stick the scalpers with the tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UPDATED: Monday, June 13, 2005 02:43
VIEWED: 5637
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Friday, June 10, 2005 7:01 AM


i am extremely upset with the way the movie ticket sales were handled yesterday and im sure i am not alone. as with the rest of you my boyfriend and i are dying to see this movie. and were so excited to see another screening was going to be offered this month. the first rumor was sales were to begin at midnite, then maybe at 8 am then no for sure at noon. so i started at7 and checked every half an hour for the chicago showing. 11: 10 thats when they went on sale. i ask you who starts a sale at 1110. well they were sold out in less than 15 just like the rest of the country so again we have missed out. this i can live with what i cant is the outrageous prices scalpers expect to receive by posting tickets on ebay. i am sure iam not the first to offer this iDEA but i say we all need to band together and under no circumstances buy from ebay. these people wanted these tickets let them have their Serenity still has the sales. if the pattern falls the same there will be another prescreen in four weeks if not september 30 really isnt that far away. before i give a scalper the satisfaction of my 50 dollars a ticket i will wait the 100 plus days and give my money to whom it belongs.....................


Friday, June 10, 2005 10:39 AM


i see you are angry. but I have 2 extra tickets to the Chicago screening. I'm a fan not a scalper, I got 4 tickets cos I thought 2 of my pals could come with and they can't. Find my 2 tickets available for Chicago showing thread for more info. Not one fan has emailed me about them, but I can tell you if I put them up on eBay they'd be gone with a buy it now price of $60 for the pair in less than a day. I did not put them on eBay cos I thought it wouldn't be fair and that the price would go too high and I'd feel bad about that, but considering I'm offering two tickets for whatever anyone wants to offer and not one single person has contacted me about them, I'd have to say putting them on eBay is now sounding like a better and better idea cos at least I'd make my money back on them.
Not to sound bitter, but you gotta realize not all the people trying to get rid of tickets are money hungry assholes. Just that guy who has up 15 tickets to the Boston screening, now that guy deserves to be shot, cos on top of it he's selling them in a lot.


Inara: "Do aliens live among us?"
Kaylee: "Yes. One of them's a doctor."


Friday, June 10, 2005 11:00 AM


I was lucky enough to get my tickets to Chicago, but I feel the scalping situation is really frustrating for all of us as fans. I spent $20 for my pair, and I think it's sad that other fans out there are going to spend $100 for a pair or more.

There are some people on ebay that might be wanting to 'unload' their tickets after plans fell through or whatnot, but then why didn't they list a Buy It Now price of $11.00? Or even $15.00? Because they know people will pay more and they wouldn't mind making a profit. This irks me, but maybe if I was strapped for cash and my friends bailed on me...then MAYBE I would do the same thing.

It's the people like user "hunter1138" that are REALLY frustrating. This user claims in each of their selling descriptions "The people I bought these tickets for can't go - their loss is your gain!" Perhaps...except you are selling pairs of tickets for Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, New York & Rhode Island. Boy, hunter1138 sure has some spread-out friends and they all sure are flaky! What's up with that?!

I just think that's crap. There's over 100 tickets for Serenity listed on ebay right now, and that user accounts for 10% of 'em. I hope this scalper gets stuck with at least some tickets, since with his current bids, he's already going to break even.


Friday, June 10, 2005 11:02 AM



Originally posted by BlackEyedGirl:

Not to sound bitter, but you gotta realize not all the people trying to get rid of tickets are money hungry assholes. Just that guy who has up 15 tickets to the Boston screening, now that guy deserves to be shot, cos on top of it he's selling them in a lot.

I'm not defending the Boston scalper in any way (especially since I would have loved to have gotten Boston tickets but am very satisfied with my Hartford ones instead) but his excuse is you can buy the printout from him, go to the theater yourself and split them up into seperate individual tickets and then give them away/sell them/let them blow away on the wind yourself.

Personally I hope no one buys them from him and he gets stuck.

Captain Pete
"What can Brown do for you?"


Friday, June 10, 2005 11:08 AM


Also if you buy the tickets at movie you HAVE to present the credit card you bought them with to get the tickets, you can't just give them the confirmation. So all of those people are gonna be really pissed when they get really screwed.

And I just looked at my confirmation and realised I screwed up when I ordered, I got 6 instead of 4 so now I feel like a bitch after all the talk that's been going around about how evil those of us looking to get rid of tickets are. Oh well, I worked my ass off to get these tickets, I failed at the other 2 screenings, and this was my chance. I live 6 hours from Chicago and I have to take off of work and everything to do this, and it's all worth it! What pissed me off last time were poeple who had already seen the movie and went and bought a heap load of tickets AGAIN to go and see it AGAIN. That's not sharing the wealth or the opportunity, so why is no one mad at them?

Inara: "Do aliens live among us?"
Kaylee: "Yes. One of them's a doctor."


Friday, June 10, 2005 11:13 AM



Originally posted by BlackEyedGirl:
Also if you buy the tickets at movie you HAVE to present the credit card you bought them with to get the tickets, you can't just give them the confirmation. So all of those people are gonna be really pissed when they get really screwed.

Well, the fortunate thing about Boston is it used Fandango, where you only need to show up with the printed piece of paper in hand. The system seems to work, because that's how I saw a movie there last month.

