
Indulge me -- 9/30 WHINE!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Like most of you, I've been making big and long-anticipated plans for Serenity's opening night. I planned to hire a sitter, gather a group of friends, and go with my husband and maybe our teenager and his friends (if they would humble themselves to be seen in public with old people). I envisioned an early showing, followed by a late dinner and drinks, giving our group ample time to discuss the movie's finer points. And did I mention the sitter? We VERY rarely do this -- it's really a special and expensive treat for everyone.

First, the stepson bows out. That's fine, I figured he'd want to go separately with his buds, and anyway he has to be up early for a school trip on Saturday.

Next, the one IRL local friend I know who is also a serious Whedon fan doesn't even reply to my e-mailed invitation. What's up with that?

Then, my husband ditches. He moonlights as a lacrosse referee (which, mind you, is a SPRING SPORT), and a gig he had lined up for Saturday morning was suddenly rescheduled for Friday evening. Also, mind you, good wife that I am, I had booked our Serenity date into his Outlook calendar myself, weeks ago. Hmph. Sniff, even.

Now, my sitter has cancelled. Very busy week at work, and she can't get off on Friday before 9 p.m.

I'm feeling downright sorry for myself this morning.


Wednesday, September 28, 2005 5:30 AM


I agree that hubby should make it up to you big time. He should take you to it TWICE this weekend.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 3:47 AM


awwww, I'm so very sorry. I think that hubby needs to make it up to you BIG TIME. Can you get a sitter for any other time during the weekend? It's better to see it sometime over the weekend than not at all!


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