Thank you all for not being like the dim-witted, slow-thinking Moes over at IMDb
Friday, April 29, 2005

Two blogs in two days! Party in my eye socket and everyone's invited!

I just came to another realization - you guys are smart! And praise be for it.

Now, I like to think of myself as a relatively bright individual (despite my hilariously low ACT score - and the fact that I'm friends with a guy that scored 34), and I enjoy in participating in conversations with like-minded people. I'll engage in conversation with most anyone, but I prefer that they're not, as I stated in my blog title, "dim-witted, slow-thinking Moes."

That's why I have trouble with the message boards anywhere else, most noticeably the Internet Movie Database ( A great resource for information, trivia and other minutae (sp?). An absolutely horrid community for those searching for thought-provoking and civilised communication. Proven, at least in my own mind, by the fact that my posts are rarely answered by anyone other than the incoherent Internet-speak trolls (OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG! U ppl suk! Woot!) and the flame-baiting anti-anything I like trolls.

However, as I'm apparently a glutton for punishment, I continue my quest for meaningful dialogue with other fans of popular television and movies at IMDb, and I'm continously met with the same result.

I'm eternally grateful for This community has provided me great joy during my seemingly endless hours at my nothing-to-do job.

Just wanted to say "Thanks." I promise my next entry will be more meaningful.


Saturday, April 30, 2005 5:44 PM


Personally, I treat imdb like I do Walmart. When I'm forced to go to either, I go in and out as fast as possible, grabbing only what I need and never window shopping. I think I'm afraid they'll rub off on me.

Friday, April 29, 2005 5:43 PM


Shorah, and welcome to the Browncoat line.

Browncoats: holding the valley of civilization and nicety against the alliance of internet punks, trolls, and AiCN Talk-backers.

Friday, April 29, 2005 11:55 AM


Oh crap!!! I signed on like 45 minutes ago just to respond to your blog, and got caught up reading Penny Arcade! Sorry. Yeah, I don't know what it is about IMDB. Over at aintitcoolnews ain't much better. For the love of God don't mention Joss Whedon or Firefly over there. Glad to have you here, but don't call myself witty, or brilliant, or even gifted...Actually, I think I'm borderline retarded...

Friday, April 29, 2005 11:24 AM


I teach. You spelled minutae correctly. Good job. :)

Friday, April 29, 2005 11:12 AM


*twg curtsies*

You are most kindly welcome sir.

You may count yourself among us brillaint and witty folks...'cause you used the word 'minutiae'.

Yeah, the imdb posters are idiots.


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