Hong Kong, and the M$M

UPDATED: Thursday, August 29, 2019 12:16
VIEWED: 1807
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Tuesday, August 27, 2019 12:00 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This is an entirely different view of what's going on in Hong Kong. I've underlined what I think are the most salient points because it's pretty long


House Niggers Mutiny
Israel Shamir • August 22, 2019

Slavery had some good aspects for those chaps who had it rather good. A colonial setup is the next best thing to slavery, and it also holds its attraction for people who knew how to place themselves just below the sahibs and above the run-of-the-mill natives. The Hong Kong revolt is the mutiny of wannabe house niggers who feel that the gap between them and the natives is rapidly vanishing.

Once, a HK resident was head and shoulders above the miserable mainland coolies; he spoke English, he had smart devices, he had his place in the tentacle sucking wealth out of the mainland, and some of that wealth stuck to his sweaty hands. But now he has no advantage compared to the people of Shanghai or Beijing. There is huge swelling of wealth in the big cities of Red China. The Chinese dress well, travel abroad, and they do not need HK mediation for dealing with the West. Beijing had offered HK a fair deal of [relative] equality; nothing would be taken from them, but the shrinking gap is not only unavoidable, but desirable, too.

However, HK had been the imperial bridgehead in China for too long. Its people were complicit, nay, willing partners in every Western crime against China, beginning with dumping opium and sucking out Chinese wealth. Millions of opium addicts, of ruined families and households nearly destroyed the Middle Kingdom, and each of them added to HK prosperity. The blood, sweat and labour of all China abundantly supplied the island. HK was the first of the Treaty Ports, and the last to return home. Its populace was not thoroughly detoxed; they weren’t ideologically prepared for a new life as equals.

Chairman Mao harboured hard suspicions against comprador cities, the cities and the people who prospered due to their collaboration with the imperialist enemy. He cleansed them with communist and patriotic re-education; recalcitrant compradors were sent to help peasants in far-away villages in order to reconnect with the people. Mao’s successors had a strong if misplaced belief in Chinese nationalism as a universal remedy; they thought the Chinese of HK, Macau and Taiwan would join them the moment the colonial yoke failed. This was an over-optimistic assessment. The imperialist forces didn’t give up on their former house slaves, and the moment they needed to activate them against independent China they knew where to look.

Their time came as the trade conflict between the US and China warmed up. The secret government of the West aka Deep State came to the conclusion that China is getting way too big for its boots. It is not satisfied with making cheap gadgets for Walmart customers. It is producing state-of-art devices that compete with American goods and, what’s worse, their devices are not accessible for NSA surveillance. The Chinese company Huawei came under attack; sanctions and custom duties followed in train. When the Yuan eased under the strain, the Chinese were accused of manipulating their currency. It is a strong charge: when Japan was attacked by the West in the 1990s and the Yen had eased as expected, this claim forced Tokyo to keep the Yen high and take Japan into a twenty-year-long slump. But China did not retreat.

Then the supreme power unleashed its well-practiced weapon: they turned to foment unrest in China and gave it a lot of space in the media. At first, they played up the fate of the Uygur Islamists, but it had little success. The Uygur are not numerous, they are not even a majority in their traditional area; their influence in China is limited. Despite headlines in the liberal Western media proclaiming that millions of Uygur are locked up in concentration camps, the impact was nil. No important Muslim state took up this cause.

The anniversary of Tiananmen came (in beginning of June) and went without a hitch. For good reason: the alleged ‘massacre’ is a myth, as the Chinese always knew and we know now for certain thanks to publication of a relevant US Embassy cable by Wikileaks. There were no thousands of students flattened by tanks. A very few died fighting the army, but China had evaded the bitter fate of the USSR. In China proper the event had been almost forgotten. A few participants retell of their experiences to Western audiences, but the desired turmoil did not materialise.

And then came the time for HK. It is an autonomous part of China; it had not been re-educated; there are enough people who remember the good days of colonial slavery. The actual spark for the mutiny, the planned extradition treaty, was exceedingly weak. For the last decade, HK became the chosen place of refuge for mainland criminals, for HK had extradition treaties with the US and Britain, but not with the mainland. This had to be remedied.

