Drunken Master rant here concerning Abram's Trek film...

UPDATED: Friday, December 11, 2009 14:44
VIEWED: 2308
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Thursday, December 10, 2009 6:19 PM


Okay, Romulan Ale & the lack of needing to wake up early tomorrow have loosened my cyber-tongue.
NuTrek, while wildly entertaining, basically SUCKS.
Eff Vulcan, eff Spock & his emotional restraint, eff Kirk's hard work to achieve Captainhood (is that a word?), Abrams messed more with Trek than Lucas & Speilberg ever did with Indy in Crystal Skull IMO.
My Son even now is just beginning to accept ST09 JUST because it's the only NEW adventures we are getting of the original crew. Me too.
PLEAAAAAASE, JJ, give us exploration/SF in the next movie, not just "BattleTrek!"
Stuff should be illegal.

Carry on.

The laughing Chrisisall


Thursday, December 10, 2009 7:45 PM


That movie was a lot more than just "BattleTrek" as you put it. As in, the repercussions of Kirk not having his father around. That Kirk didn't have guidance and encouragement to get into the academy which in turn affected many relationships e.g. Uhura/Spock. It also got into how the crew got together and introduced a different universe to explore. Something that could continue onto more Star Trek traditional adventures.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, December 10, 2009 8:29 PM


I'll echo Sigmanunki here. A lot more than just "Battle Trek." Initially I wasn't to happy about the contrived (and worn out) concept of an alternate universe, but the overall quality of the film eventually got me to overlook this.

IMO, The acting is great, and each actor pays excellent homage to their TOS predecessor. The visuals were unmatched by any Trek yet, and were beautifully done, cinematically enticing, and action packed, while retaining the Trek feel to it - and not looking or feeling like Transformers 2 (now there's a movie worth ranting about). The direction was another strong point of the film, along with other elements of a film that are often overlooked, such as set and costume design, all well done. And if none of these things could verify it as a great film, it has a killer musical score which beautifully compliments the film.

Was it Wrath of Khan? No. But it definitely is one of the better Treks out there, beating out Nemesis by a long shot.

With regards to the "Battle Trek" comments, some of the best Trek film have had heave "battle trek" elements to them, i.e. Wrath of Khan and The Undiscovered Country. Does having heavy battle elements like this make a Trek film bad? I don't think so.

So was it a perfect movie? No. Was it the best Trek? No. But is it worth ranting about? Most definitely not.

If you want a movie to rant about may I offer some to you? How about Transformers 2? Now that was a film that could have been good, but ultimately was bad because it became less about transforming robots and more about "cool explosions" and Megan Fox!

Here endeth my mini Transformers and Star Trek rants.


Thursday, December 10, 2009 9:29 PM


Drunken chrisisall rants.....


Friday, December 11, 2009 1:49 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I'm not sure which Chrisisall to believe, the one who had previously been raving about ST09 or the one who is ranting about it now. Maybe he's just trying to lull me into a false sense of smugness that my opinion of the movie is the correct one but he'll return later with a "GOTCHA!"

I still think it was a bad film and I can't imagine ever wanting to see it again.


Friday, December 11, 2009 2:05 PM


I have a few problems with Star Trek 2009, but overall it was a good movie. I just feel it matches "Wrath of Khan" too closely.

Select to view spoiler:

Wrath of Khan:

Man becomes enraged when wife dies of natural disaster and blames a Federation official.

Enraged man takes a Federation officer and places an alien creature into his head to make him compliant.

Same man gets his hands on a device that is powerful enough to destroy whole planets.

The Enterprise, commanded by James T. Kirk, is the only Federation ship that is available to stop enraged man from commiting an act of revenge.

Foolish enraged man is destroyed by the very device he intends to use against Federation and the Enterprise nearly escapes the massive destructive force of said device.

There are a few changes, but Star Trek 2009 is the same story.



Friday, December 11, 2009 2:44 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Maybe he's just trying to lull me into a false sense of smugness that my opinion of the movie is the correct one but he'll return later with a "GOTCHA!"

I just had an apostrophe!
(Sorry- Hook ref)
The more I see the flick, the shallower it becomes. I still like it immensely, but for far different reasons than other Trek movies. I thank Traveler for the inspiration here- it's the Star Wars version of Khan! WITHOUT the pathos.

I still think it was a bad film and I can't imagine ever wanting to see it again.

Hey- the uniforms were good...

Seriously, it has an Enterprise in it, that's enough for me. If I want depth, I'll go to the series. If I want ship pron & characters I recognize, the Shat/Nimoy films.

The laughing Chrisisall






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