It is that requires the original credit card.

BTW, Mr. Boston 15 has taken down his auction on eBay. Word on the net is there was a problem with his reserve price and he's going to try and use another seller's account name so he can put a BuyItNow price to break even for original ticket price and eBay fees.

Captain Pete
"What can Brown do for you?"


Friday, June 10, 2005 11:15 AM



Originally posted by BlackEyedGirl:
And I just looked at my confirmation and realised I screwed up when I ordered, I got 6 instead of 4 so now I feel like a bitch after all the talk that's been going around about how evil those of us looking to get rid of tickets are. Oh well, I worked my ass off to get these tickets, I failed at the other 2 screenings, and this was my chance. I live 6 hours from Chicago and I have to take off of work and everything to do this, and it's all worth it! What pissed me off last time were poeple who had already seen the movie and went and bought a heap load of tickets AGAIN to go and see it AGAIN. That's not sharing the wealth or the opportunity, so why is no one mad at them?

Many people can understand accidentally buying 2 extra tickets, especially the way they had the ticket sale sites set up. But 15 tickets?? Or multiple tickets in multiple cities and all your 'friends' just happened to cancel out on you two weeks in advance?? I think not.

But we forgive you, BlackEyedGirl

Captain Pete
"What can Brown do for you?"


Friday, June 10, 2005 11:27 AM


Thanks Pete, cos with all this hate towards people tryin' to get rid of tickets, it was starting to make me feel like some evil bitch monster!

I'm no fan of scalpers, but I have had to buy from them. generally though people who are buying at those rates, well no one is forcing them to do it. I mean how many average people want tickets to an incomplete movie? It's just fans, and as Smith said, it's demand that drives the market, if supply is low demand will draw higher prices. Look economics works!

Grr I hope everyone who wants to go can get their hands on some reasonably priced tickets.

Inara: "Do aliens live among us?"
Kaylee: "Yes. One of them's a doctor."


Friday, June 10, 2005 11:34 AM



Originally posted by BlackEyedGirl:
Grr I hope everyone who wants to go can get their hands on some reasonably priced tickets.

That's the key. Reasonably priced. Not like the 4 tickets someone is trying to sell for the Elizabeth, NJ show (listed as NYC, HA!) for BuyItNow $450!

Captain Pete
"What can Brown do for you?"


Friday, June 10, 2005 11:55 AM


I agree with letting the scalpers stew in their own expenses. It's one thing to find you have an extra ticket, because you can't go or mistakenly bought an extra, but the ones like hunter1138, who bought tickets for multiple locations just so they could turn them around and screw real fans on eBay should be forced to lose their money. Hey, at least they made sure the box office is high enough to show the level of interest in the movie, but these idiots shouldn't profit from fans who just want to enjoy the movie. Especially not the dickweed that wants to sell 4 tickets for $450!


Friday, June 10, 2005 1:40 PM



Originally posted by SubGuy:
Well, the fortunate thing about Boston is it used Fandango, where you only need to show up with the printed piece of paper in hand. The system seems to work, because that's how I saw a movie there last month.

It is that requires the original credit card.

Hunter1138 is selling tickets to the Columbus showing, which used Whoever wins that auction is gonna be pissed.

"So, you're proposing that we go back in time, find some Humpback whales, bring them back here, and hope they can tell this "probe" what to go do with itself??"
"That's the general idea."


Friday, June 10, 2005 11:09 PM


i seen that the roseville, ca has tickets for sale on ebay with only the confirmation from fandango.

i went to see revenge of the sith at the same theatre and got my tickets from fandango and they asked for my card and had to swipe it for the tickets to print.

hope that helps...


Saturday, June 11, 2005 4:46 AM



Originally posted by Lerxst:

Originally posted by SubGuy:
Well, the fortunate thing about Boston is it used Fandango, where you only need to show up with the printed piece of paper in hand. The system seems to work, because that's how I saw a movie there last month.

It is that requires the original credit card.

Hunter1138 is selling tickets to the Columbus showing, which used Whoever wins that auction is gonna be pissed.

Maybe instead of e-mailing the scalpers, we should e-mail ALL the bidders of every auction warning them that there's no way to get the tickets without the original credit card...

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Saturday, June 11, 2005 1:13 PM



Originally posted by Shiny:
Maybe instead of e-mailing the scalpers, we should e-mail ALL the bidders of every auction warning them that there's no way to get the tickets without the original credit card...

Good idea. I e-mailed ebay's Security Center. Dunno if it did any good.

"Bones! This man is choking, help him!"
"Dammit Jim! I'm a doctor, not a... oh, right."


Sunday, June 12, 2005 6:53 AM


Or, just refuse to pay the scalpers any more than they paid for them. If it gets close enough to start time for the movie, they'll take your money just to break even.


Monday, June 13, 2005 2:43 AM


Sunday, June 12, 2005 - 06:53

Or, just refuse to pay the scalpers any more than they paid for them. If it gets close enough to start time for the movie, they'll take your money just to break even.

Basically my plan since I don't really know anyone who would lemme have extra toronto tickets, so desperate scalpers would be better than waiting 6 months for me.

*actually the desperate scalpers is always a good idea if you ever wnat to deal with scalpers once the opening acts are gone the ticket prices usually go down in half.*






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