[The extradition treaty had played an important role in the Snowden case. An ex-CIA spy Edward Snowden decided to reveal to the world the extent of the NSA surveillance we all are subjects of. He chose the Guardian newspaper for his revelations, probably because of the Wikileaks precedent. When he gave an extended interview to the Guardian in HK, his identity had been revealed. The arrival of the US extradition request was imminent. The Chinese authorities told Snowden that they would have to send him to a US jail, to torture and death; that the extradition treaty left them no option in his case. Only the fast footwork of Julian Assange’s brave assistant Sarah Harrison prevented this grim finale and delivered Snowden to safe Moscow.]

While HK authorities were obliged to extradite Snowden, they weren’t and couldn’t extradite numerous criminals from the mainland. This was an obvious wrong that had to be urgently corrected, in the face of rising tension. And then the sleeping agents of the West woke up and activated their networks. They had practically unlimited funds, not only from the West, but also from the criminals who weren’t particularly impecunious and were afraid of extradition. After the demonstrations started, the Western media gave them maximum coverage, magnifying and encouraging the mutineers.

Hundreds of articles, leading stories and editorials in important newspapers cheered and encouraged the HK rebels. The People’s War Is Coming in Hong Kong, editorialised the New York Times today. An amazing fact (that is if you are a fresh arrival from Mars): the same newspaper and its numerous sisters paid no attention to the real People’s War raging in France, where the Gilets Jaunes have continued to fight for forty weeks against the austerity-imposing Macron regime. 11 people were killed and 2,500 injured in France, but the Western media just mumbled about the GJ antisemitism. Nothing new, indeed. The same media did not notice the one-million-strong demonstration against the US war on Iraq, paid little attention to Occupy Wall Street, disregarded protests against US wars and interventions. One hundred thousand people marching in New York would get no coverage if their purpose did not agree with the desires of the Real Government; and alternatively, three thousand protesters in Moscow with its 12 million population would be presented as the voice of the people challenging Vlad the Tyrant.

In its peculiar way, the media fulfills its purpose of keeping us informed. If mainstream media reports on something, it usually lies; but if media keeps mum, you can bet it is important and you are not encouraged to learn of it. It is especially true in case of popular protests. How do you know they are lying? – Their lips are moving.

The biggest lie is calling the HK rebels marching under the Union Jack, “pro-democracy”. These guys wish to restore colonial rule, to be governed by their strict but fair round-eyed overlords. It could be a bad or a good idea, but democracy it ain’t. The second biggest lie is the slogan Make Hong Kong Great Britain Again.

Hong Kong was never a part of Great Britain. This was never on offer, so it can’t become that again. Even the most adventure- and diversity-prone British politician won’t make seven million Chinese in a far-away territory British citizens with full rights, members of an imperfect but real British democracy. HK was a colony; this is what the marchers aspire to, to make HK colony again.

With all these differences taken into account, this is as true for Moscow demos as well. Moscow protesters dream of a Russia occupied by NATO forces, not of democracy. They believe that they, pro-Western, educated, entrepreneurial, would form the comprador class and prosper at the expense of hoi polloi. Mercifully, they aren’t plentiful: the Russians already tried to live under benign Western occupation between 1991 and 2000, when the IMF directed their finances and American advisers from Harvard ran the state machinery. Smart and ruthless Jews like Bill Browder, Boris Berezovsky, Roman Abramovich made their fortunes, but Russia was ruined and its people were reduced to poverty.

Not many Russians would like to return to the Roaring Nineties, but some would. It is a matter for the majority to prevent this aspiring minority to achieve its aspirations. Those who can’t take it will flee to Israel, as young Mr Yablonsky who discovered his Jewish roots after two nights of police detention. He landed in jail for violently fighting erection of a church in his town.

The Chinese will likewise sort out their HK affliction. It can be done if the government does not promise to restrict its counteractions to painless and bloodless measures. Only the real and imminent threat of painful and bloody suppression can make such measures unnecessary. Likewise, only the imminent threat of no-deal Brexit could bring some sense into the stubborn heads of the EU leaders. A state that is not ready to use force will necessarily fail, as did the Ukrainian state under Mr Yanukowych in 2014. Blood will be shed and the state will be ruined, if its rulers are too squeamish to stop the rebellion.

We can distinguish a real people’s rising and foreign-inspired interventions on behalf of the compradors. The first one will be silenced while the second will be glorified by the New York Times. It is that simple.

I would not worry overmuch for China. The Chinese leaders knew how to deal with Tiananmen, they knew how to deal with minority unrest, without unnecessary cruelty and without hesitation and prevarication. They weren’t dilly-dallying when the US tried to send to HK its warships, but flatly denied them the pleasure. They will overcome.


