The WASH continues--VFF

UPDATED: Friday, July 11, 2008 16:31
VIEWED: 63516
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Monday, April 21, 2008 4:27 PM


Hey crew. I just wanted to start a new thread (upon suggestion of ShadowCaptain) since I'm the new Captain and all.

I got me a great crew. Let's not stop here.

First Thread:

Thanks crew.


Monday, April 21, 2008 4:43 PM


Cortex Wave from Captain Shepard

Ni hao Zero- I mean Captain Zero. If you guys need a leg up were here.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Monday, April 21, 2008 5:15 PM


*walks out of cockpit onto the bridge* Ah, we didn't die...again...shiny...I must not be all that horrible at flyin after all.
*smiles then asks Zero* So...Ze-Captain, why are we headed for Jiangyin? I haven't been payin much attention lately....


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Monday, April 21, 2008 5:19 PM


*Smiles as Tot takes us out of atmo*
Nice liftoff once again, Tot. Let me know when we're close to Jiangyin.

Tot: Sure thing, Captain! *smiles*

*Zero heads back down and overhears the Doc, Spine, and Upper's conversation. Tot follows behind*
What's this I hear about the Alliance military being related to you, Doc? Don't tell me you're on bad terms with them 'cause I don't need things getting anymore complicated than they already are...

Spine. *Interrupts his and Upper's arguement.* When we land on Jiangyin, we need to be quick. In and out. The job I have lined up is with one of the hill folk. He said he's got a life's savings for us if we go through with the job. Tot here was asking us what we're going for. I don't exactly know what he has in mind, but he said it's a short and quick job.

Doc, if I need you as a gunhand, I'll call to you, but since I plan on being out of there quickly, I hope to God that them hillfolk don't go berserk on us. I'll have you on standby, however... just in case things go wrong.

*Takes gun out of her holster and tosses it to the Doc* You can use that for now, but I want you to stay with Upper since Tillie and Tot will be heading out to Greenleaf by shuttle to fix the... cell thingies.

*Looks at Upper* As for you, Linn. Don't go messing around with stuff or getting into things you know you ain't allowed into. And don't go threatening my mercenary. He'll have you down and out in a short amount of time if he really wanted to. But we don't want no unnecessary action, do we?

*Looks back at the Doc as she leans against the wall* So Doc. I think it's about time you fess up. What's the connection with you and the Alliance? You served in the military for them, so there must be some reason why you ain't on their side anymore...


Monday, April 21, 2008 5:35 PM


nice job all!

xie-xie, SHADOW captain 平静
Someone tries to kill you... you try to kill'em right back.


Monday, April 21, 2008 11:01 PM



posted by Commanderzero:

Tillie, I've decided to let you take the shuttle to Greenleaf, but I want you to take Tot with you. I'll have Spine and... the Doc will be handling a gun for me until we have a new gunhand. So you do your thing on Greenleaf and get back to Jiangyin and dock as quickly and quietly as possible. Got it?

Tille: Yes, ma'am. Thanks Captain.

Yeah, just don't get caught.

Tille: I won't...

*Zero...heads down to the infirmary...*

*as soon as Zero is out of earshot* Yippie! Fan-ruttin-tastic! *does a little Tillie-shimmy of joy, then gets her jot-book out from the cubby and nestles into her hammock, where she starts making a list of the supplies she'll need* Maybe Cal c'n help with the gridwork on those matrices. I'll need some electrolytic solution, and grow tanks, and a bunch of current if I'm gonna get the gorram things built in time. Once they're in solution I'll have a mess of free time. Let's see; shopping... If I can get ahold of whatsisname with the gorgeous shoulders I can get fresh greens. No sense depriving the crew of real unprocessed food if it's in my power to get it for 'em... Oh, yeah, that reminds me I gotta wave Cal, see if we can swing a small hydroponic unit. Tomatoes do great in hydro, and báicài -- oh man, I can throw a kimchi pot while I'm dirt-side if I can get kiln time! *writes* ...clay, rice flour, pepper flakes, jasmine tea...
Now, what 'm I gonna do with Jordyn? She ain't gonna play with her Taterhead the whole time, that's for sure...

*goes up to the bridge, where Tatertot is alone at the controls*
Tate, honey, ya hear the good news? Me 'n you are goin' to Greenleaf! Ain't that sweet?

Tatertot: B-but Command- I mean Captain- Zero told me to set a course for Jiangyin, not Greenleaf.

You're absolutely right, you're taking the Wash to Jiangyin. But once we land there and the crew get ready to do their work, we'll fly to Greenleaf in one of the shuttles. *Tatertot looks very confused* Didn't you hear me talk to Zero about it before? *Tatertot nods, but then shakes her head* I know, you were thinking on the captain-that-was, and not payin' heed.

