In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Friday, January 1, 2021 2:34 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Fog and rain here right now. Massive snow and avalanche warnings about the back country. Hopefully people won't be stupid enough to try and go skiing, hiking or whatever. But you never know.

Tuck yourself in and be warm and cozy.

Think nice thoughts, and have pleasant dreams.

Happy New Year, BRENDA. May the new one be better to us all than the old one.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


I plan on staying in for all of today. Got to take down the Christmas tree and put it away. Got the rest of the laundry ready for tomorrow.

AND it is still raining here. What a blecchy way to start a new year. But at least no one has to shovel it.


Friday, January 1, 2021 2:34 PM


My kitchen cabinets, like everything else in the house, were assembled by idiots...

They're good quality at least, but apparently they couldn't be bothered to make the bottoms of the hung units level. They've got molding at the top, and that's what it's there for... to hide any gaps shimmed out under the soffit panel to make the bottoms of all the units flush...

Geez.... Freakin amateur hour here again. I've never actually installed a full set of cabinets before and only helped hold them a few times for guys far more skilled than I am after everything is measured out and I know this.

Add to this problem that there was an additional cabinet over the refrigerator at one point that was removed, likely when they bought a fridge too large to fit under it. Did they finish off the side of the now exposed cabinet? Of course they didn't.

Oh... and that now unnecessary length of soffit over the fridge goes about 3 inches too far and it turns out with my really nice door/window trim, I'd have to notch out about 6 sq inches right by the miter to make it fit, and at least when I picture it in my mind that would look ridiculous.

So now I have to at least poke a hole in the soffit to see if there is anything back there that can't be moved. Except for a light fixture on the other side of that wall, I can't imagine anything is up there and it was built exclusively for the cabinets to be hung from... but with this place you truly never know what lies beneath until you start digging.

It's not all bad news though...

My first thought was to make some panels from solid wood for underneath the cabinets and round the edges off. This would have allowed me to sand the panels for the lowest cabinets down and make everything flush at the bottom. This would be tons of work.

But then I got a much better idea... Why not trim the bottoms out?

I'm going to have to get one of those tools to make sure I can make the perfect angle cuts on them with my miter saw, and the pieces when they're not on sale are stupid expensive, but it will be cheaper than buying the necessary wood to make the bottom plates and about 100 times easier to do.

Now I can lower these edge pieces on the higher cabinets and hide the original shoddy work. The will end up being a slightly larger gap between the tops of these edges and the bottom of the cabinet doors on the units that were higher than the rest, but the worst offender is no more than about 1/4" difference, and nobody would be likely to notice it unless I pointed it out.

I was kind of afraid about this issue yesterday. I've lived here 10 years and never noticed it before, but I attributed that to the fact that the kitchen is outdated and looks like crap and the wood grain patterns on the cabinets do a good job redirecting your focus from such shoddy craftsmanship where everything being glossy white probably wouldn't have the same effect and would be easily noticeable when it was done.

Well... so much for the cabinets being easy... Oh well...

There's a few other minor to major annoyances I have to deal with on them too, but I don't even want to think about them right now or I'll never get started with any of this.

I think the plan going forward is to do the entire living-room and kitchen prep-work (minus the flooring) first. Once everything is repaired and primed and white, then I'll have a canvas to work with.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Friday, January 1, 2021 2:41 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Sorry about the miscommunication in the other thread Brenda. Entirely my fault. I haven't been in a good headspace lately, and although it feels good to have been getting some things accomplished the last few days and getting back to solving problems I wasn't even aware I had in the first place, the SAD without Holiday relief is hitting me a lot harder than usual.

I've changed my signature...

Normally, I'd tell somebody to find something big to bounce on, and I didn't like the way you came at me with it, particularly on a thread where outside of a rare JSF appearance I get dumped on from every side as it is, but you are one of the few genuinely good people on this board and if my signature is making you uncomfortable, that is not my wish. I think you're taking it in the wrong context, and it certainly wasn't directed at you, but now that I know that it's bringing down your mood at a time where we both don't usually do as well as we do when it's warmer and sunny, I see no reason to keep using it.

My brother went through something very similar and equally undeserved, and though I don't believe that excuses somebody and gives them a life-long pass to not try to be a better person everyday, I can empathize with the situation and, from what I know of your online persona at least, on your worst day you don't contribute to the problems, which is a lot more than you could say for the rest of us.

FWIW, I haven't been doing all that much to earn my own place in this crowded world since it got cold out, and my negative output has certainly outweighed the positive...

Anyhow. You're the only person on these boards I'd change my signature for.

Sorry it was bringing you down.

I do appreciate your apology Jack and thank you for doing that.

I normally try very hard to keep my bad moods to myself but I have to admit that staring at that every time I read one of your posts finally got to me.

Over the years I have had people come at me with similar things about still being here. And it grates.

I think I've said before that I have a love/hate relationship with this time of the year since I was a child. And it improves once in a while but this has been an extra rough year on me, so yeah. Head not good. Working to get it better.

As I said I do appreciate that you try to see my comment from my POV. And thank you again for doing that.


Friday, January 1, 2021 2:45 PM


I'm putting some music on after a bit while I put the tree away. Found another spot for my nesting dolls. Also just some dishes to do. Didn't get up till almost 11 today.

Stayed up a bit last night to watch "Empire Strikes Back". Station from back east running a marathon of Star Wars movies. Had to close my eyes again during the scenes on Hoth. Too much colour explosions and the scenes in the asteroid belt.


