
Thursday, February 19, 2004

Oh god, bad day. Before I can tell this story you have to understand how my mind works. I have to do everything 'perfect' I have to be 'correct' if not the first time then the second time. I can't forget anything and everything bad that ever happens from the moment of my birth is my fault (so you could blame me for Firefly's cancellation). In reality, none of that's true, despite how much I say that everything's my fault

So, about the last ten mintues before school got out my science teacher wrote me a pass to help tutor a few kids in Bio because they have a test next week (I have it too). Not bad but I have to find my history teacher and tell her that I won't be coming in to help her during Directed Study (DS- which I do every Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Not a problem -- except she doesn't have the same classroom for seventh period. So I have to go find her.

Not to mention I'm supposed to be at a newspaper meeting afterschool on Thursdays (which I completely blanked about) and I didn't have a ride home so I ended up missing the meeting and getting on the bus. Can't ever show my face to that teacher again...

And this morning, I was running so late. I got up I was in the shower at 7:20-something, normal. I have to leave my house at 8:00 just to make sure that i don't miss the bus. I don't get out of the bathroom until 7:59 and then I have to run up and down the stairs three times to grab things I forgot. It has just not been a good day. I felt like venting.

I know Valentine's is over but I hate valentines, and couples that are all lovey-dovey in normal time...


Thursday, February 19, 2004 2:19 PM


Good venting.

Bad day.

Thursday, February 19, 2004 1:39 PM


You either need to drink more... or possibly less coffee

Seriously though way to vent Krystopher

Have you considered cloning as a solution to double booking your time?


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