It's like this, honey: they're off to do a job on Jiangyin, and it might be dangerous. That rock ain't the kind of place for nice girls like you and me, it's only for rough and tough folks who can handle theirselves, like our Zero and Ian - Spinebite, that is. So while they handle the rough and tough stuff on Jiangyin, you and me are gonna take a shuttle to Greenleaf! It'll be fun, I promise! I have to do some repairs to the fuel cells can't be done on board the ship, so we're going to fly them over to a repair place, and while they're being fixed we can go have fun. Maybe even find a missus for your friend there, what do you say? *points to Jordyn's Mr. Potatohead*

Tatertot: Toy shopping? *a hint of a smile appears on Jordyn's face*

Anything you want, sweetie. It'll be an adventure! Oh yeah, near forgot to ask: you got any warm-weather duds? Gets kinda hot and sticky on Greenleaf sometimes. 'Course, we can always buy some there, if you want. Anyway, got a few days till we reach Jiangyin, so there's plenty of time to think on what you wanna do and see.

I'm gonna check on the shuttles, see which one's in better shape for cargo and make 'er ready for our trip.

*leaves the bridge, then turns around and pokes her head back in through the doorway* Lots of cute boys on Greenleaf, just though I'd mention... *ducks back out with a giggle*

báicài = bok choy, a kind of cabbage
kimchi = Korean pickled cabbage
kimchi pot = earthenware container for pickling and storing kimchi


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 2:43 AM


(ooc): Thread for the shuttle trip to Greenleaf is here:

so it won't get in the way of the main story on this thread.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 6:59 AM




Let's try something new instead. How 'bout if I slit your throat and watch you bleed out while you lay there?


Blueredgreen: So, Spinebite, I trust that you'd be more then capable of putting her down in case she causes any trouble?

*turns to Blueredgreen* More than capable, more than willing, more than happy.

Well I hope so big guy, since I have only one working appendage thanks to you!! As for the bleeding out thing, hell, sounds a hell of a lot better than your company! *glares at Spinebite*



*Looks at Upper* As for you, Linn. Don't go messing around with stuff or getting into things you know you ain't allowed into. And don't go threatening my mercenary. He'll have you down and out in a short amount of time if he really wanted to. But we don't want no unnecessary action, do we?

As mentioned previously, Captain, and with all due respect, I think he pretty much already took me down, captain. I mean I can't set foot out of this bed, thanks to him.

But I promise I'll be good. *looks at the door, and wishes that tilly or tater would come back. Everyone else is so hostile*


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 9:23 AM



Originally posted by CommanderZero:

*Looks back at the Doc as she leans against the wall* So Doc. I think it's about time you fess up. What's the connection with you and the Alliance? You served in the military for them, so there must be some reason why you ain't on their side anymore...

It's a long story. Maybe I'll tell you some other time why I'm not working for them. But, yes, I served with the Alliance. Began in a regular unit, but they said I showed "talent", moved me to the 49th Infantry as a Captain. If you didn't know, the 49th was one of their special forces units. I say WAS because the unit was disbanded a few years after the Unification War. I fought for the Alliance in the war. Still can't think of why I did... After that I was posted on the cruiser Hellana for the last five years of my service as Chief Medical Officer.

Wuo duh ma...


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 9:34 AM


*smiles at tellie as she walks out* Ah...a boy toy just what I need!
*tellie stops to giggle then contines on her way.*
*switches to auto pilot and walks to the infirmary, and sees that upperson looks a little lonely* How are you Upps? We haven't really talked much...Are you still in pain?


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 11:24 AM




walks to the infirmary, and sees that upperson looks a little lonely* How are you Upps? We haven't really talked much...Are you still in pain?

*looks up as tater comes in, and smiles* No, we haven't, have we? *sighs* It's nice to see a friendly face. *Twiddles toes* And I'm feeling lots better. The doc's not the friendliest sort, but he seems to know what he's doing.


*Tater looks enquiring* yes?

There is something I wanted to talk to the doc about, but with him being so...well unapproachable *upperson trails off*

*Tater smiles encouragingly* You can tell me, if you like, I won't squeal.

Thing is, I think this whole trip through space and time may have had some more lasting consequences. I mean apart from leaving me stranded in the future, which is a pretty big one, I'll admit. But what I meant to say was that I think I may be less firmly set in time than I was before. I get these...flashes. I think it may be the future but maybe it's the past. I'm so confused I can't tell, you know?

*Looks at tater with worried expression*

What do you think? *continues with a rush* and though it may be nonsense, I just wanted to tell you, be careful when you go on your trip...just be careful, ok?


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 11:28 AM



Originally Posted by Upperson:
As mentioned previously, Captain, and with all due respect, I think he pretty much already took me down, captain. I mean I can't set foot out of this bed, thanks to him.

But I promise I'll be good. *looks at the door, and wishes that tilly or tater would come back. Everyone else is so hostile*

Alright then. I don't want any hell on board, that's all.


Originally Posted by BlueRedGreen
It's a long story. Maybe I'll tell you some other time why I'm not working for them. But, yes, I served with the Alliance. Began in a regular unit, but they said I showed "talent", moved me to the 49th Infantry as a Captain. If you didn't know, the 49th was one of their special forces units. I say WAS because the unit was disbanded a few years after the Unification War. I fought for the Alliance in the war. Still can't think of why I did... After that I was posted on the cruiser Hellana for the last five years of my service as Chief Medical Officer.