Friday, January 1, 2021 3:43 PM



Kitchen sink is clogged.

Disposal seems to be working fine except I think something is stuck in there because if I don't use it in short bursts it sounds like metal clanking.

I might be pulling some pipes apart today. Grody work...

At least it looks like it's not a problem with my drainage to the street. The sump pump is getting stuff out still.

It's always something, ain't it?

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Friday, January 1, 2021 4:53 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Kitchen sink is clogged.

Disposal seems to be working fine except I think something is stuck in there because if I don't use it in short bursts it sounds like metal clanking.

I might be pulling some pipes apart today. Grody work...

At least it looks like it's not a problem with my drainage to the street. The sump pump is getting stuff out still.

It's always something, ain't it?

The first draft of anything is shit. :)

No kidding!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Friday, January 1, 2021 4:56 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Sounds like you both have really bad cases of holiday blahs.

Wish I could help! For me, summer is my worst time. Would a virtual hug help?


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Friday, January 1, 2021 5:34 PM


Thanks SIG.

Not sure when my mood will improve. Maybe if I get back to work or get a couple of things done around here that I want.


Friday, January 1, 2021 6:04 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Last year wasn't a prime year for anybody.


May 2021 be a better one!


Friday, January 1, 2021 8:01 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
I do appreciate your apology Jack and thank you for doing that.

I normally try very hard to keep my bad moods to myself but I have to admit that staring at that every time I read one of your posts finally got to me.

Over the years I have had people come at me with similar things about still being here. And it grates.

I think I've said before that I have a love/hate relationship with this time of the year since I was a child. And it improves once in a while but this has been an extra rough year on me, so yeah. Head not good. Working to get it better.

As I said I do appreciate that you try to see my comment from my POV. And thank you again for doing that.

No worries. Sorry for getting shitty with you last night about it.

Entirely my fault.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Friday, January 1, 2021 8:05 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Sounds like you both have really bad cases of holiday blahs.

Wish I could help! For me, summer is my worst time. Would a virtual hug help?


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


I'd suggest doing a time share with each other and that way we don't have to spend any time during the months we hate the most, but the only problem with that is when I'm loving it most here you're hating it out by you and vice versa.... So we can just throw that plan right out the window.

Make the best of it now that you've got it. I'd love to say that I don't have any regrets now that winter is here, but...

It was still more than I've done in the last 7 years combined prior to this one though, so 2020 wasn't all bad. I just don't think I'd properly braced myself for how hard my usual winter blues were going to hit me with all this external BS.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Friday, January 1, 2021 8:19 PM


What a day...

Got nothing done that I wanted to, but not for lack of trying. Kitchen is only half-filthy now, but got seriously derailed with the sink backing up. Almost all of the cupboards are bare with things I don't use often in a box where I'll decide what I'm going to keep or not. Took a few of the shelves out, but haven't gotten around to peeling off the dollar store laminate. I think I'm going to clean them all real nice, sand them down and paint them with the rest of the cabinets. Then I'll just buy some clear cover stuff to put on the tops of all of the shelves. A bit of extra work and money, but it will look great when it's done.

Still haven't decided on silver or black hardware. Silver looks really nice, but I've gone with black with a very faint bronzed "antiquing" on all the doorknobs and the smaller pulls for the bi-fold closet doors upstairs and that looks great too... so I'm considering just going with that downstairs too and making the house uniform in that regard.

I actually have to keep the "tracks" on the sides of the cabinets that are designed for you to put the pegs in for your shelf height. I hate them, and I wanted to remove them, but then I realized that the existing shelves aren't wide enough since they were made to accommodate those tracks, and if I just put in some holes on the sides for some dowels like modern cabinets use that I'd have to make all new shelves too, and that's too much work.

Maybe in another life where I still didn't have a million and one other things to get done on this house after the cabinets.

I'm still going to take them out, clean them up, and put either a black or silver finish on them depending on which color hardware I go with. It worked out great on the ceiling fan I restored when I gave it all a light sanding and put on a coat of good primer and the white rustoleum paint. It probably wouldn't hold up after years of constant shelf height changing, but I only intend to set the height once and be done with it.

I should have bought some relatively cheap horses that were on sale on Black Friday. I could really use about four more so I can be doing all of this sanding and painting downstairs since the garage is out of the question for the next few months.

Maybe I'll just buy them now. I already need to buy a new snake for my drill to clear out the sink, a tub of wood putty for the cabinets and to fix the bad baseboard job the previous owners did in the living room, a new rubber seat for the strainer in the drain over the garbage disposal, so what's a few more bucks, right?

At least I'm set on primer and paint for a while, and I've already got my TSP, sanding sponges and I'm swimming in sandpaper for my orbital unit that I caught on clearance a few months back.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Saturday, January 2, 2021 1:52 PM


Laundry day then out for a walk in the rain.


Saturday, January 2, 2021 2:48 PM


Made the mistake of filling both sides of the sink last night... Well, more of a failed experiment if anything. Was kind of hoping that whatever was jammed up in there would be pushed out through gravity. Since I've verified that water gets from the sump well down below out to the street without any issues, it's only a short run of pipe... 4 or 5 feet that could be blocked off.

My only concern at this point is do I want whatever is blocking that off to get any further than the cleanout valve? It's got to be something pretty big that got through the garbage disposal since I never had any indications of a slow, creeping clog and I had been draining the sink just earlier that day without any issue.