Tuesday, August 27, 2019 12:50 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I would not worry overmuch for China. The Chinese leaders knew how to deal with Tiananmen, they knew how to deal with minority unrest, without unnecessary cruelty and without hesitation and prevarication. They weren’t dilly-dallying when the US tried to send to HK its warships, but flatly denied them the pleasure. They will overcome.

Ahh, Sig. Ever the champion for Oppressors everywhere.

Putin IS the new Hitler. Get ready to lock and load!

On August 11, 2019 Signym asked "What have Nazis DONE TO ANYONE?" That question wins first place for the Dumbest Question Ever Asked On The Internet.

Since 6ix, Sig, and JSF insist on calling me names in every post, I will save time by letting any visitors know they are incompetent, fascist, and brain dead by autoposting this. Ye have been warned.


Tuesday, August 27, 2019 2:11 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Ahh, Sig. Ever the champion for Oppressors everywhere.

Once an elitist, always an elitist!

Cripes - even that first sentence grammar is mangled:
"Slavery had some good aspects for those chaps who had it rather good." Huh? That's your lead in?


Tuesday, August 27, 2019 2:24 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I hope you two realize that the statement wasn't Signy's own opinion - right?

That it was part of a much-longer unedited quote that YOU took out of context and attributed to her POV, right?

And that she posted the whole thing to present a heretofore unseen POV for informational purposes, right?

And that rather than randomly edit to distort the information like YOU ALL DO (as well as SECOND) she posted the entire thing, including that statement, right?

Is that reality beyond your ken?

Or are you just being your usual trolling selves?


Tuesday, August 27, 2019 7:04 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
I hope you two realize that the statement wasn't Signy's own opinion - right?

That it was part of a much-longer unedited quote that YOU took out of context and attributed to her POV, right?

And that she posted the whole thing to present a heretofore unseen POV for informational purposes, right?

And that rather than randomly edit to distort the information like YOU ALL DO (as well as SECOND) she posted the entire thing, including that statement, right?

Is that reality beyond your ken?

She, and you, have made your positions preeettty clear.

We get it, you both support China here... under the guise of "noninterference" with the purposes of deriding Capitalism. We ALSO get that you have very little understanding of how humanity ACTUALLY works. There is no magic wand that is ever going to make Communism work because people aren't ever going to want to work for anything BUT THEIR OWN GOALS. HOW INCREDIBLY DENSE DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO NOT GET THAT???

Posting the whole article is a waste of people's time and attention span. Get to the MAIN point or go fiddle with yourself.

Putin IS the new Hitler. Get ready to lock and load!

On August 11, 2019 Signym asked "What have Nazis DONE TO ANYONE?" That question wins first place for the Dumbest Question Ever Asked On The Internet.

Since 6ix, Sig, and JSF insist on calling me names in every post, I will save time by letting any visitors know they are incompetent, fascist, and brain dead by autoposting this. Ye have been warned.


Wednesday, August 28, 2019 2:59 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


She, and you, have made your positions preeettty clear.
Well, YOU have certainly made your position pretty clear! It's all about eradicating and killing and frying and nuking millions ... billions ... down the the last hundred as I recall your post (before you realized how crazed that sounded, and erased it!)


We get it, you both support China here... under the guise of "noninterference"
Nope! I support noninterference under the guise of noninterference!
If a nation elects a leader and nationalizes its copper mines and uses the proceeds to support the population ... don't interfere
If a nation elects a leader and nationalizes its oil wells and uses the wealth to reduce poverty ... don't interfere
If a military leader nationalizes the tantalum mines and stuffs his pockets with the proceeds ... don't interfere
If a nation beheads apostate clerics, or women who drive cars ... don't interfere

We have absolutely no business "fixing" other leaders and other nations with violence, or inciting "regime change" operations with provocateurs and snipers. Partly because in every single case that I can think of, NONE of our "interventions" were ever for the good of the people but had to do with transnational profits, banking, and commodity supplies. Which is why we fucked up just about every nation we ever "helped". But mostly because it's part of my principles. We wouldn't want other nations monkeying around in our domestic affairs, and we shouldn't do it to anyone else.

If we have a problem with a particular nation, we should just tariff their goods until they wise up and fix their internal corruption, and then we can do normal business with them again.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Wednesday, August 28, 2019 4:20 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Anybody notice that Wishy and Geebers are going out of their way to be all provocative and trollish lately?


Wednesday, August 28, 2019 11:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Anybody notice that Wishy and Geebers are going out of their way to be all provocative and trollish lately?

