
HSX Brigade!
Monday, April 18, 2005

Serenity seems to be lagging over as, more than likely from non-browncoats selling their shares after finding out that the movie is being delayed. It sucks. That's were most of my money is, and I love that site. Its so much fun, even if I've been wrong more than right. Nathan seems to be holding, but they really started Alan up too high. I only bring it up because after diversifying my portfolio, I'm finally coming close to reaching the limit of Firefly stock I can buy. So, if you haven't yet, get over there and buy some! Its easy, and its fun! Firefly stock is relatively cheap right now, but I'm hoping it doesn't stay that way!


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 8:22 AM


I already have my limit in it, and I've emailed the PTB there telling they NEED to open Adam Baldwin stock. The man's been in over 80 movies - shouldn't he qualify?? (ok, so a lot of them were.. well.. you know.. but STILL!!)

I own all the Nathan Stock I could afford, and all the Alan Tudyk stock I could afford.

But I forget to check that site on a regular basis...


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