In any event, my horribly engineered, made in China piece of crap drill attachment snake doesn't work anymore. Too much work going into great detail what happened, but let's just say that the metal pokey bit that goes into the chuck now just spins endlessly without actually turning the snake attachment, and having it attached to the drill now only allows you the ability to turn the thing by hand... very slowly and with almost zero consequence.

Going to have to buy a new one. Maybe I'll do it today and pick up that other stuff too. But that sink is still about 8 hours away from draining fully so I might just put it off to tomorrow. We'll see how proactive I'm feeling today. Got some other re-org stuff I can be doing in the mean time now that I'm not going to have a lot of shelf space in my kitchen for a while.

It's funny how much stuff you still have even when everything has a home in normal circumstances. No wonder I didn't get any work done for years with all the crap I accumulated. Oh well... at least now I actually have room to move things around from room to room while I'm working on one.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Saturday, January 2, 2021 3:42 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Maybe with rubber gloves and a big bucket you could take off the trap? If nothing else it would tell you if your blockage is pre- or post-trap.


Saturday, January 2, 2021 3:48 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Laundry day then out for a walk in the rain.

I know how much you dislike the rain! And maybe for a lot of reasons like - it's winter (not your most propitious season) - it's dreary - it's cold AND wet and - you might slip and fall.

When I was living back up in the NE, and despite having no slip-and-falls, I developed a severe phobia about walking on ice. Everyone else would be walking along and I'd be creeping a terrified few inches at a time. If I were to move back there, I'd certainly have to deal with that.


Saturday, January 2, 2021 4:12 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Maybe with rubber gloves and a big bucket you could take off the trap? If nothing else it would tell you if your blockage is pre- or post-trap.

It's post trap. I was actually pleased to discover that with all the things they've done wrong on this house, they did the trap right. I was able to put a bucket under there last night and take it off and there's no blockage... just a thin coat of something gross and grey that I don't even want to think about, honestly.

Both basins just drain into each other right now, and it looks like it actually is making its way out to the street at about 1 basin per every 16 hours. If I put the garbage disposal on it will suck water out of that basin and fill up the other basin and then go back to an equilibrium. That's actually a fairly slow process too, so after I get the drain working again I think I'm going to dismantle all the PVC under there and clean it all out real good.

Kind of wish I had one of those probing snakes with a camera on it. One that had a grip attachment too. I'd love to see what is causing the blockage and where. I think something pretty big came lose from the garbage disposal and blocked it up all at once, and since it's been about 6 years since I rodded out the line to the sewer I'm not really keen on just shooting that out with a snake and hoping for the best.

The disposal right now is working better than ever, actually. I've used this opportunity to pour a bunch of vinegar out of a half-empty bottle I had leftover from 10 years ago when I was remediating the mold in the basement when I first bought the place. With all that water in the basins, I was able to run the disposal quite a bit off and on without any worries of running it dry and with the vinegar it really cleaned it out good to the point where all the metal down there is shiny again instead of the gross black hole that you used to see when you looked down there. (I'd imagine that when I come back home from visiting my brother for a few days I'm not going to have that faint stink smell in the kitchen anymore after all of this, so everything happens for a reason. )

At some point during all of this, I'm going to redouble my efforts to clear the main water lines out too. After draining my water heater last year it had clogged the hot water to the point where it was just a dribble. I managed to clear it out pretty good and though it hasn't gotten any worse I just don't like the flow of water on either side that much. I can't imagine it was a design choice on that faucet. My bathroom sink faucet puts out 5 times the water pressure easily.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Saturday, January 2, 2021 4:20 PM


Ultimately, this (or more accurately the lack of this) is the problem...

Ever since I moved in this thing was mangled to the point of near uselessness and I just never replaced it. I don't know how it happened, but basically the one I have right now is little more than a rubber circular gasket that holds a strainer, with just thin broken off remnants that let you know there used to be a lot more to it.

One of those stupid things that should have been done years ago but I'm only now going to do the right thing because the situation has come to a head.

Ignorance is bliss... until it isn't.

That's alright though. That's how we learn what not to do.

(And it only now occurs to me that my current blockage could be random bits and pieces that have fallen off this rotted out splash guard over the years.

Yeah... I really don't think it's a good idea to just bust that out and let it into my main drainage, especially since the sump pump is dependent on that line being clear.)
The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Saturday, January 2, 2021 6:31 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Laundry day then out for a walk in the rain.

I know how much you dislike the rain! And maybe for a lot of reasons like - it's winter (not your most propitious season) - it's dreary - it's cold AND wet and - you might slip and fall.

When I was living back up in the NE, and despite having no slip-and-falls, I developed a severe phobia about walking on ice. Everyone else would be walking along and I'd be creeping a terrified few inches at a time. If I were to move back there, I'd certainly have to deal with that.

No, winter isn't a good time of the year for me and yes, the rain is cold and wet along with a good dose of wind today. I wasn't or not worried so much about slipping and falling this year. There's been little to no snow in my area and so no ice to worry about. When the leaves first started falling and the rain then I worried a bit. But just rain, no. It just makes it no fun to go for a walk but I needed to stretch out my left leg after sitting with the laundry.

Ah, the joys of coastal living in what is the Lower Mainland.

With the wind I would imagine a few ferries sailings have been delayed or cancelled to and from Vancouver Island.


Sunday, January 3, 2021 7:12 PM


Not only did I fix the drain, but I FIXED the drain.