*Raises an eyebrow at Doc* Well, I guess since you gave me the short version, you'll have to give me the long one later. Glad to have an experienced Doctor on board, though.

*sees Tot enter the infirmary, and speaks to Upper after Tot does. It's plain as day on her face that Zero has an idea*
Upper... do you have any experience with guns?


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 11:51 AM


*looks at upperson with a confused expression*
I don't know what to say Uppers...and I think I'll be ok...I mean Tellie will be with me...and she seems pretty tough to me. *chuckles*

*upperson doesn't look very reassured*

Why the you think something bad is going to happen....*before upperson can anwser zero walks into the room*


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 12:05 PM




Upper... do you have any experience with guns?

*looks surprised*
sure do cap'n. Not shooting real people though, just target shooting.

*zero lifts sceptical eyebrow*

*Upperson grins at Zero*

Can't be that different surely? I mean...some of them were moving targets!


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 12:28 PM



Upperson:Can't be that different surely? I mean...some of them were moving targets!

Anyone with half a brain can hit a moving target. And moving targets don't shoot back.*turns to Cap'n Zero* I'll handle her training, cap'n, if you really want to hire her on as a gunhand. *Turns to Upperson with a smirk on his face* Now aint that an exciting prospect.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 12:28 PM



Upperson:Can't be that different surely? I mean...some of them were moving targets!

Anyone with half a brain can hit a moving target. And moving targets don't shoot back.*turns to Cap'n Zero* I'll handle her training, cap'n, if you really want to hire her on as a gunhand. *Turns to Upperson with a smirk on his face* Now aint that an exciting prospect.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 12:28 PM



Upperson:Can't be that different surely? I mean...some of them were moving targets!

Anyone with half a brain can hit a moving target. And moving targets don't shoot back.*turns to Cap'n Zero* I'll handle her training, cap'n, if you really want to hire her on as a gunhand. *Turns to Upperson with a smirk on his face* Now aint that an exciting prospect.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 12:28 PM



Upperson:Can't be that different surely? I mean...some of them were moving targets!

Anyone with half a brain can hit a moving target. And moving targets don't shoot back.*turns to Cap'n Zero* I'll handle her training, cap'n, if you really want to hire her on as a gunhand. *Turns to Upperson with a smirk on his face* Now aint that an exciting prospect.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 12:28 PM



Upperson:Can't be that different surely? I mean...some of them were moving targets!

Anyone with half a brain can hit a moving target. And moving targets don't shoot back.*turns to Cap'n Zero* I'll handle her training, cap'n, if you really want to hire her on as a gunhand. *Turns to Upperson with a smirk on his face* Now aint that an exciting prospect.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 12:28 PM



Upperson:Can't be that different surely? I mean...some of them were moving targets!

Anyone with half a brain can hit a moving target. And moving targets don't shoot back.*turns to Cap'n Zero* I'll handle her training, cap'n, if you really want to hire her on as a gunhand. *Turns to Upperson with a smirk on his face* Now aint that an exciting prospect.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 12:41 PM


*looks to upperson then to spinebite then mutters toself* Oh boy....this could be messy....


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 3:04 PM


I think we should wait until a while after she's able to walk before we teach her anything. Maybe by then we'll know if we can trust her or not. Maybe a few weeks after she's been walking... Just a reccommendation...

Wuo duh ma...


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 3:04 PM



Tuesday, April 22, 2008 3:39 PM


Doc's right. It wouldn't do much good to teach her anything now. And we can't trust her.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 3:39 PM


Doc's right. It wouldn't do much good to teach her anything now. And we can't trust her.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 3:39 PM


Doc's right. It wouldn't do much good to teach her anything now. And we can't trust her.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 3:39 PM


Doc's right. It wouldn't do much good to teach her anything now. And we can't trust her.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 3:39 PM


Doc's right. It wouldn't do much good to teach her anything now. And we can't trust her.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 3:39 PM


Doc's right. It wouldn't do much good to teach her anything now. And we can't trust her.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 4:15 PM


Now, now I wasn't planning on teaching her anything anytime soon. But I may want her as a gunhand for the future. Don't really know if I could trust you, Spine, to teach her without giving her serious injuries. Don't think I'll be available to teach anything, but it's between you or the Doc.

I'll leave it up to her who gets to teach her. But, Upper, I want you to come tell me who's going to be teaching you before you get into any serious training. Got that?

As for now, Spine and I will take care of Jiangyin and maybe later we can stop somewhere to give you the right kind of training. Maybe if we get paid enough after our job we can swing by Persephone. Pick you up a gun if you're good enough.

Doc, it may be a while before we can actually pick anything valuable up for you, but why don't you check your inventory and med supplies. See what we may need for future reference.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 4:19 PM


Yes ma'am. *begins to check the drawers and cabinets around the medbay for supplies*

Wuo duh ma...


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 9:45 PM


*while checking and preparing the shuttles, Tillie gets a small gash on her arm. She heads to the infirmary for a bandage, and overhears Zero talking to BlueRedGreen about medical supplies, and sees him begin digging around in the drawers*

Hey Cap'n, Ian, 'scuse me. Gotta get in there. *enters infirmary* Hey there, Linn, seen them toes wiggle, that's great! *gives her the thumbs up*

To BRG: Hey Doc Alex, you got a butterfly in there somewhere for me? Port shuttle hatch decided to give me a little kiss, 'n' I'm starting to leak some.