In my experience, WISHY has never been anything but a troll. Supposedly in the past she and SIX used to exchange home renovation tips, but I never saw those posts back from when she was normal.

Pretty much same with CC/G. He posts a few reasonable posts here and there ... more often than WISHY does ... but still, mostly just attacks other people - usually by lying about their POV. So IMHO CC is about 85% troll, and has been for a long time. Nothing has changed.


About the article: I posted it because it was different, not because I agree with everything it says. I posted it because if people only read what they agree with, then they will NEVER learn anything new.

My own opinion about what's going on in Hong Kong is that the protests are propelled by economics: Shenzen has taken Hong Kong's place as the shipping intermediary between mainland China and the west. Mainland China has become wealthy, and hs (unfortunately) created its own set of oligarchs who're buying up properties in Hong Kong, or using Hong Kong as a transit point to spirit their money out of China, making Hong Kong even less affordable for its residents than before. The young are most affected since they haven't had a chance to build up assets, and are now unlikely able to do so, leading to a whole lot of dissatisfied young people!

I didn't know that Hong Kong had extradition treaties with the USA and Britain but not mainland China, which is a ridiculous situation. That issue (the creation of an extradition treaty with China) was "the" point that started the riots/protests, which seem to be heavily laced with provocateurs. As in Ukraine, USA and British embassy personnel are providing support, and the western media is providing political cover. As in Ukraine, you can tell that this is a "regime change" operation by the moving goalposts of the rioters, who no longer care about the extradition issue (if they ever did) but now have a whole new series of demands ("Make Hong Kong Great Britain Again", as if it ever was!)

The protesters have been violent. At one point they took over an international airport terminal, took and beat hostages, and prevented medical care from being given. They are trying to force the government into extreme reaction, which they will then use as further cause for even more violence. If the violence doesn't reach a fever pitch, foreign provocateurs (snipers, bombers) may be brought in.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Wednesday, August 28, 2019 12:05 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Nope! I support noninterference under the guise of noninterference!
If we have a problem with a particular nation, we should just tariff their goods until they wise up and fix their internal corruption, and then we can do normal business with them again.

That's not really non-interference, is it? I mean, attempting to use pain compliance by crippling their economy is hardly hands off. Try again.


Wednesday, August 28, 2019 12:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

What we do now, CC, is that not only do WE sanction a nations economy, we insist that everyone else do too. And we not only sanction their exports we also sanction tower imports or prevent oil from entering Syria.

I'm just proposing our singular act of tariff - not some internationally organized embargo.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Wednesday, August 28, 2019 1:46 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
What we do now, CC, is that not only do WE sanction a nations economy, we insist that everyone else do too. And we not only sanction their exports we also sanction tower imports or prevent oil from entering Syria.

I'm just proposing our singular act of tariff - not some internationally organized embargo.

It's never that simple, but go ahead and dream big.


Wednesday, August 28, 2019 2:35 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
In my experience, WISHY has never been anything but a troll. Supposedly in the past she and SIX used to exchange home renovation tips, but I never saw those posts back from when she was normal.

She used to be delightful.

I looked forward to talking here with JO and Wishy and a few others nearly every night after a hard day's work (NOT in the RWED, but in more civilized areas of the site back when there were still a lot of people here).

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, August 28, 2019 3:02 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
What we do now, CC, is that not only do WE sanction a nations economy, we insist that everyone else do too. And we not only sanction their exports we also sanction tower imports or prevent oil from entering Syria.

I'm just proposing our singular act of tariff - not some internationally organized embargo.


Originally posted by captaincrunch:
It's never that simple, but go ahead and dream big.

How about some specific examples?

And hey! Remember this?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

And still ... not a single link to any article about Trump's racism.


Originally posted by captaincrunch:
And still... we already posted links. And further still, we know you're just being an @sshole.


]Originally posted by SIGNYM:
WHERE are those links? SECOND in particular posts tons of crap; I'm not about to go wading thru his last 300 posts ... or your last 50 ... just to find the one that might be relevant.

