
Leave it to Reavers...
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

...to ruin a perfectly good dream.

So I was sleeping pretty hard, as I do now that I think I'm 18 and started rowing at 5 am again, minding my own buisiness, when a couple of reavers show up and, I'm man enough to admit, freak me out. As far as I was concerned I was on my last ship hanging out in the hanger watching one of the manliest women I know do pushups with one of my high school friends standing on her back. I suppose I should have recognized the forshadowing when a man with a knife lunged at me demanding that I learn to protect myself. Then I'm in space, on a ship that is definitely not Serenity, crewed by our BDH's (and me, though I can only assume I was there as cannon fodder) when some reavers showed up and got on board. The entire crew, except for Book, uncharateristically ran away screaming. So it's me and Book fighting two reavers. He was pretty much a badass. I was pretty much a little girl. It was scary and I woke up feeling emasculated. Gorram reavers.



Thursday, February 24, 2005 4:07 PM


Yeah I read that post. It made me feel good that I'm not the only one that has intensly weird dreams. My friends think I'm crazy.

Thursday, February 24, 2005 1:11 PM


I can't picture Ebo in an AP Biology classroom...

succatash oh succatash...

ooh, my dreams with fellow FFFers are my favorite. So fun! LIke this last one was all about getting to the NC preimier shindig, but i didn't, but that was okay cause there was a shower...

Thursday, February 24, 2005 10:06 AM


Meaning huh? That would be a first...lol.

As for dreams involving FFF members, last night after I pissed off my wife for some reason when I checked into the Holiday Inn they offered me a compliminary upgrade to the LipFerret suite. Maybe I'm spending too much time on this site. Come to think of it I had a dream with Ebo in it a couple weeks ago. She looked a lot my AP Biology teacher in high school.

Oh yeah... I am definitly aspiring to little girl status. It's still a couple levels above where I currently reside. It's good to have goals.

Thursday, February 24, 2005 6:04 AM


You know. . .

Succatash has similarly odd dreams. . .usually involving me and Ebo.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005 7:19 PM


I can totally sympathize with your weird dreams. I get them all the time. Though yours appears to have some meaning to it...mine are not as obvious to decode.

It's okay to be a little girl...speaking from experience, a little girl can be quite ferocious.


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