
Serenity promo?
Thursday, June 30, 2005

Hi all..I've watched this site for ages and this is my first posting. Hope it goes well. :)

Anyway, I went to the movies recently and when the trailer came up, a few people, including myself, clapped and hollered. It would have done the crew proud. I talked to them later, and they said they wished there was some more publicity about it.

I went home and thought about it and decided to do my part for it. I got the logo off the net, went into Illustrator and Photoshop and made one that would fit on a t-shirt.

Then I thought, if I was willing to wear it, others might. So, If anyone is interested, I can zip the file and send it to you. All you need is a white t-shirt and a FedEx Kinko's (or any t-shirt shop) near you and they can apply it.

I'm hoping to figure out how to upload the pic here for you to see


Thursday, June 30, 2005 6:05 PM


Welcome aboard. I've only upload images a couple of times, and had difficulty my self. Seems that only certain filetypes can be loaded. so you may need to change the file extension to .JPG if it's say .bmp.(open the image then do "save as.." and change extension) Then go to Blue Sun Room (near the top of the page. From there click Add Image over on the left side. fill in the blanks click the button and wait until you see a "thumbnail" of your image. hope that helps.

Thursday, June 30, 2005 2:48 PM


well, obviously that didn't work...could someone tell me how to upload a pic?


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2005 June