Not gonna google it either. This is YOUR ax that you've been grinding for months now. If anyone has read a lot of articles about Trump's racism, it would be you, SECOND, WISHY, and REAVERBOT. Yanno, I waded thru a few of the ones you posted already ... how bulding a wall is "racist" and how keeping people from failed states out of the USA is "racist" and how wealthy people who originally express tolerant views of other cultures change their attitude when exposed to Spanish-speaking people ... spare me the crap. Find me the gem that YOU found which demonstrates Trumo's "racism". Whittle your complaint down and re-post the link(s) here. There was one in particular that I recall reading the title ... supposedly contained many instances (presumably in list form) of the instances of Trump's racism. If you think that is particularly compelling please bring it forward. Make your best argument, take your best shot. I want to see what's out there, and you people should know. But leave the crap outside 'cause I feel like Ive been there and done that already.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Ok, ok! Damn! Take it easy! I didn't realize it meant that much to you. Give me a little time to find the thread and I'll post it up pronto - read a magazine in the meantime.

You did a disappearing act when it came to evidencing your (usually specious) claims. ** I ** think you're going to do a disappearing act on your pompous bullshit here, just like you did there.

The insane never-Trumpers will be driven even more insane in the wash/ rinse/ spin/ repeat/ cycle they mistake for the real world. Whatever happened to RUSSIA!!! ?


Wednesday, August 28, 2019 6:34 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

But mostly because it's part of my principles.


You and kiki go start your own "noninterference party" and leave the rest of us in peace!

You both need to watch the last episode of Avatar: TLA.

You'd see noninterference ISN'T THE ANSWER.... All people have the right and responsibility to "meddle" when the situation calls for "well intention-ed meddling" no matter what what country it is. Sometimes we get it wrong, sometimes we get it right because, PEOPLE.

HELLO OUT THERE!!! ANY COUNTRY HAVE A GOOD SOLUTION TO THE DRUG CRISIS OR HOMELESS POPULATIONS???? I think we could use some help ourselves with a LOT OF SHIT. I wish our leaders would ask for help and solutions when they are in over their heads...


Wednesday, August 28, 2019 6:42 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

She used to be delightful.

I looked forward to talking here with JO and Wishy and a few others nearly every night after a hard day's work (NOT in the RWED, but in more civilized areas of the site back when there were still a lot of people here).

Oh, I'm still delightful, just not with people who are full of shit.

If you know so much about computers, maybe you should go and start your own nostalgia chat somewhere else where no one is allowed to say what they really think about others. I'm sure Rethuglicans will flock there... and then sit around and complain constantly about people being "PC". And then eventually it'll have to be shut down over mass shooter threats


Wednesday, August 28, 2019 6:56 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


But mostly because it's part of my principles.- SIGNY

You and kiki go start your own "noninterference party" and leave the rest of us in peace!- WISHY

HAHAHA! Thanks for the laff!!!

The irony isn't lost on me ... as I'm sure it isn't lost on most people ... that you - the person who constantly posts about "nuking", "eradicating", "frying" and "castrating" people, who absolutely does NOT want to "leave people in peace", and who follows that up with their own hostile behavior here on this board, following people from thread to thread and attacking and defaming them with no provocation whatsoever - wants ME to leave you in peace!

What is that you want me to stop? Do you want me to stop defaming you? (That would be hard to do, since I don't). Do you want me to stop "attacking" you? (That would be hard to do, since I don't.) Or do you want me to just stop expressing my opinions? (Yep, my guess is that you just want me to shut up and go away.)


You both need to watch the last episode of Avatar: TLA.-WISHY
Someone who confuses real life with movies is terminally confused about everything IMHO. Tell me, WISHY, do you take ALL your cues from the media?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Thursday, August 29, 2019 12:17 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

What is that you want me to stop?


You both need to watch the last episode of Avatar: TLA.-WISHY
Someone who confuses real life with movies is terminally confused about everything IMHO. Tell me, WISHY, do you take ALL your cues from the media?

Like I've said 100 times, STOP MANIPULATING.

You never just post things you think are interesting, EVERYTHING you post is about trying to sway people to your pointless agendas. It's exhausting... and nauseating. All these years talking about the same old crap and NO ONE CARES.

Since you probably will never watch Avatar, even though it's arguably the best thing my generation has ever done with animation...I'll tell you what I'm talking about.

Ang is a kid who is the one-in-a-generation reincarnation of a spirit that can learn to control earth, wind, fire, and water. They are the peacemakers for the world and are trained by monks. The Fire Nation leader became consumed with uniting everyone under one rule, fascisticly and violently removing half the world from existence. It's Angs job to stop him, but since Ang is non-violent he doesn't know how to defeat The Fire Nation leader. He is able to speak with all his past reincarnations, so he asks them for advice.

One says that by not interfering, it lead to a hundred years of war and terror by the Fire Nation.

