please, holds up a box of cookies, cue sudden stop, and rattling jingle of biker-wallets being yanked out of back pockets.
And this eventually lead to those goons doing heavy lifting for the various civic projects (including, recently, some work via Habitat for Humanity) and additional security as well, although the den mother has absolutely forbidden them to get on the motorcycles.

Kids could RUN this world if they wanted to, all the while just pretending we're actually in charge, they just don't want the hassle, is what it is.



Thursday, January 20, 2011 5:12 PM


Those cookies are addictive psychotrophic drugs.

If you can say no to those kids OR those cookies, you are not human.


Thursday, January 20, 2011 5:34 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Bytemite:
If you can say no to those kids OR those cookies, you are not human.

Damn, I always knew there was something different about me. I thought I just had willpower.

I do not need the written code of a spiritual belief to act like a decent human being.






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