Rodding it out was a chore and probably didn't hurt anything, but even though I managed to snake it through the network and verify it went where it needed to through the clean-out (a miraculous feet if you actually saw the pluming to get there), it just didn't work.

How could that be?

Well there is a hose attachment on the disposal several inches up from the PVC that meets to the other sink basin before going out. It turns out that this is attached to the dishwasher that I never use. But before I even knew that, it got me thinking that a possible clog in there was keeping the air pressure from the stack going out to the roof from doing its job.

Unfortunately, before I decided my next step was to disconnect the hose and see if I could find anything stuck in there, I had already filled both basins to full again to see how quickly they were draining compared to the 16hrs per basin the other day.... Whoops. They weren't draining, and my guess would be that unless I wanted to bail them out it would be another day and a half until I could try to do anything again.

So I just kind of played around with the power switch a while. It's pretty cool watching that huge vortex form and just fill up the other basin...

But then, wouldn't you know it? Whatever was stuck, wherever it was preventing the air from doing its job managed to shake loose with the disposal on, and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw both sink basins drain completely in about 10 seconds flat!

It was so abrupt that I actually had to run downstairs into the crawl space to verify that I hadn't just somehow dumped two full sink loads of water in the crawl. Bone dry down there. A check outside after letting the kitchen faucet run at full blast shows everything is going out to the street as designed. Watching the sump pump do its thing a few more times show everything checks out there too.

Before I did any of this, I thought the drains were working just fine. After I did a load of dishes, it took somewhere in the area of 30 to 45 seconds for the sink to drain completely. But it drained. I thought that meant everything was a-okay.

I'll be babysitting things for few days to make sure no other problems pop up, but assuming we're good now, I think I just made my kitchen sink drain like it did when the house was first built.

Today was a good day.

I've got to do some research and learn how disposals and dish wasers work in tandem. I'll also have to fire up that dishwasher an make sure it still works since I haven't used it in years. It still looks brand new, but if it doesn't work anymore I might consider removing it and building a new cabinet down there before I do all the remodeling. Personally, I'd rather have an extra cabinet and drawer there instead of a dumb dish washer, but that could be a selling point on the house.

On a side note, I'd like to think that the sump pump system is completely independent of any of this other plumbing when it comes to the pluming vent stack, but who knows? Maybe I just gave new life to the whole sump system too. I need to learn more about how all of this works before I go blaming the idiots who lived here before me for cutting corners again.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Sunday, January 3, 2021 10:34 PM


And it gets even better...

My cabinets are going to be so upgraded when I'm done that you'd think they were brand new and I spent $20,000 having them installed.

I kind of poo-pooed the idea of putting in those invisible soft-close hinges when the cheapest ones at the store were over $8 and went as high as $16 each. (No... I'm not going to spend $16 to $32 per cabinet for hinges).

Hell... the knobs and pulls and regular hinges were going to be so prohibitively expensive that the old me wouldn't have even gone through with it. Like $5 each for the ones I wanted, $3 for some clearance ones that were acceptable, and about $1.75 for knobs that would remind me of how cheap I am every time I reached to open a cabinet and felt how cheap they were behind the face.

Then I went online...

I'm getting knobs, pulls and the invisible soft-close hinges for little more than it would have cost for the knobs alone in the store.

Had to buy a few extra tools for the work though. Sure... I could have spent a hell of a lot of time making my measurements for the 12mm deep by 35mm wide holes I need to set these new hinges, but after getting everything else at such a bargain I decided to treat myself to a jig that does most of the work for me and a few clamps to make sure nothing is moving on me when I'm making the holes.

Contact paper is cheaper at the store though. Going to make my way back there tomorrow and buy 3 rolls. Turns out I don't have as much surface as I thought I'd need to cover, even including the lazy susan trays in two cabinets. I might buy a 4th roll just because.

I was giving myself a $400 budget for this job. But now I think I'm going to come in under $300 depending on how far my paint gets me, and how extravagant I want to go with the wood I'm going to be framing it all with.

I will be posting some pictures when this job is done, but that probably won't be for a while. This job is going to be quite a bit bigger than I'd imagined, and I won't even be putting any paint down until I've sanded down those wall tiles and primered them and maybe even stripped the veneer off the countertops and laid tile on them first.

At least I shouldn't be hurting for things to keep me busy the rest of the winter.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Monday, January 4, 2021 8:00 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I'm still wigged out that yur kitchen sink drains to a sump pump. Here in my fair city, and prolly in every city in CA bc of state building codes (yep, there are such) it either goes to a city sewer line or a permitted septic tank, or nothing.

I was worried on your behalf that the builders/former owners had cut some SERIOUS corners and discharged your graywater so illegally that you would be left with a monstrous fixit bill, but I went online and grabbed some building code from a random small ciy in Indiana (state where I presume you live) and they do appear pretty casual about where you can discharge your graywater.

Anyway, I wonder what you plan to paint the tile with. Is it a "working surface" like the countertop? Or just the backsplash? If it's the working surface, the only paint that would stand up to scratches and cleaning is prolly epoxy. And if it were me, I'd prolly go with epoxy for the backsplash too, anyway.