I would rather we interfere when we think we need to and get it wrong than DO NOTHING.

Doing NOTHING is the usually the mark of a coward.

I do agree that our politicians are WAY too self and oil involved and THAT is what I would like to see changed. Good luck with that... HERE.

BTW, the show ends with Ang learning how to remove the ability to control the fire element from the Fire Nation leader.
Removing dangerous power from the hands of one man seems to work pretty well
I wish we could do that EVERYWHERE. Russia, the US, North Korea...

UNlike Ang, I am no longer a pacifist. I understand the value of fighting fire with fire now.


Thursday, August 29, 2019 4:49 AM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

She used to be delightful.

I looked forward to talking here with JO and Wishy and a few others nearly every night after a hard day's work (NOT in the RWED, but in more civilized areas of the site back when there were still a lot of people here).

Oh, I'm still delightful, just not with people who are full of shit.

If you know so much about computers, maybe you should go and start your own nostalgia chat somewhere else where no one is allowed to say what they really think about others. I'm sure Rethuglicans will flock there... and then sit around and complain constantly about people being "PC". And then eventually it'll have to be shut down over mass shooter threats

The only person who remains on these boards that anybody would say is likely to be the next mass shooter is you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, August 29, 2019 9:35 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

She used to be delightful.

I looked forward to talking here with JO and Wishy and a few others nearly every night after a hard day's work (NOT in the RWED, but in more civilized areas of the site back when there were still a lot of people here).

Oh, I'm still delightful, just not with people who are full of shit.

If you know so much about computers, maybe you should go and start your own nostalgia chat somewhere else where no one is allowed to say what they really think about others. I'm sure Rethuglicans will flock there... and then sit around and complain constantly about people being "PC". And then eventually it'll have to be shut down over mass shooter threats

The only person who remains on these boards that anybody would say is likely to be the next mass shooter is you.

Please name the mass shooters who were married and had kids. Then look around this board and guess again. Just saying - do the math.


Thursday, August 29, 2019 9:38 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

She used to be delightful.

I looked forward to talking here with JO and Wishy and a few others nearly every night after a hard day's work (NOT in the RWED, but in more civilized areas of the site back when there were still a lot of people here).

Oh, I'm still delightful, just not with people who are full of shit.

If you know so much about computers, maybe you should go and start your own nostalgia chat somewhere else where no one is allowed to say what they really think about others. I'm sure Rethuglicans will flock there... and then sit around and complain constantly about people being "PC". And then eventually it'll have to be shut down over mass shooter threats

The only person who remains on these boards that anybody would say is likely to be the next mass shooter is you.

Please name the mass shooters who were married and had kids. Then look around this board and guess again. Just saying - do the math.

You're right.

I misspoke.

She's the one most likely to make breakfast for her family and put cyanide in it.

The point being, she's completely off her rocker, attacks others in every post she makes, talks constantly about who she thinks should die because they're an inconvenience for her, and she peppers her posts and signature with emojies with guns firing and knives sticking out of their heads to illustrate her points.

There's plenty of discontent in here, obviously. But Wishy's behavior is malignant and has continued to get worse over the years. If you're going to pretend not to recognize that, it's only because you feel that she's still an "ally" to you here against Trump.

You all would be doing her a lot more good if instead of ignoring or even encouraging her behavior you called her out on it and told her that she needs to chill out.

It means nothing coming from me. She might listen to you guys though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, August 29, 2019 10:21 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

It means nothing coming from me. She might listen to you guys though.

Manipulation, here we go
Manipulation, what a show!
I bet you're wishing that we'd go away! But as long as you and Sig are here, manipulation is here every daaaay!

I think you're incapable of standing on your own two feet.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to take hubby to a doctors appointment...
What have you going on with your your your narcissist day??


Thursday, August 29, 2019 12:16 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"The point being, she's completely off her rocker"

I think WHIZZY's trying to provoke you in particular into posting something unwise, and GEEBERS is helping.

Personally, I make fun of her some because she posts such OBVIOUSLY stupid stuff where following the logic of her statements results in them biting her on the ass. Like making statements that speaking for other people is right out of the Narcissist's Playbook! right after she spoke for the 'families' of the people who died from marijuana allergies.

But I try to not spend too much time on her. Life's too short. And there's the potential for too many genuinely interesting conversations if you ignore the trolls. I try to take Signy's approach, which is to ignore the personal attacks as much as possible, and stick to the topic.






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