*BRG takes Tillie's arm and leads her under the big light to get a close look at the wound. He swabs it and peers at it intently*

*BRG:* Tillie, I'm afraid it's deeper than it looks. A butterfly bandage won't do, I need to put a few stitches in it.

Okay, let's do it. *BRG is surprised at Tillie's matter-of-fact attitude, then as she takes off her over-shirt he notices that she has several scars on her shoulders and arms. He get the sutures and scissors from the drawer and begins suturing the wound*

So, Doc, did you get started with your supply list yet? *BRG looks up from her arm to look skeptically at her* Just in case Zero didn't tell you: while you folks are down on Jiangyin, me 'n' Tate are going over to Greenleaf get those fuel cells repaired. *she leans close to his ear, and whispers* We're going to the Medstation market while we're there, so if there's anything special or important you need, absorbable sutures come to mind, *smiles at him* I'm sure I can pick it up for you. Now I'm not referring to black-market meds, though the 'verse knows Greenleaf's the place for them. I'm just talkin' about if you're running out of anything vital you may need after Jiangyin. Hell, you do want black-market meds I'll see what I can do, but that's up to you. *BRG finishes up, and Tillie jumps down and then holds her arm up to get a good look* Great work, Doc! Nice and even. Mebbe sometime I can get you to hem my pants. *winks an exaggerated wink at him as she saunters out*

"I tried to get the frosting as chocolatey tasting as possible" -Kaylee Frye, Out of Gas


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 5:07 AM



*Turns to Upperson with a smirk on his face* Now aint that an exciting prospect.

*puts out tongue at Spinebite behind the captain's back*

*sees tater looks worried and grins at her. Then says quietly* It'll be fine. You just look after yourself, OK?


I think we should wait until a while after she's able to walk before we teach her anything. Maybe by then we'll know if we can trust her or not. Maybe a few weeks after she's been walking... Just a reccommendation...



I'll leave it up to her who gets to teach her. But, Upper, I want you to come tell me who's going to be teaching you before you get into any serious training. Got that?

Thanks captain, I sincerely appreciate that.

And thank YOU Doctor, for your vote of confidence.

*glares at Blueredgreen, and then looks a little sheepish*

I did want to thank you for everything though, doctor. I feel much better. I wanted to thank you before, but charming manners seem to get in the way.


Tilliesong:Hey there, Linn, seen them toes wiggle, that's great! *gives her the thumbs up*

*smiles at Tillie's thumbs up* Thanks!

*Turns back to CommanderZero while Tillie gets fixed up*

Captain, may I ask a favour? May I use I have some history to catch up on, you know? And also *hesitates* while everyone's coming and going in the infirmary has certainly curbed my boredom, I would like to make a request: Would it be at all possible to move somewhere with a little more privacy?

*inclines head towards Spinebite*

Somewhere I don't have to wake up to people sharpening knives at me.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 6:10 AM



Originally posted by Upperson:
*Turns back to CommanderZero while Tillie gets fixed up*

Captain, may I ask a favour? May I use I have some history to catch up on, you know? And also *hesitates* while everyone's coming and going in the infirmary has certainly curbed my boredom, I would like to make a request: Would it be at all possible to move somewhere with a little more privacy?

*inclines head towards Spinebite*

Somewhere I don't have to wake up to people sharpening knives at me.

Yeah, I'll let you stay in the passenger bunks.

*motions Tot to come along with her, Tot follows as they go to the passenger dorms*
You can pick yourself one of these. Your choice. As for using the onboard computer... I'll let you, but I'm going to have Tot supervise.
No supervisation, no use of my computer. Got that?

Tot, would you mind leading her to the computer?

*Tot nods in agreement and takes Upper to the computer*


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 9:27 AM


*leans out the Infirmary doorway* Ok captain, I can think of a few basics off the top of my head: Isoprovalyn, Antacid, Lidocain, Naproxen, Morphine, Emollient, Adrenaline, Fibrinolytic, and Paracetamol. And that's only to keep us at the bare minimum.

Wuo duh ma...


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 11:56 AM


*takes Upperson to the computer.* I guess I'm watchin ya....if you need some help using it...I'll help you out...but I'm not much of a computer wiz...*blushes slightly*
*Upperson just smiles and nods*
Why do you need to use the computer for?


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 1:15 PM


*hears BlueRedGreen call out to CommanderZero and rattle off names of medications. A stricken, hurt look passes across her face, then she shakes it off and pulls out her jot-book*

Let's see...immune booster, sodium bicarb and activated carbon, numbing agent, pain reliever, painkiller, moisturizer, epinephrine and vasopressin, anti-inflammatory, I missing something? Something about the blood: anti-coagulant maybe? Anti-clotting agent? Reminds me of Bastian's mama, going around sayin' bloodclot, ha ha... Never hurts to have more sutures; I have a nervous feelin' about Jiangyin.

