i didnt know where to put my introduction so i put it here hope no one minds

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 13:27
VIEWED: 5004
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Friday, March 21, 2014 10:53 PM


hello everyone, im new to this forum, but the reason as to why im here is this. growing up i had the rare chance to watch a show that aired on a station named fox, it was duh firefly, well i loved the show watched it whenever it came on, but later, it stopped playing, i didnt know why & was left with many unanswered questions, like why did it go away, what happened will scifi pick it up, didnt other people like it & being a young kid & at the time i didnt have the internet, i had no idea if anyone felt the same way about this show, i thought it was unfairly pulled from the air & i had no way of expressing it to anyone that felt this way, so fast forward years later i find out there's a movie of the show that i enjoyed as a kid, on netflix, i watched it, thought it was great, & i even said wtf when wash... well you know, then a few years after that, i find another lil gem on netflix, not another show of firefly but a fanbased doc, about the show, what happened to it & the fans, it made me feel a few things, relief that there were others that enjoyed the show & felt as i did, fox being the dumbest people ever for wrongfully taking such a great show off the air, & lastly, that i missed out on such a big moment in the show/movie's lifespan, if i had known i wouldve been right there with each of you, now idk if this forum is still active, but if not, atleast i had some of my long unanswered questions finally answered, thank you


Saturday, March 22, 2014 9:24 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Still active, although nowhere near as active as in the past.

Welcome to the joy, and the frustration, that is the Firefly Fandom.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, March 22, 2014 10:21 AM


Welcome, Jokerreaper; yes we are still flying here. We feel and share your pain…hope you'll stick around and join in some.


Saturday, March 22, 2014 12:50 PM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

JR, I'm sure if you post any questions or interesting observations of Firefly/Serenity this site will wake right up!

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Saturday, March 22, 2014 1:38 PM


lol thats good, cause most of the time when i post on a forum, i either get the run around, called some name or simply ignored. now im not the type of fan that has the usual stuff, like items of the show or posters, t shirts, i dont even own the dvds, ive been pretty isolated, most people here probably wouldnt even call me a "real" fan, thems the breaks when you lived in a remote lil town all your life, you miss out on alot of stuff. apparently ive missed out on quite a bit of stuff, games, stories, & who knows what else, ive only just seen that doc, & im amazed on how much there has been over the years


Saturday, March 22, 2014 3:00 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Don't worry about not having that much in the way of the fandom's merchandise. Many a fan found the show through Netflix or Hulu, or they borrowed the DVDs from a friend or checked them out of the library. Not everyone has the opportunity or the funds to buy as much as they would like, and while I have quite a bit of it myself, I would never say someone who doesn't isn't a true fan. All that takes is loving the show, and it's apparent that is the case because you remembered it and now you're seeking out like-minded fans.

Besides, there's plenty of time for accumulating some of that if you want in the future, since there will always be something coming out, new comics and other assorted goodies, or just fanfic and fan art. You could spend a lot of time here just going through the Blue Sun Room archives.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, March 22, 2014 6:16 PM


Welcome. Enjoy yourself here.
Didn't see a question yet.
The usual welcome mat for noobs has a thread recently updated. Not required, but if you put a mention there, it does not get lost to history as quickly.

Personally, I also love the Map of The Verse from QMX. The soundtracks from Firefly and Serenity are also soothing.


Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:31 AM


well few questions for now is what have the actors/actresses have been up to since the series/movie? i knew ms. torres aka zoe was on a show before firefly it played many years ago was called Cleopatra 2525, didnt get much of a 2nd glance by anyone, but i thought it was entertaining especially for something played 2 in the morning lol ive also seen her in some other films & shows, & ms straite aka kaylee was on stargate atlantis. well the other question is mainly in the hope of, would there be any other movies, i know with the lost of some characters it wouldnt be the same but still would be nice to see them coming to an end of taking some alliance down from power, like a even bigger revolution than the first war, where the tides change in their favor, that would be awesome lol


Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:51 AM




Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:51 AM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Still active, although nowhere near as active as in the past.

Honestly, I am kinda surprised at how active this place is, considering it concerns a show that had an 11 episode run over 10
years ago. What other FF forums are still active?


Sunday, March 23, 2014 9:27 AM


Yeah, don't kid yourself....Since they put us on Netflix we still get newbs EVERY DAY. I've seen more names I don't know wander into chat this year than years ago.

BTW, Welcome Jokereaper!

I was late to the party today, but Here's you a New Virtual Browncoat fresh off the stack, and the trying on room is over to the left. I've even run out of used ones, that's how busy we've been...

As to your question... Morena just hada baby boy and is down to just occasional appearances on Homeland, Nathan is still on Castle of course, Ron is on SHIELD, Alan is super busy on Suburgatory and doing voice work on things like Frozen and Ice Age, Summer AND Sean ARE BOTH on Arrow, Adam is in production for a TNT post apocalypse show called "The Last Ship" and I know I've even seen Badger around a few places. Gina is still married to Morpheus and has a daughter with him, and was on Hannibal last year...(and may get a Saturn award for best guest starring role!)

They are all keeping their noses to the grindstone, and doing Comic Cons whenever they can to packed houses, which is awesome!


Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:42 PM


thats awesome that they still do the comic cons, ive never been to a comic con before, idk if theres been any where i live (Louisiana btw) kinda hard to get anywhere these days for me, but maybe one day i'll be able to go to one, & get to meet them. im definitely going to look into some of those shows, thank you for the update on them, im glad they are still doing shows & i having what seems like great lives, im probably going to look into one of those rpgs lol


Sunday, March 23, 2014 1:04 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Both Adam Baldwin and Jewel Staite are scheduled to be at New Orleans Comic Expo, June 13-15.

At the current time there are seven of the cast scheduled (Nathan, Adam, Alan, Jewel, Morena, Ron and Sean) for Dallas Comic Con, May 16-18.

Keep up to date on all the BDH here -

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, March 23, 2014 1:10 PM


awesome thanks, i'll look into this see if i can make it to any of them lol fingers crossed :D

This statement is False.
i'll find something better later lol


Wednesday, March 26, 2014 1:27 PM


lol seems i have alot of catching up to do, but should keep me busy for a long time, i will look into all what i can, for as long as i can, corny as it maybe, nothing in the verse can stop me right!? haha thanks for everyones input, if theres anything else that anyone can think of, please dont hesitate to say, & thanks again everyone

This statement is False.
i'll find something better later lol






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