Looking at OUR cabinets and cupboards ... they're built pretty well, but they have those "plain front" doors that were so popular in the 50's if I were going for cosmetic changes I would put faux frames on them, Shaker-syle, and paint them. Is that what you're planning on doing?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, January 4, 2021 8:07 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Over at this end, I've found a dose of SAM-e that somewhat controls aches and pains but doesn't make my heart go haywire. I still feel them when awake but at least they don't interfere with sleep, so I'm hobbling forward with various plans. Right now, it's just "catch-up" yard maintenance and routine daily/weekly chores. So I've been weeding/pruning, sometimes with dear daughter's help and sometimes without, and making good use of my flame thrower. What I can't flame, I dig, and what I can't do either, I'll spray. Unfortunately have not made much actual progress, but at least the house and yard look somewhat cared-for!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, January 4, 2021 9:18 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I'm still wigged out that yur kitchen sink drains to a sump pump. Here in my fair city, and prolly in every city in CA bc of state building codes (yep, there are such) it either goes to a city sewer line or a permitted septic tank, or nothing.

I was worried on your behalf that the builders/former owners had cut some SERIOUS corners and discharged your graywater so illegally that you would be left with a monstrous fixit bill, but I went online and grabbed some building code from a random small ciy in Indiana (state where I presume you live) and they do appear pretty casual about where you can discharge your graywater.

Yeah. Thanks. I looked into it too.

If you're building new around here they're probably going to make you rip things up, but if that's how the house was originally designed through no fault of the current owner they're not going to make you spend thousands or possibly tens of thousands doing it right. And only one city that I was shopping around for houses in Illinois had a "point of sale inspection" where the city would add mandatory fixes like these to the contract and the new owner would have 30 days to complete the fixes. They could request up to a 1 year extension on any of these fixes, but the house would be deemed "unlivable" until they were met and it would be against the law to live in it until they were.

The kitchen sink doesn't actually go into the sump well, because of check valves, but they both discharge into the same outlet. Not only that, but the laundry goes into the well, as does the shower drain whenever I get a new shower installed down there. The toilet and bathroom sink, however, both go out the sewage line to the back. The toilet is actually a strange unit that is mounted directly on the wall and feeds right into the large crap tube.

The fact that all this other stuff goes where it goes is actually fine, since I found out the hard way it's all going to the same place when my toilet was spitting water on the floor last spring when the sump pump would go off during that huge flood when the city's sewer system wasn't working right. That came as quite a surprise to me since I was sure that they both went to different systems up until that point. (This actually makes me think that the city has bigger problems of its own of the goose and gander variety).


Anyway, I wonder what you plan to paint the tile with. Is it a "working surface" like the countertop? Or just the backsplash? If it's the working surface, the only paint that would stand up to scratches and cleaning is prolly epoxy. And if it were me, I'd prolly go with epoxy for the backsplash too, anyway.

It's not a working surface. It's the backsplash plus some. Basically every inch of the wall between the lower and upper cabinets is covered in basic, white 4" tiles. Originally I was going to remove them, but then I discovered that all of the cabinets were built on top of them. If I hadn't seen pictures of how good it can look to paint them online, I would probably have figured something else out, but even This Old House says you can do it, so it's not just random DIY bloggers giving you "tips" that you're going to regret 2 years down the road.

I might look into epoxy. I do enough cooking where I don't want to ruin my work before I sell the place.

As for the "working area", the countertop itself is about the most bare-bones cheap quality POS you can buy. Super easy to work with though for DIY types that don't want to pay cabinet guys to come out and do it legit. It's just MDF crap with veneer on top and on the sides. Back in my drinking days I appear to have allowed a spill on the countertop get in between the 45 miter cut on one of the corners and the veneer has peeled up on both sides of it.

Not exactly sure what I'm going to do about the countertop yet, but I have a pretty good idea. I'm thinking of stripping off the veneer, removing any potentially rotted areas like that miter and filling it in with wood putty, then putting nice tile over it and a nice wooden border around everything. My mom did that twice when I was a kid in two different houses and it looks really nice.

Back during late winter, I pulled a beautiful cast-iron double basin sink with what is probably a $300 fixture attached to it from a kitchen remodel job. The thing weighs so much I probably wouldn't bring it inside without help and risk hurting my back again. I'm REALLY hoping that it will fit on my countertop, but I have my doubts. I think it's too big by just a few inches. I haven't been able to tell for sure since it's out in the garage now and it would be such a chore to try to test a dry fit.

I might still try to salvage the faucet, but it really wouldn't go with my current chrome sink. Not only that, but there is no separate spray attachment on the fixture, as the large tip of it can just be pulled out and you spray by pressing a button on the end of the nozzle. So if I did put that in my kitchen I'd just have a little hole where the nozzle should rest (although I'm sure they make little caps that do a good job of hiding that).


Looking at OUR cabinets and cupboards ... they're built pretty well, but they have those "plain front" doors that were so popular in the 50's if I were going for cosmetic changes I would put faux frames on them, Shaker-syle, and paint them. Is that what you're planning on doing?

Mine aren't flat and have quite a bit of character to them already.

This isn't an exact match to the doors, but it's close:

The doors are all solid wood pieces glued together. There are indents on the inside of the doors as well. If I wanted to REALLY spend some time on this, I actually could take the time to dismantle a few of them and have somebody fabricate some glass for me so you could see into the cabinets. I've actually given that some thought, but the idea of trying to run electric to the tops of them to put lights in is really just too daunting and I don't think it would be worth the effort unless I did that.

The cabinets themselves look to be a high quality veneer, likely over plywood.

