'Jaynestown' and the nature of faith part II. What are your thoughts on Gods or God or Deity?

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 27, 2023 13:35
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Tuesday, January 3, 2017 3:28 PM


been discussed a few times here on fireflyfans

Ex-Religious people, Atheism, Agnostics

Ghosts exist, yes or no?

Religions talked about
all of it Hindu faith, Christian Bible, Jewish Faith, Yeizidi, Shinto....everything was touched on

let's start this thread of with the worst of it


Saudi Ambassador to UN: Atheists are Terrorists, Because 'We are the Birthplace of Islam'


Tuesday, January 3, 2017 9:03 PM


Religion's made up, every word it...
We are all here by happenstance, and aren't that special.
By dirt we live, in dirt we rot. Or should.



Tuesday, January 3, 2017 9:43 PM


I worship Lynn Gilmartin. Does that count?


Tuesday, January 3, 2017 10:42 PM



Originally posted by Riverlove:
I worship Lynn Gilmartin. Does that count?

Um. Ok. S'pose there's worse people out there to. Lemme know if she walks on water.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017 8:53 AM


Is a Religious System needed for People to have 'Ethics' or maybe 'Morality'

How far does you skeptical mind go? What possibilities are you open to? Is there something more than this material world?

Is the thought of Aliens a type of spiritualism or faith? Are the people who talk of UFOs are they following another modern religion?

do they simply 'believe'? wanting to believe in something?

or is this a true form of logic and science?

Russia, part of the Soviet Union at the time a very marxist, atheist and communist nation it surprised a world and launched the first satellite into space starting the 'Space Race', JFK responds with the Apollo and the USA beat the Russians to the Moon...but space seemed to stagnate in the years following...was it a 'conspiracy'? Following the first successful touchdown on a comet by the European Space Agency’s Rosetta Philae probe, a NASA director expressed his own excitement by declaring it a big step toward “moving off this planet” and “taking” the entire solar this the destiny of humans or mankind
...some believe Earth was 'seeded' from space like the plot of a scifi movie. Sara Seager, a dogged hunter of “twin Earths” at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who is widely credited with inventing the spectral technique for analyzing exoplanet atmospheres, is pushing research on biosignature gases in a different direction. Seager acknowledges that oxygen is promising, but she urges the astrobiology community to be less terra-centric in its view of how alien life might operate—to think beyond Earth’s geochemistry and the particular air we breathe. “My view is that we do not want to leave a single stone unturned; we need to consider everything,” she said. Some people like Sara seem to have their ideas based purely on logic and science but how deep does that rabbit hole go?

Is UFO-ology and meta physics and cosmology and all those other 'fringe science'...just another religion....are humans always looking to 'believe' in something

NASA has some high hopes for the James Webb Space Telescope, the result of 20 years of engineering and construction, this telescope is seen as Hubble’s natural successor.
Initial budget estimates were that the observatory would cost close to one billion or over 1 Billion and launch in 2011. NASA has now scheduled the telescope for a 2018 launch and a recent estimate put the cost of development and five years of operation at $8.835 billion.

...if nothing is out there
why do so many countries, agencies and groups and nations like Russia, India, China, Europe...why are they all investing so much in space

Space Sam Neill asked Are We Alone?

clip from a BBC documentary

Some say we are all 'Star Child' recycled material from space itself. Even though it might sound surprising to some, it is said by some researchers cannot rule out the possibility that humans are genetic descendants of extraterrestrial beings, who passed their DNA on to our species. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book. For instance, some websites will claim the largest human chromosome, chromosome number 1, is approximately 220 million base pairs long. Mathematically human DNA is too complicated to be an accident. geneticist, Susumo Ono, believes he’s discovered music in genes – particularly human genes, fish genes and rabbit genes. Prof. Sam Chang, has wrote how the overwhelming majority of Human DNA is “Off-world” in origin, its apparent “extraterrestrial junk genes” merely there to “enjoy the ride” Susumo is a researcher in DNA, said He discovered musical patterns of notes that reveal intelligence....

Or does this sound more like 'voodoo' and 'creationism'

Is Astro-biology and Cosmology a real since, real mathematics

Or would you class it as fringe science or spooky?

Back to Religion

back to Islamism

Islamic Morality
When Islamic morality is judged by universal standards, this Arabian religion fails to qualify as the friend and guide of humanity. In fact, it constitutes a major threat to the survival of human race. I have no doubt that the Muslims will protest against this point of view, and as usual, will produce far- fetched and irrational evidence to prove that Islam advocates love and brotherhood of mankind. This type of sorcery has worked wonders for Muslim fundamentalists in the past, but with the dissemination of knowledge, it is difficult to cloud the truth with the magic of misinterprelation, marvel of mesmerisation and mysticism of meaninglessness...

...The Islamic fundamentalism has become the foundation of Islamic morality. What makes it a threat to human survival is the fact that it is not a passive approach but advocates active aggression to impose itself on the unbelievers.

Can science and religion coexist?
65% Say Yes
35% Say No


Wednesday, January 4, 2017 10:31 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The existence of god (or gods) can never been proved or disproved. IF that were the case, then "god" would be science, not an article of faith.

Still, it's instructive to look at the various "gods" of the past. By understanding these past gods (for example, the explanation for disease was "evil spirits" and for thunder and lightning was "warring gods") we can deduce their social and psychological roles.


"Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor"- William Blake

"If you aren't aware, Texans don't have much concern for the well-being of Yankees or Californians, even Yankee factory workers in Indiana "- SECOND


Wednesday, January 4, 2017 11:01 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

Is the thought of Aliens a type of spiritualism or faith? Are the people who talk of UFOs are they following another modern religion?

Are you thinking of joining the Raelians?

Aliens are probability. If we're here, then they probably are out there. Again, not worth talking about it unless you've seen one...

If I joined something, I'd be a Jedi. Comfy robes, laser swords, what's not to like?

Oh yeah, people....

My stalker down the street stopped by to say it was a new year and I should forgive her for drunk dialing me a dozen times. And then went home, got drunk, threw a gun that went off (second time in a year) had a fistfight with her husband (who called her a slut for pulling weeds in a nightie) and then punched out two windows that are now covered in cardboard. I don't need any other reminders of why getting involved with other people is a bad, bad, truly horrible idea. I won't be joining any religion in my lifetime (although some would say this place counts ).

And I wish I could say this is the first time I've been stalked by a loon. Sorry, Reality Challenged Individual.


Thursday, January 5, 2017 2:46 PM


I just found out its a real religion
The Jedi here are real people that live or lived their lives according to the principles of Jediism, the real Jedi religion or philosophy. Jedi followers, ministers and leaders embrace Jediism as a real living, breathing religion and sincerely believe in its teachings. Jediism does not base its focus on myth and fiction but on the real life issues and philosophies that are at the source of myth. Whether you want to become a Jedi, are a real Jedi looking for additional training or just interested in learning about and dissussing The Force, we're here for you.

We believe in Peace, Justice, Love, Learning and Benevolence: It is unlikely that the Jedi way conflicts with other beliefs and traditions.

The Jedi church has no official doctrine or scripture. The Jedi church recognizes that all living things share a living force and that all people have an innate knowledge of what is right and wrong, and the Jedi Church celebrates this like no other religion

Jedi believe in the Force, a specific energy that flows through all things and binds the universe together. They also believe that humans can tap into or shape the Force to unlock greater potential. Many Jedi also view themselves as guardians of truth, knowledge and justice, and actively promote such ideals.

While many Jedi consider their beliefs to be a religion, some prefer to label them as a philosophy, personal development movement, way-of-life, or lifestyle.

Jedi Religion, or Jediism, continues to be an incredibly decentralized system of belief. While various groups have sprung up to teach it to others, there remains a large amount of variance between individual Jedi and multiple Jedi organizations. Jedi teachings are generally considered suggestions and guides rather than rules, so the difference of teachings between groups is not necessarily viewed as improper or incorrect.


Thursday, January 5, 2017 6:29 PM


Yeah, this made the news in 2003ish, is the first I heard of it being a real thing, although there has been Jedi and stormtrooper clubs since the first movies came out. It is ACTUALLY the most popular alternative religion in England and Wales, but was declared "not an official religion" by some paper pushers who don't get that religion is ALL made up anyway...

I really DID think hard about forming a local order, but you start giving respect to people just for being in a club and the next thing you know they are molesting your kids.

I don't think I could handle people being in my house on a monthly basis, the other thing.


Saturday, February 25, 2017 9:10 PM


ok this one is 'Out There'


Saturday, February 25, 2017 10:38 PM


They come from John Carter of Mars. Burroughs in turn adapted them from the Japanese samurai. Lucas' Jedi are fairly heavily derivative of Zoroastrianism, where the forces of light, the Yah, fight against the dark side, the Druj, which i see is acknowledged on the site. The name Sith is of course adapted form the Celtic Sidhe. People make new religions all the time. In Kansas it's a hobbie. My favorite so far of those Open Source Religion, but I have to give a nod to the flying spaghetti monster.

The Jedi say they're nippo-zoroastirans. The Japanese are shinto-bhuddists, and shinto is from shin tao, shin being the name for god, all over asia. Mt. Sinai, Shiva, and China are all named for Shin. It means, originally, the moon. Our word Shine comes from it.


Sunday, February 26, 2017 12:44 AM


I posted this somewhere else but it belongs here. I struggle with this as a Taoist Jew.

In Taoism, the forces of nature are older and deeper than the world. They are all powerful and unknowable. That reflects the universe we see. Judaism, however, has scripture. Scripture is the knowing of God. And God can't exist except as the culmination of forces which cannot be known. So it's a conundrum.

That's part of what lead me on that hunt with Antimason to find the origin of scripture. We both expected that to end in one source, but in fact as you go further back, it just scatters to the four winds at some point.

I guess I'd say that Scripture is the work of many men trying to discern the way of an unknowable God. Hence, it is prone to inconsistency, contradiction and error. The end result is a culmination, which, if viewed in the abstract, is true, as a holistic view of the overall intent of the forces expressed in scripture.

Originally posted by Riverlove:
I worship Lynn Gilmartin. Does that count?

Only if you think she has magical powers.


Wednesday, December 27, 2023 1:35 PM


Rural people don't practice religion more than their urban counterparts, survey shows

another English language news service from India

Uruguay is the only country in Latin America that does not celebrate Christmas

How to visit Japan's shrines and temples—with respect






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