Better wave this list to Cal, ain't no sense shopping for this píng píng stuff myself.

píng píng = ordinary, nothing special

"I tried to get the frosting as chocolatey tasting as possible" --Kaylee Frye, Out of Gas


Thursday, April 24, 2008 5:46 AM



No supervisation, no use of my computer. Got that? Tot, would you mind leading her to the computer? *Tot nods in agreement and takes Upper to the computer*

Thanks for the bunk, captain. and for the use of the computer, supervision is fine by me. *hobbles uncomfortably after tater, and reaches ship's computer*

Tatertot:Why do you need to use the computer for?
I hate just sitting around, and with your charming friend Spinebite having made anything but sitting and lying down damn near impossible, I would like something to do. Besides I have a couple of thousand years' worth of news to catch up on. Just show me how to get started and I won't bother you again.

*Tater explains basic functions*

Thanks, chase me away when you need to! *Settles in more comfortably and starts scrolling through information on the Cortex*


Thursday, April 24, 2008 11:41 AM


*leaves the medbay and goes to where Tate and Upper are* How long until we hit ground, Tate?

Wuo duh ma...


Thursday, April 24, 2008 2:18 PM


*heads into the engine room*
Got everything you may need ready on the shuttle? As far as it looks, our ETA is about forty-five minutes.

Tillie: *nods* Yep. *she smiles, folding up her list of items and shoving it in her pocket*

Good, once we get to Jiangyin you and Tot take the shuttle. Wave me when you touch down on Greenleaf. Can't have anything happening to my mechanic and pilot. Both essential parts of my ship. Ever since you came on board we haven't really had a chance to talk and now all of a sudden I got to be giving everyone orders around here.
*sighs* Well, I hope we can sit down, maybe around a nice meal, and get to know each other better.

Tillie: Sure thing, Captain. That'd be nice.

*smiles and heads up, finding Tot, Upper, and the Doc, looks around at the controls and looks at her watch*
'Bout 38 minutes till we land.

*Focuses her eyes on the cortex* What you looking up there, Upper?


Thursday, April 24, 2008 4:23 PM


*over hears zero say something about dinner* Dinner....getting to know one another......that sounds super shiny, Captain! I done being a supervisor now? I need to land ol' WASH here....*shudders* Landin gives me butterflies....

*zero smiles and nods* Go on. You'll do fine.

Ok! *goes to leave*

Zero: Oh, and Tot...

*stops short of the door*

Zero: Be careful in Greenleaf.

*stomach turns slightly, gives zero a small smile* I'll be fine...that is if I don't crash landing this ol' boat...

Zero: Tot you are a fine pilot, like a said before if you were no good you wouldn't still be here.
*with that zero turns her attention back to upperson*

*walks out and thinks about all the 'be carefuls' shes heard...its almost as if they cared about me... she shakes her head as she walks into the cockpit and sits down geting ready to land....weird...*


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Thursday, April 24, 2008 4:40 PM


Well captain, I'll watch Upper then. Make sure she isn't reading about how to sabatoge the ship from her seat... *looks down at the cortex* And, keep her away from any knives that may cause Spine to want to shoot her again. Already used half the supplies we DO have fixing her up the first time, no sense in having to do it again.

Wuo duh ma...


Thursday, April 24, 2008 9:41 PM


*grabs her rucksack and rain jacket, and follows Zero forward to the bridge*

Why didn't I think of that? Too busy with the nǎo huǒ fuel cells, that's why. Make a special dinner, official welcome for our new captain, cook all her favourites. Show her we're on board all the way, loyal. Best ways to prove... providing good and tasty nourishment, getting the best supplies on board, and keeping you running in your best form; right, old girl? *stroking the railings*

*joins CommanderZero on the bridge as Tatertot maneuvers the Wash through descent into atmo to landfall on Jiangyin, all of which she does with textbook precision, even with her nervousness*

*CommanderZero:* Good job, Tot. *pats her shoulder*

*Tatertot looks up at CommanderZero, eyes shining* Thanks, Cap'n!

*Tillie gives Tatertot a little squeeze on the arm* Shiny, Jordyn, A plus. Now c'mon kiddo, no resting on your laurels, we gotta let the grownups go do their thing. Sooner we get ourselves in the air, sooner they can go do some thrilling heroics. Go, scoot, I'll meet you on the starboard shuttle.

*while everyone else leaves the bridge, Tillie plucks Zero's sleeve to talk to her alone* Thanks for what you said before, Cap'n. Meant a lot. Want you to know we won't dawdle on Greenleaf; the shuttle'll be back in the air as soon as the repaired fuel cells are loaded and stowed, and not a second later.

*Zero:* Appreciate that. I want us to be in and out quick.

*Tillie:* Tweaked the shuttle engine some, but there's still no way I can get from dirt to dirt in under ten hours. I left the direct translink where we'll be taped to your door. Any reason at all, you wave me on that link. It's secure, no worries on that score. *hesitates a little* And something happens you need reinforcements, I got people on Greenleaf I trust can give us a hand.

