
The Clock is Ticking
Friday, April 8, 2005

Hmm, two months since I blogged. What's new? What hath Quicksand to say?

Three quick points, then you may click the "back" button without hurting my feelings:

(1) Everyone is gushing over "Sin City," which is easy to do because the books ARE awesome, and it's only the second movie with any kind of buzz to come out in 2005 (the previous being "Constantine"). Obviously, there are LOTS more for 2005, but they're slow getting here. Anyway, was I the only one annoyed by every actor and extra in "Sin City" appearing only in the foreground? No one else has a problem with this, all the negative comments on the IMDB were like "Oh, it's too violent," which is moronic, because it's rated R, and what more warning do you need? Were you expecting just harsh language? Anyway. Good fillmmaking, poor direction.

(2) Constantine was damn cool. Then I read a graphic novel. What the hell? They guy looks like the bastard love child of Sting and Jonny Lee Miller, the artwork wasn't that great (maybe that was just the one issue I picked up) and though some lines of dialogue were copied exactly for the movie, it just wasn't the same thing. Who do I ssee about this?

(3) I just re-read the "Hitchikers Guide to the Universe" novel. Which is something everyone should do. I'm all tingly about the movie; even if it sucks, it DID make me read the book again, which is never, ever a bad thing.

Go make all your friends watch "Firefly." I see on the main page that the episode "Trash" only has 7 reviews, and with the traffic this site gets, that just means there are people who haven't picked up their box sets yet. Naughty, naughty.

Just a quick reminder: You're all very sexy, and I'll see you in line at the movie. MMMMMmmmm.



Thursday, September 15, 2005 3:53 PM


so YOU'RE going to be that crreeeepy guy behind me in line who smells faintly of burned-out processors and keeps brushing against my leather trenchcoat!! I was WONDERING who was gonna play that guy this year n_n

Sunday, April 10, 2005 6:57 PM


Yeah, I just saw Sin City tonight. I guess the foreground thing was a drawback of the greenscreen being immeniately behind the actors. But that should have made adding background people easier really. But, I think the graphic novel was the same. No real background. Why were there like 6 previews for horror movies at "Sin City"? And that horrible looking Keanu Reeves thing with the abominable animation. *Shudder*
Anyway, I agree. I think Constatine and Sin City are all I've seen this year. At least the only memorable ones. HHGTTG, Maybe SWIII are next. nothing else I've seen previews for looks appealing. Actually I saw 1 preview a few months back for a film about a guy in the UK in a wheelchair, that looked really good, but I've not seen anything for it since, and I've forgotten the title.

Complaining about violence or sexuality in "Sin City", is like complaining that Pirates of the Carribean" had too many pirates in it.

Saturday, April 9, 2005 1:13 PM


"Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," is what I meant. I think what I did was blended it with "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe" in my head. Because I'm distracted... by... comedy.

Great book, pass it on!!

Friday, April 8, 2005 5:37 PM


"(3) I just re-read the "Hitchikers Guide to the Universe" novel. Which is something everyone should do. I'm all tingly about the movie; even if it sucks, it DID make me read the book again, which is never, ever a bad thing."

I wholeheartedly concur. I'm doing the same thing right now. And so is my mom. Rereading Douglas Adams is always a good thing.

Friday, April 8, 2005 3:08 PM


Did I really just write "Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe?" Am I insane? Where's my medication? Where is the freaking "EDIT" button?!!?!?

I meant "Galaxy," obviously. I am not an idiot.


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