The hinges and knobs were hideous. They went fine with the wood grain that hides a lot of bad things, but if I were to put them back up after painting everything it would look awful.

The new knobs and pull are going to be the brushed oil bronze that will match all of the new door knobs and the knobs that I put on the bi-fold closet doors upstairs. I really love that look... particularly how it goes with fresh white baseboard and casings and after repairing the old beat up doors and painting them white as well. It's mostly black, but with just a hint of the bronze showing through so it is also just a little bit dark red too.

Not exactly the product, but something like this:

And these are the soft close hinges:

They're a chrome color, but that's the only ones that you can get. You don't see them at all from the outside, so I guess somebody made the decision not to bother making different colors to match all of your hardware. I'll bet if you really did some digging you could find a place that would make them, but I wouldn't even want to imagine what a special order price for that would be.

You can see on the left side (where it's attached on the door) that it actually goes into the door frame. The little hydraulic do-dad that does the soft close work is inside a small cylindrical pocket. That's why I bought a jig and bit set that will allow me to quite easily line up exactly where I need to drill these holes, and I can use my existing cordless drill to do it.

Pretty ingenious what these guys come up with. If I were JO, I'd have a drill press in my garage and do it that way, although unless it was a CNC press I'd still have to do a lot of measurements that I won't have to bother with now that I sprung $25 for the tool.

... Oh, and actually, come to think of it, the hinges I bought are better than the ones pictured. The ones I got have several more visible screws which are the coolest little things that allow you to adjust the height of your doors after the hinges are installed. I'm sure with my jig and propensity to measure 10 times and cut once that things are going to be good on my end, but because of the shoddy work done before I got to this it will be nice knowing that I can raise and lower the cabinet doors so they all meet up flush with each other after it's all done.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Monday, January 4, 2021 9:38 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Over at this end, I've found a dose of SAM-e that somewhat controls aches and pains but doesn't make my heart go haywire. I still feel them when awake but at least they don't interfere with sleep, so I'm hobbling forward with various plans. Right now, it's just "catch-up" yard maintenance and routine daily/weekly chores. So I've been weeding/pruning, sometimes with dear daughter's help and sometimes without, and making good use of my flame thrower. What I can't flame, I dig, and what I can't do either, I'll spray. Unfortunately have not made much actual progress, but at least the house and yard look somewhat cared-for!


Glad you're figuring out how to maintain mobility without the chronic pain.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Monday, January 4, 2021 12:59 PM


Got all my contact paper, so once all the hardware and new tools come in I should have everything I need to do the kitchen except for the flooring and any alternate paint I might use for the tiles.

Oh... that's right... I still have to shop around for my outside corner wood. I'm sure I can do better than the price I saw yesterday, although it won't break the bank if I have to buy it at that price.

DIY tip of the day:

If you have any wood projects you want to do that don't require lengths of wood longer than 3 feet, check out the refuse area in your big box store. I usually make a trip back that way anytime I'm there and have at least a few spare minutes to sift through it all.

Either I got really lucky today, or the middle of winter is the time to do it, because I hit the jackpot.

I got three 2x10's, three 2x8's and three 2x6'. All of them pressure treated green lumber. All of them roughly 35 1/2" long. After sifting through loads of crap boards, I came away with the best on offer and except for a few blemishes on one side of a few of them, they're damn near perfect.

Total cost... Around $15 after taxes.

Compare that to the current price of $22.50 for an 8' length of 2x10" and $31 for the 10' length of the same grade. It would have cost me more than twice to get three 2x10's that were three feet long alone. It's crazy that 4 rolls of contact paper cost me $5 more than all that wood.

Now I've got most of the lumber I'll need to make the new stairs off the back porch once I figure out what I'm going to do back there.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Monday, January 4, 2021 1:23 PM


Out in the rain in a bit. Things to do.


Monday, January 4, 2021 4:12 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Looking at OUR cabinets and cupboards ... they're built pretty well, but they have those "plain front" doors that were so popular in the 50's if I were going for cosmetic changes I would put faux frames on them, Shaker-syle, and paint them.

Honestly, I have a problem with interior corners - they're so hard to clean! Sooner or later they build up dust and gunk, and it shows!

I once wandered into an antique store just to see what I could see. And there was a - I guess people would call it an armoire, except it was at least a foot shorter than me. Anyway, its doors were made of unglued vertical boards set in a frame, that looked something like this (except the door in the picture has no frame, and the wood itself had a maple-syrup color.):

And it looked so beautiful, I still remember it 25 years later. I BELIEVE one could get the same effect by using a very small half-round router to mimic the vertical boards in a flat panel, and a larger half-round router to mimic the frame. (And one could do the same to mimic beadboard and wainscotting in plywood sheets.) The advantage is, by using a half-round router, you've avoided the tight interior square corners that look so awful after they build up nasty stuff.


Monday, January 4, 2021 5:10 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Nothing to do with anything, but I always wrote off this song as saccharine love-treacle. But then I noticed it poetically sang about the heat death of the universe.

If the world should stop revolving
Spinning slowly down to die,
I'd spend the end with you.
And when the world was through,
Then one by one the stars would all go out,
Then you and I would simply fly away ...


Monday, January 4, 2021 6:12 PM


In for a while after my walk. Rain and soggy feet. Dry now and the sun is peaking out some.


Monday, January 4, 2021 6:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
In for a while after my walk. Rain and soggy feet. Dry now and the sun is peaking out some.