*Zero takes Tillie by the shoulders and looks her straight in the eyes*
*Zero:* I know you're worried. You just go and get those fuel cells fixed, and keep my mechanic and pilot safe. Those are the important jobs I'm trusting you with, dong ma?

Aye aye, Cap'n. Will do.

*Tillie watches as CommanderZero runs lightly down the stairs to the cargo bay, where BlueRedGreen and Spinebite are waiting. She sees Zero going over the door lock control buttons with the doctor, turns around and heads into the shuttle.

*sees Tatertot sprawled out on a small sofa shoved up against the bulkhead* Hey there, Tate, comfortable? *Tate jerks her head up, starts to sit up* No, stay there. I am so proud of you, mèi mei. You just did an A-One job of landing a Firefly class transport ship. You deserve a rest. I'll take us out of the world, give you a chance to catch your breath, then maybe in a couple hours you can spell me. How's that sound? *Tate nods, clearly exhausted* Well then, let's get this baby in the air.

*The shuttle disengages from the Wash and flies off. On the ground, Zero shades her eyes as she watches the shuttle disappear from view.*

{ Follow Tillie and Tater to Greenleaf here:
while the Jiangyin adventure continues on this page }

nǎo huǒ = annoying
mèi mei = younger sister


Friday, April 25, 2008 5:06 AM


Alright Spine, here's the plan. We head into town. I planned to meet this guy in the back of the antique shop down there so he can give us our job and we can get out of here. He's a lippy fellow, so I don't want you pulling a trigger on him, alright?

Spine: Aw, c'mon Cap'n. Since I'm your first mate now, shouldn't that mean that it's my job to protect you?

Yes, but I don't want you shooting down our clients. Client gets shot, we're out of a job. You know that.

Spine: All right. Fine. Got to take all the fun outta everything.

It's my job. *she heads down the ramp with Spine and turns back to see the Doc standing there* I'm trusting you with my ship, Doc.

Doc: You don't have to worry. It won't go anywhere.


Friday, April 25, 2008 11:12 PM



CommanderZero*Focuses her eyes on the cortex* What you looking up there, Upper?

*Looks up a little guiltily at the tone in Zero's voice*

The current government, captain. They seem an organised bunch.

*Zero snorts* Don't they just *and turns to tater.


Blueredgreen: Well captain, I'll watch Upper then. Make sure she isn't reading about how to sabatoge the ship from her seat... *looks down at the cortex* And, keep her away from any knives that may cause Spine to want to shoot her again. Already used half the supplies we DO have fixing her up the first time, no sense in having to do it again.

Gee, thanks doc! I'm so glad we get to spend some quality time together, since we seem to be gitting along so well. But if I were you I would keep a gun handy, since Spine is going with the captain. *turns back to Cortex*


Saturday, April 26, 2008 2:21 AM


===================FLYS BY=======================
============SCANS FOR BOUNTIES===================

Q: So, you're a bounty hunter?
A: That's not it at all.
Q: What are you then?
A: I'm a bounty hunter


Saturday, April 26, 2008 3:24 AM


***Message Incoming***

I hear your VFF, I'm LT's job contact, if your in need of a job send LT a wave.

***Message Ends***


Saturday, April 26, 2008 2:06 PM


*grabs favorite machine gun, favorite knife, favorite pistol, 3 concealable pistols, and some grenades* Anything specific I should know about this lippy fellow, cap'n? Are we sure we can trust him? For all we know he could be waiting to collect bounty on us.

"Pain is scary."


Saturday, April 26, 2008 2:06 PM


*grabs favorite machine gun, favorite knife, favorite pistol, 3 concealable pistols, and some grenades* Anything specific I should know about this lippy fellow, cap'n? Are we sure we can trust him? For all we know he could be waiting to collect bounty on us.

"Pain is scary."


Saturday, April 26, 2008 2:06 PM


*grabs favorite machine gun, favorite knife, favorite pistol, 3 concealable pistols, and some grenades* Anything specific I should know about this lippy fellow, cap'n? Are we sure we can trust him? For all we know he could be waiting to collect bounty on us.

"Pain is scary."


Saturday, April 26, 2008 2:06 PM


*grabs favorite machine gun, favorite knife, favorite pistol, 3 concealable pistols, and some grenades* Anything specific I should know about this lippy fellow, cap'n? Are we sure we can trust him? For all we know he could be waiting to collect bounty on us.

"Pain is scary."


Saturday, April 26, 2008 2:06 PM


*grabs favorite machine gun, favorite knife, favorite pistol, 3 concealable pistols, and some grenades* Anything specific I should know about this lippy fellow, cap'n? Are we sure we can trust him? For all we know he could be waiting to collect bounty on us.

"Pain is scary."


Saturday, April 26, 2008 2:06 PM


*grabs favorite machine gun, favorite knife, favorite pistol, 3 concealable pistols, and some grenades* Anything specific I should know about this lippy fellow, cap'n? Are we sure we can trust him? For all we know he could be waiting to collect bounty on us.

"Pain is scary."


Sunday, April 27, 2008 11:32 AM


*Is surprised at the sudden incoming message*
Looks like this is something that the cap'n might want to take care of.
*looks at Spine getting ready for war*
However, I think it may pay finishing the job you're busy with first. But then, I'm just here due to expediency...


