
Shoulda got the camera phone
Monday, July 11, 2005

My teenager had been begging for a new cellphone for the better part of a year ... ever since we activated an extra line and let him have my husband's very old phone. Cheapskate parents like us try to restrict major purchases to Christmas and birthdays, so guess what dear stepson got for his 16th birthday last week?

So we went to the local Sprint store and let him choose his new phone. I did talk him out of the various styles that come equipped with a digital camera. Sprint was giving him two free months of the necessary internet service, but we won't extend the service, and so I said it was pointless to carry around a useless camera feature. Anyway, we have other digital cameras if he needs one.

We walked out with the new phone activated and the stepson extremely happy with a phone that actually works for a change. Went directly to a local shopping center, parked, picked up a few mundane items.

When we returned to our car, a gigantic red Hummer-variety SUV was parked directly in front of it. There are a lot of Hummers in our wealthy-suburban wasteland, and my stepson and I make a habit of cursing them loudly when we spot one (check out if this appeals.) But I didn't really notice this one until I was behind the steering wheel, started the ignition, and looked up straight into the blood-red maw of the vehicle of death on my bumper.

Are you thinking what I was thinking? Reavers. It felt like every sequence in Firefly when a Reaver ship surfaces silently to loom before Serenity's helm. Red, sharp lines, huge beyond all proportion. The only thing missing was actual corpses strapped onto the hood.

Shoulda got the camera phone. Then I could have just posted the pic and let everyone brainstorm.

So, log-survey of the day: what everyday sight have you recently seen that evoked the Reaver aesthetic? Or that triggered some other Firefly-related "wow" in your head?


Monday, July 11, 2005 6:20 PM


Some cars that park in the parking lot at work look as though they were thrown together haphazardly and are flying without core-containment.


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