I agree with KIKI ... you stick with your walks and self-care, and are to be admired for that.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, January 4, 2021 9:04 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Looking at OUR cabinets and cupboards ... they're built pretty well, but they have those "plain front" doors that were so popular in the 50's if I were going for cosmetic changes I would put faux frames on them, Shaker-syle, and paint them.

Honestly, I have a problem with interior corners - they're so hard to clean! Sooner or later they build up dust and gunk, and it shows!

I once wandered into an antique store just to see what I could see. And there was a - I guess people would call it an armoire, except it was at least a foot shorter than me. Anyway, its doors were made of unglued vertical boards set in a frame, that looked something like this (except the door in the picture has no frame, and the wood itself had a maple-syrup color.):

And it looked so beautiful, I still remember it 25 years later. I BELIEVE one could get the same effect by using a very small half-round router to mimic the vertical boards in a flat panel, and a larger half-round router to mimic the frame. (And one could do the same to mimic beadboard and wainscotting in plywood sheets.) The advantage is, by using a half-round router, you've avoided the tight interior square corners that look so awful after they build up nasty stuff.

That depends on the wood, the design, the finish and personal tastes. Some people love the patina buildup on antique furniture and pay good money to have it artificially simulated after a full restoration is done. Make a 100 year old rocking chair too clean and it won't look all that different from some disposable furniture that you could pick up at IKEA.

EDITED TO ADD: I do like your idea to add character to the cabinets with a router though.

If the cabinet doors are solid wood you should be good to go with it, but you'll have to take some care if they're plywood, and really, really baby it if it's made of MDF. There's a pretty good chance that they're solid though.

If you or your husband aren't skilled at using a router though, make sure you practice on some garbage wood first, and look at youtube to find ways to properly give yourself a clean strait-edge guide for the cuts. Kiki's idea could lead to fantastic results if you take time and care with it.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Monday, January 4, 2021 11:38 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
In for a while after my walk. Rain and soggy feet. Dry now and the sun is peaking out some.

I agree with KIKI ... you stick with your walks and self-care, and are to be admired for that.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thank you Sig.


Monday, January 4, 2021 11:40 PM


My corner of the world has seen 5 winter storms roll through in 7days. Ferry sailings cancelled for tomorrow (Tuesday) and flood warnings already. Usually we see those in the Spring because of snow melt. More rain and wind for tomorrow. Records say this is the wettest the Lower Mainland has been in 2 years.


Monday, January 4, 2021 11:41 PM


Other typewriter I have works but I think it needs a new piece. Trying to see if I can scrounge it up.


Tuesday, January 5, 2021 1:44 PM


More rain. Out in it in a bit.


Tuesday, January 5, 2021 2:10 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
My corner of the world has seen 5 winter storms roll through in 7days. Ferry sailings cancelled for tomorrow (Tuesday) and flood warnings already. Usually we see those in the Spring because of snow melt. More rain and wind for tomorrow. Records say this is the wettest the Lower Mainland has been in 2 years.

Sorry to hear that Brenda. Yuck. You doing alright with it all?

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Tuesday, January 5, 2021 2:14 PM


My knobs and handles came, and they're gorgeous. I can't believe I got all of this at this price after seeing how expensive it would have been at the big box store.

I even had my curio cabinet I restored and painted with white enamel back in the drinking days to swap out the knobs to get a feel of what it will all look like and I couldn't be happier.

I never did protect that cabinet with contact paper though and it only got one single coat of enamel. I have scratched it up a bit over the years by putting things there that really shouldn't have been there like my power drills and various other tools and hardware. I'm going to take this time to fix that up good, and with an abundance of contact paper on hand I'm also going to be doing the shelves up right. I never painted inside of it either, so I'll do that along with the cabinets.

I was really proud of that restoration, but I think I will be selling it along with the house since it fits so well in the corner nook of the kitchen and will match the cabinets perfectly. One less thing to take along with me, and I can always find something similar that somebody is getting rid of wherever I go and do it again.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Tuesday, January 5, 2021 2:35 PM




Tuesday, January 5, 2021 3:01 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"Some people love the patina buildup on antique furniture"

Yeah I know. That bug about not being able to clean internal edges and especially internal corners is my own peculiar one that I've had since childhood.


Tuesday, January 5, 2021 3:03 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Brenda - Oy. You have way too much rain and we have none. Can we work out a deal? Maybe Lady Rain and other powers will listen to our plan.


Tuesday, January 5, 2021 5:33 PM


Here you go kiki. You keep reposting this so I figure it's important to you.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Meanwhile, so the topic doesn't get lost is THUGGER'S gafla:


I am terrified of counting votes,
Then democracy is obviously not for you!

but I'm not a graduate student in, which discipline would it be, political science?
Well, since you failed to read what I posted the first 2 dozen times, let me highlight the first step for you.
That would ferret out if there was significant vote manipulation, like it did in 2004.

Maybe the legislature of Pennsylvania could pass some law making the job easier for students at Universities to analyze the voting machines and the paper ballots after an election but the analysis needs to be done for a higher purpose than to get a degree.

And what I'm calling for is exactly what CalTech/ MIT called for in their vote project, which is statistical analysis of voting, to detect manipulation. (Does that make CalTech and MIT stupid, or trolls, Russian or otherwise?)

If democrats* don't do any different, how are they any better?