Sunday, April 27, 2008 1:36 PM


Well, Spine, I sure as hell hope we can trust him. Can't say for sure if we can, but there ain't no one in the 'verse you can trust these days.

*With that, Zero and Spine head out; They're walking*

*Zero is thinking to herself before she starts talking to Spine*
We need to pick us up a vehicle somewhere. A mule, perhaps. Don't think walking everywhere is gonna do us much good.

Spine: Hey, we land somewhere that ain't a heap of crap I'll grab us one.

*Zero looks slightly perplexed* Where exactly would that be?

Spine: Don't know.

*Sighs* Alright, well, as soon as we finish this job, I'll try to get us to a planet that ain't a "heap of crap."

*The two arrive into town and stroll casually into the back on the antique shop. There is a man with overalls on, seeming much too tall (taller than Spine), and his head is bald. Zero taps him on the shoulder.*
'Scuse me. Would you happen to know where we can find a fine fellow named... *she pulls out a piece of paper*... Herman Jenkins? *Shoves the paper back in her pocket*

Man: That's me. Herman Jenkins. Who the hell are you?

Well... Mr. Jenkins. Someone sent us a wave telling us you had a job for us.

Herman: Yer the folks doin the job? *Looks disgusted*

That's us.

Herman: Don't look like much. And yer the Captain? *pointing to Spine*

Spine: Uh, well--

Actually, I'm the Captain.

Herman: A woman Captain? That's the most HI-larious thing I ever heard!

So are you going to give us the job or not?

Herman: Alright. *He pulls out a slightly crumpled paper from the chest pocket in his overalls* Here's a picture of the guy yer gonna pick up fer us. He's a doctor. We need one for our people. We got folk who are gettin sicker than a ye gou.

We'll get this fellow back to you as soon as possible. You know exactly where he's at?

Herman: *Shakes his head* Nope. Just know he's somewhere on Beaumonde.

*Zero seems annoyed* So you know he's on Beaumonde but you got no rutting idea where he is on the entire planet?

Herman: Somewhere in the Northern part?

*Zero sighs* Alright... Mr. Jenkins... What are you up to? *looks at Spine* Spine, this would be a good time to draw your gun*

Spine: Oh! *pulls out a gun and aims it square at Herman's head* Fess up, you dirty piece of pi hua!

Herman: Whoa now. Simmer down. What's the problem?

You had someone wave us. Why can't you get him to wave your little Doctor friend and ask him where exactly he's at. Which brings me to the question... Does he even know we're coming for him?

Herman: Wha... 'Course he does! We're in desperate need for a doctor so just get him back here and you'll get your gorram money! *storms out of the shop*

*Zero and Spine watch him walk out with wide eyes*

Spine: Still think he can be trusted?

*Sighs* Nope.

Spine: Then what are we gonna do?

*Looking at the ground* We're gonna do the job.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 5:01 PM


I have a very bad feeling about this job. Just something about it isnt right... *realizes that Upper isnt listening and stops talking*

Wuo duh ma...


Monday, April 28, 2008 1:11 PM


Ok, so obviously he wants us to kidnap the doctor. The only problem is finding him. And the fact that Jenkins knows what he looks like. Can we just rob Jenkins? We'd probably get more money *glances around shop*, though there doesn't seem to be anything worth much in this crap heap of a shop. And he did insult you. I don't take insults to my captain lightly.

"Pain is scary."


Monday, April 28, 2008 1:11 PM


Ok, so obviously he wants us to kidnap the doctor. The only problem is finding him. And the fact that Jenkins knows what he looks like. Can we just rob Jenkins? We'd probably get more money *glances around shop*, though there doesn't seem to be anything worth much in this crap heap of a shop. And he did insult you. I don't take insults to my captain lightly.

"Pain is scary."


Monday, April 28, 2008 1:11 PM


Ok, so obviously he wants us to kidnap the doctor. The only problem is finding him. And the fact that Jenkins knows what he looks like. Can we just rob Jenkins? We'd probably get more money *glances around shop*, though there doesn't seem to be anything worth much in this crap heap of a shop. And he did insult you. I don't take insults to my captain lightly.

"Pain is scary."


Monday, April 28, 2008 1:11 PM


Ok, so obviously he wants us to kidnap the doctor. The only problem is finding him. And the fact that Jenkins knows what he looks like. Can we just rob Jenkins? We'd probably get more money *glances around shop*, though there doesn't seem to be anything worth much in this crap heap of a shop. And he did insult you. I don't take insults to my captain lightly.

"Pain is scary."


Monday, April 28, 2008 1:11 PM


Ok, so obviously he wants us to kidnap the doctor. The only problem is finding him. And the fact that Jenkins knows what he looks like. Can we just rob Jenkins? We'd probably get more money *glances around shop*, though there doesn't seem to be anything worth much in this crap heap of a shop. And he did insult you. I don't take insults to my captain lightly.

"Pain is scary."


