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Monday, September 19, 2005

First, I don't like that I'm seeing so few ads. I know, I know, I'd complain anyway: there have been movies this year that had way TOO MANY ads and drove me crazy. But Serenity is good enough to handle it. Right? What makes a good trailer?

a) Interesting characters.
b) Good lines.
c) A hint at the action.

Now, the problem with this is, you get one trailer with one or two examples of each, and then it's repeated, ad nauseum. If a movie is actually good enough to be worth watching, it will have so many examples of the above that when you see a 2nd trailer (or even a third), there's more to feast your eyes upon. And no, I don't mean, one trailer making a movie look like action, and another to make it look like romance ("Into the Blue" anyone?). An actual trailer that's more heavy on the movie and less so on the "STARRING BOB JONES" graphics ("Bloodrayne" anyone?).

"Serenity" obviously has all of these things, and while most movies cap out at 2-4 leads, we get nine. So we're set. And I think we may break the record for quotable lines in a film, though that's a tall order. I can't wait to find out.

Oh, and there's lots of action.

Second, I saw the international poster, and it's about eighty times cooler than the domestic one. What the hell? Someone needs to fix this. It's like the entirety of American movie execs have NO IDEA how to market a movie without Tom Cruise in it. Are Americans really so shallow that they'll only go to a movie based on who's in it, rather than actual content and story? Don't answer that.

Third, and no one remembers this, but there were people who mocked the Star Wars trailer, and I mean the ORIGINAL Star Wars trailer in 1977. I wasn't there or anything, but I heard Mark Hamill talk about it in an interview. Nothing like that had ever been attempted before... well, not for a very long time (Star Wars, 1977. Forbidden Planet, 1956) ... so it's easy for the average joe to mock Sci-Fi. But when it's done well, it becomes EXTREMELY popular... this goes ditto for fantasy (as in, like, "Willow," "Legend," or oh, gee, I don't know, "The Lord of the Rings"). There's a certain percentage of people who are followers, and whereas a part of me doesn't want them messing with something as sacred at Firefly, the exposure of Joss is ultimately good for all of mankind (and womankind, and boykind, and girlkind. ... dogkind and catkind will be fairly indifferent).

Anyway, the Star Wars thing made me smile. I'm only minorly worried about people who, on 9/30, will opt to see "Just Like Heaven" a second time, or "Corpse Bride." The movie will get good reviews, and everyone has to remember: if you read a reviewer giving Serenity BAD reviews, you must have the discipline to BOYCOTT THAT REVIEWER FOREVER. It won't be easy, but you must keep in mind that this person therefore has horrible taste and cannot be trusted, ever.

Um........ that was all, I haven't written in a blog in months and this is why. You are all very sexy. XOXO


Monday, September 19, 2005 11:01 AM


Forbidden Planet was turned into a musical!?! o.O

Did ya notice Joss was a co-writer on Titan A.E.? Yep, him and "The Tick" creator Ben Edlund (who would later write for Firefly and Angel), and John August... a guy who did a pretty nice job with "Charlie's Angels."

Monday, September 19, 2005 10:42 AM


ah ha! forbidden planet rules!
the longer i stay on this site the more i see what a geek i am (sw, titan a.e., now fp)
shakespeare+future= love forever! look up the musical based on it- it's truly HIGH-larious!

"two beeps or not two beeps?"


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