
Thoughts on a grey monday. Of Shindigs and other things
Monday, December 6, 2004

First off, let me say that I don't even know if I spell it right, is it gray or grey? I like grey so I'm sticking with that.

First of all, again, big thanks to everyone who showed for my Shindig on Saturday. I hope you all had fun, and that no one thought my snide comments were out of place. I wasn't expecting to have so much extra snack food left behind. You're all pretty cool. I don't know about anyone else, but my new favorite scene is the Serenity Vallry stuff on Serenity. LOL. Next time, Hasufel will probably have to lead everyone in a sing along. I'll try to come up with another date we can all gather and watch more.

I'm also thinking of my grey cat, he's so sweet, I can't tell you how sweet he is.

I'm also thinking about the holidays, I'm thinking of Christmas with my family and New Year's with my friends, maybe. I'm thinking of yet another holiday season of listening to people talk about the person they're dating or married to, and how sweet they are at holiday time.

I'm thinking of how when I was a kid, I got so excited about Christmas. But now, my parents don't buy me toys, and pretend there's a Santa. I missbeing a kid, and loving Christmas. Now I just look forward to it, because I get to spend time with my family, and with the losses the past few years, they become more precious.


Tuesday, December 7, 2004 5:37 AM


Gray and Grey. Their is the last name and the color both are enterchangeble. My color pencils say it grey, my computer says it gray so I don't think you can go wrong.
My cat is a black cat expect she grow one white whisker. She's lost it several time but it always grows back white.


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