Monday, April 28, 2008 1:11 PM


Ok, so obviously he wants us to kidnap the doctor. The only problem is finding him. And the fact that Jenkins knows what he looks like. Can we just rob Jenkins? We'd probably get more money *glances around shop*, though there doesn't seem to be anything worth much in this crap heap of a shop. And he did insult you. I don't take insults to my captain lightly.

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, April 29, 2008 7:05 AM


*Turns away from the Cortex to look at Blueredgreen*
I agree, doc, something seems hinky about this job. But then, everyting has been a little screwy lately. What happens if they don't come back? Do we rush in there like big damn heroes and pull them out guns blazing?
*grins at Blueredgreen*


Tuesday, April 29, 2008 9:22 AM


*chuckles* reminds me of a time when I was with the 49th... we went into an "insurgent" camp with eight guys. We completed our sabatoge mission, but one guy didn't reach the extraction point. The colonel in charge of our squad made us all go back and get him. Turned out that the "camp" was actually a native village and some natives had picked him up and provided food and shelter and the like. But, our squad did get a nice little raise for our attempts... and we never stopped laughing at the colonel and where ever it was he got his information on the camp from.
I suppose that if they don't come back it'd be best to wait for Tille and Tate to return and then I and... hopefully someone else, could try to find them.

Wuo duh ma...


Tuesday, April 29, 2008 9:17 PM


*Smile brought on by the doctor's story fades at his last remark*

Sure doc, you and that someone else.

*Turns back to cortex,and looks up the 49th, and then just for fun the good doctor. Looks over shoulder often to see if the doctor is watching, but he seems preoccupied with his own thoughts.*


Wednesday, April 30, 2008 5:02 AM



Originally posted by spinebite:
Ok, so obviously he wants us to kidnap the doctor. The only problem is finding him. And the fact that Jenkins knows what he looks like. Can we just rob Jenkins? We'd probably get more money *glances around shop*, though there doesn't seem to be anything worth much in this crap heap of a shop.

I understand what you're getting at. But we're not theives... well we are theives but... we ain't gonna rob him of his money. It's best we do the job.


And he did insult you. I don't take insults to my captain lightly.

Well thanks for that, but we're still going to do the job. Besides, Beaumonde is a nice place. You know, the kind you were complaining that you wanted to go to. So maybe you can "grab" us a mule when we're there. If the job gets to hot to handle, we'll dump it.

*Runs fingers through her hair* Jenkins seemed like... an honest fellow...

Spine: *busts out laughing* An honest fellow?! Ha, you gotta be sh*ttin me!

Let's head back to the ship. I'm expecting a wave from Tillie and Tot, anyhow.


Thursday, May 1, 2008 8:58 AM


*Looks up from the Cortex, after sourcing some information on most of the crew*

Hey doc, the cap'n and your trained ape are coming back anyway

Blueredgreen: How do you know?

Upperson: I just do. Also we should be getting going soon. Looks like you guys have some crime to be doing, soon. How did a respectable Alliance-born man such as yourself get mixed up in this band of brigands and babes in arms?


Thursday, May 1, 2008 9:23 AM


As I said, long story. I'm sure once everyone is back on board and we have plenty of time on our way to where ever I can explain it fully. You'll get the history. Not the crap they put on the cortex or anything, but the real and whole truth. Part of why I left the Alliance was my own decision, but most of it was... other circumstances.

Wuo duh ma...


Monday, May 5, 2008 2:29 PM


Alright, let's go. Could we kidnap the doctor, then rob Jenkins? Can I at least kneecap him?

"Pain is scary."


Monday, May 5, 2008 2:29 PM


Alright, let's go. Could we kidnap the doctor, then rob Jenkins? Can I at least kneecap him?

"Pain is scary."


Monday, May 5, 2008 2:29 PM


Alright, let's go. Could we kidnap the doctor, then rob Jenkins? Can I at least kneecap him?

"Pain is scary."


Monday, May 5, 2008 2:29 PM


Alright, let's go. Could we kidnap the doctor, then rob Jenkins? Can I at least kneecap him?

"Pain is scary."


Monday, May 5, 2008 2:29 PM


Alright, let's go. Could we kidnap the doctor, then rob Jenkins? Can I at least kneecap him?

"Pain is scary."


Monday, May 5, 2008 2:29 PM


Alright, let's go. Could we kidnap the doctor, then rob Jenkins? Can I at least kneecap him?

"Pain is scary."


Tuesday, May 6, 2008 1:40 AM



TRANSMISSION from Shuttle 1 to Wash

To CommanderZero from TillieSong:

Ni hao Captain,

Can't raise you on the voicelink, so sending you our prelim report by text:

Work prep for repairs is ahead of schedule so far, keeping our fingers crossed it stays on schedule -- maybe even get off this rock sooner than planned.

Hoping all is well on the Wash and with your job dirtside; not real happy we couldn't hail anyone on the boat, 'specially Tatertot wanted to say helloo. The good news is we'll be bringing plenty of medical provisions as well as fresh food.

Will wave again before we leave Greenleaf. You need anything and you can't hail me on the shuttle, you have the direct link to the hangar and that comm is always manned.


"Terse, I can be terse. Once in flight school, I was laconic."






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