
Saturday, January 17, 2004

So I was watching a Tru Calling episode I had taped (yes, I watch Tru Calling ). Where I live, there's this TV station sorta out in the boonies that also shows it, but an hour earlier. So all the commericals and news updates are all for the stuff in the area. I prefer taping Tru Calling at this time since it is an hour earlier and I avoid watching it on Fox.

So here I am, fast forwarding through the boring commericals and suddenly an ad for Firefly goes flashing by. Naturally, I start freaking out and I stop the tape and rewind it back. Turns out it wasn't an ad for Firely, just a brief preview of a report from the news about TV shows ending up on DVDs. I was happy to see that Firefly had made the news report, then the guy goes and says, "Even shows you've never even heard about."

Excuse me?!

Plenty of people have heard about Firefly. Want evidence? How about this site? Okay, so maybe the guy was referring to shows that air on American channels, like HBO, that aren't common channels in every Canadian household. But Firefly is getting Canadian air play in reruns and while it had been on the air, a national TV station had shown it. So I don't know what this guy was talking about and I'll never know since the news report aired on Thursday. Too bad I can't pull a "Tru" and go back to that day.



Monday, January 19, 2004 2:39 PM



Me: Damn it! I cant beleive Fox canceled Firefly!

Friend: What the hell are you talking about? What the f*ck is wrong with you?

The ones that I really cant stand though are the ones who liked it and then read the different reasons Fox canceled it and started talking about how much the show sucked. For example:

Me: So I was listening to the commentarys on the Firefly DVDs last night and-

Friend: That show sucked.

Me: 'The hell? You love Firefly!

Friend: Now I dont. That show sucks ass.

Me: What the f*ck is wrong with you?

Its incredably frustrating. Please excuse my rant.

Do you mean "former friends"?

Saturday, January 17, 2004 2:41 PM


Give 'em Hell, buddy! Hooo-Ahhh!!

Saturday, January 17, 2004 12:55 PM


Yeah. Ive had more than a few conversations like that.

Me: Damn it! I cant beleive Fox canceled Firefly!

Friend: What the hell are you talking about? What the f*ck is wrong with you?

The ones that I really cant stand though are the ones who liked it and then read the different reasons Fox canceled it and started talking about how much the show sucked. For example:

Me: So I was listening to the commentarys on the Firefly DVDs last night and-

Friend: That show sucked.

Me: 'The hell? You love Firefly!

Friend: Now I dont. That show sucks ass.

Me: What the f*ck is wrong with you?

Its incredably frustrating. Please excuse my rant.

Saturday, January 17, 2004 11:08 AM


Sadly when I talk to my friends and obsess over Firefly not a one of them know what I'm talking about. And many of them are Sci Fi fans, so I find it ruddy awful.

But I have managed to convert a few with the DVD's.

More and more of us every day.


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