Choose one, Grasshopper...

UPDATED: Monday, March 19, 2012 16:42
VIEWED: 3110
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Monday, March 19, 2012 1:38 PM


1 Good writing and dialogue, decent music, fun plot, lowbrow effects, relatively unknown actors. Low Budjet.

2. Spectacular special effects, big explosions, Major Orchestra score, Okay plot. Big Starz.

Does money make a difference in which you go see? Do you just wait for video for everything? Do you go to cheap seat theaters, if you have them? What type of movie do you go for most? Do you read reviews before you go see anything? How many do you see in a year, in theaters?

What upcoming or rumored to be made movies you going to go see?

I'm pretty sure we'll go see The Hobbit, Brave, and M.I.B 3... But if I get a chance I check reviews first, and since the theater foods and drinks here are on my ta-don't list I'm sure I'll be carrying a large purse


Monday, March 19, 2012 2:02 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I normally go with #1 in most cases, although there are exceptions. The Hobbit will be one of those. In the past year or so some of the best films I have seen have been relatively low to very low budget. Moon, The Man From Earth, Monsters, Another Earth.

I normally go to matinee showings, which here are just $5.00, or in the case of three of those I mentioned I had to wait for the video release because they never came to town. I probably go to the theater 6-10 times a year.

In addition to The Hobbit, I'm looking forward to Prometheus and The Avengers.


Monday, March 19, 2012 3:12 PM


No more running. I aim to misbehave.

I have Netflix and the local movie theatre was shut down so mostly I wait for the DVD. I want to see "Avengers" in a movie theatre and "The Hobbit" would be nice too.
I prefer movie type 1 but usually wait for the DVD so I can replay any dialogue or key scenes I would miss in a theatre setting. Especially films that have lots of dialogue. (Bup stops to take a breath. And another.)


Monday, March 19, 2012 4:21 PM


Definately number 1.
Case in point, Pans Labyrinth was IMHO far superior to the horror that was Transformers.

As for money, well it depends on the perceived quality of the flick, something I KNOW is a remake of a remake of a remake of a tired old rehashed remake... imma wait for video, if I watch it at all.

And reviews, well... you could drop a load on the sidewalk, throw candy sprinkles on it and STILL get 3 star reviews from the sycophantic horde, even Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes are loaded with company shills and buttkissers.
Of course, any reviewer who dares honesty will quickly find themselves blackballed from preview showings, so it's no more reliable than gaming magazine reviews, since most of the magazines are supported by ads from the very companies who's games they are reviewing and actual honesty would sink them quick.

I tend to pick something at least halfway original, or over the top campy/cheesy if I am gonna do the theatre thing - there used to be this perfect low-rent place up the road which was a run-down (but very comfy) independent place, very browncoat, and that's of COURSE where I went to see Serenity, which I didn't like near as much as Firefly, but some was better than none, right ?
Of course they've since renovated, smaller, closer seats, higher prices, and staff with bad attitudes, bleh - I liked it the way it was, argh.

I rarely actually go to the theatre cause everything these days is pure crap, although if I do solve some vehicle issues before it goes off the screens I MIGHT go see John Carter, based on the responses of fellow browncoats...

And I am going to go see Brave twice - the first time for myself, since the second time I have to take Kira and a passel of her friends, and will all but have to sit on them, I know...

Oh, and if I get a chance, just because it looks SOOOOOOooo ridiculously STUPID, Iron Sky.

That's just dumb enough to actually be funny.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, March 19, 2012 4:42 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I go to the theater about four times a year, I usually wait for stuff to come out on video. I don't care much for what reviewers say, I go and see it based on what friends say and, shallow yes, on how the previews look, if they are really interesting and I have someone who wants to go with me I'll think about going. Otherwise I'll watch it later out of Netflix or Red Box. Or if we're down that way we'll go to one of the two last video stores in my city and get it, if we're in a "I need it now" pinch. If they were closer we'd be there _all _the _time, I miss video stores so bad.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya






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