
Business Trip...
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

For the first time in my life, I am going on a buisiness trip. Not to be trained or go to classes, but to actually be the one doing the training! That's ruttin' awesome! Apparently my employers think I'm doing something right, so I'm going to our Philadelphia office for an overnight trip from 6/1-6/2, and I won't be on here until at least Thursday evening. But still, that's really cool!! Wish me luck, and hopefully I won't make a fool out of myself.


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:36 PM


Ahhhh....the joy of business travel. I'm actually on a business trip right now. Of course, mine is to support a wind tunnel test and it's for almost four weeks. But, ya gotta start small.

Hope it's a good trip and remember a few simple things.
Tylenol PM (or Benadryl) is your friend if you have trouble sleeping the first night in a different bed (or the hotel is noisy, which happens to me regularly. But I also regularly work nights when I'm traveling, so that's not terribly surprising.)

Drink lots of water after you get off your flight (and some before and during, but not so much that you have to use the airplane restroom more than absolutely necessary). Flying will dehydrate you like no one's business.

Eat at a nice restaurant that you can't find at home (but don't drink too much). You're away from home, you should enjoy yourself at least a little bit.

Wander and/or drive around a bit if you have any extra time. Play tourist or just find a park and walk around. Get to know the area a bit. (But make sure you have a map in case you get lost. If you do get lost.)

If you're staying a moderate priced hotel, find the closest nice hotel and pay a visit to the conceirge desk. Those people are paid to help you. They don't know that you're not staying at the hotel. Ask for restaurant/sight-seeing recomendations. The good ones know the best places to go, give excellent directions and might even make reservations for you.)

Don't forget your brain (book that is). Your brain book is a notebook (or PDA, but a notebook is easier) that has all the important information that you will need should you loose your brain. Things like your travel plans, maps, contact phone numbers (both on-site and back home), an envelope for all your receipts and everything else you're liable to forget. (I also include a cross-word puzzle and a magazine or couple of articles off web sites that I've been meaning to read. Never hurts to have extra material for when you need to kill some time).

Don't forget to fill up your rental car with gas before you return it and remember to take your cell phone, CDs, sunglasses and everything else from the car with you (they'll tell you this at the rental car place, but it does bear repeating).

Best of luck. Hope the class goes well and welcome to ranks of the business traveler.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 11:18 AM


be safe and have good class!

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 11:03 AM


Best o' luck, Soul, you'll do great! (Do you feel so very grown up?) Make sure you eat a pretzel when you're there. With lots of mustard. yummy!

*sigh* I miss Philly...


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