Tuesday, January 5, 2021 6:11 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
My corner of the world has seen 5 winter storms roll through in 7days. Ferry sailings cancelled for tomorrow (Tuesday) and flood warnings already. Usually we see those in the Spring because of snow melt. More rain and wind for tomorrow. Records say this is the wettest the Lower Mainland has been in 2 years.

Sorry to hear that Brenda. Yuck. You doing alright with it all?

The first draft of anything is shit. :)

Winter on the Lower Mainland of BC. You got the Yuck part there Jack. It is just miserable. I'm doing okay. My head has good days and some meh days. Today is a not so bad one.

Had to go and get my seizure meds and decided to stop in at the little strip mall and see what was what. Stopped and said hello to the lady who runs the hamburger stand with her husband. I didn't eat right then but I wanted to check on them. She said that they had a good holidays and they were busy today, so that was good.


Tuesday, January 5, 2021 6:15 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Brenda - Oy. You have way too much rain and we have none. Can we work out a deal? Maybe Lady Rain and other powers will listen to our plan.

You got that right. I would love too. The ground here is getting too wet and that means if a really big wind blows through, trees down and major power outages. Those have happened a bit I think the weather said on the Island.


Tuesday, January 5, 2021 6:17 PM


Was out for my walk in the wind and the rain. Feet okay but pant legs took a bit of a hit from my umbrella trying to lean on them when I was on the bus.

Got back, vacuuming done and something else fixed along with the dishes done. So I am set for the rest of the day.


Tuesday, January 5, 2021 6:29 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

"Some people love the patina buildup on antique furniture"

Yeah I know. That bug about not being able to clean internal edges and especially internal corners is my own peculiar one that I've had since childhood.

Yeah. I wasn't saying that you were wrong. Everybody has their own tastes. I have a friend who's got nothing but IKEA furniture in their house and they couldn't be happier. Not even saying that's your thing, but to each their own.

The only reason I knew what the word patina meant is because my step-dad would often be requested by his clients to add it back after stripping the furniture, and he got quite good at simulating it over the years.

You'd be surprised how many people would bring IKEA furniture to him and then complain at his quotes and tell him that they were more than the furniture cost new.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Tuesday, January 5, 2021 6:31 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
My corner of the world has seen 5 winter storms roll through in 7days. Ferry sailings cancelled for tomorrow (Tuesday) and flood warnings already. Usually we see those in the Spring because of snow melt. More rain and wind for tomorrow. Records say this is the wettest the Lower Mainland has been in 2 years.

Sorry to hear that Brenda. Yuck. You doing alright with it all?

The first draft of anything is shit. :)

Winter on the Lower Mainland of BC. You got the Yuck part there Jack. It is just miserable. I'm doing okay. My head has good days and some meh days. Today is a not so bad one.

Had to go and get my seizure meds and decided to stop in at the little strip mall and see what was what. Stopped and said hello to the lady who runs the hamburger stand with her husband. I didn't eat right then but I wanted to check on them. She said that they had a good holidays and they were busy today, so that was good.

Not too much we can do about the seasonal mehs other than try to keep our head up, but I was more concerned about it keeping you from being mobile. Glad you're getting around.

I was starting to feel a little guilty here since we haven't had a really bad winter yet, precipitation wise. Still cold and dark most days though. :(

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Tuesday, January 5, 2021 11:31 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
My corner of the world has seen 5 winter storms roll through in 7days. Ferry sailings cancelled for tomorrow (Tuesday) and flood warnings already. Usually we see those in the Spring because of snow melt. More rain and wind for tomorrow. Records say this is the wettest the Lower Mainland has been in 2 years.

Sorry to hear that Brenda. Yuck. You doing alright with it all?

The first draft of anything is shit. :)

Winter on the Lower Mainland of BC. You got the Yuck part there Jack. It is just miserable. I'm doing okay. My head has good days and some meh days. Today is a not so bad one.

Had to go and get my seizure meds and decided to stop in at the little strip mall and see what was what. Stopped and said hello to the lady who runs the hamburger stand with her husband. I didn't eat right then but I wanted to check on them. She said that they had a good holidays and they were busy today, so that was good.

Not too much we can do about the seasonal mehs other than try to keep our head up, but I was more concerned about it keeping you from being mobile. Glad you're getting around.

I was starting to feel a little guilty here since we haven't had a really bad winter yet, precipitation wise. Still cold and dark most days though. :(

The first draft of anything is shit. :)

True enough. Sorry. The rain makes it messy when waiting on buses and as I mentioned the soggy feet from water in dips in the road and such. But yeah, I am getting out and walking. Gotta get done what I need doing.

Trust me be happy you are dry. You would not want to be seeing all the rain that is happening here on the coast where I am.

I have to turn on lights in my place at around 3:30pm because it is so dingy with so little sunlight coming in the balcony window.

I am looking forward to Spring and then hopefully a nice, warm Summer. Maybe sliding into an Indian Summer which is the best in the Lower Mainland. Warm to cool temps in late September into October. Nothing beats that.


Wednesday, January 6, 2021 12:02 AM


After last spring if I never see rain again it will be too soon. :smile

It's not even brutally cold here yet. I don't want to jinx myself by saying any more about the current weather though.

I just really hate this time of year. Particularly January and February. Yeah... the short days are just the worst. Looks like it's 8:00PM at 4:00.

But it is times like these that really make us appreciate the nice weather when it's here.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Wednesday, January 6, 2021 3:56 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

What the 2 of you have that we don't have here in SoCal, besides rain, are the long blue twilight summer evenings.






In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)
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