
BDH's, Michaelangelo, whiskey church, fondling and a gag reel! It's Squared!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

So I promised myself I wouldn't do this and yet here I am contemplating writing up the best weekend ever! I'm not going to do that though, instead I thought I would recount some of the highlights from the weekend that was Serenity Squared.

Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined a Convention would be so much fun. But I somehow found myself driving into the Raddisson on Friday afternoon equal parts excited and petrified. So here are some things I learned. And some of my favourite moments.

I’ve learned;
- Sean Maher's first Chinese phrase was shuh muh?”
- Morena has the mouth of a trucker.
- Ron Glass is hi-larious drunk.
- Joss is boss.
- If it goes wrong it’s Summer’s fault.

I’ve learned that Morena burnt her cleavage during the filming of Book’s death scene but I also learned that we didn’t hear that from Jewel.

Nathan – “I did however burn the top of my head.”
Jewel – “Yeah I burnt my parting. Morena burnt her cleavage. She put sunblock everywhere else but not there. Except you didn’t hear that from me.”
Nathan – “Yeah she wouldn’t let us kiss her there for like a week.”
Sean – “It was a looong week!”

I learned that Nathan bought Summer a pumpkin carving kit and that the advances in pumpkin carving technology are just astounding.

I learned it is possible to get up in front of your heroes, ask them a question and not wet yourself with fear.

If I had done nothing else all weekend, Nathan singing me a song, Summer telling me I had a nice top and Jewel saying I looked good in my photo would have been worth the price of a ticket.

I’ve learned what bukkake means. (Please don’t ask me!)

Sean – “Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch”

“I love you Nathan”

I learned that Sean is an absolute star. How he signed all those autographs is beyond me.

I learned Jewel’s mum is a sweetheart.

Johnny Wallet and the church of the 11 fingers is so much better than regular church. It has whisky and everything. But it ain’t good for a hangover.

I learned Michelangelo is a bit of a whore.

I learned that Nathan can’t be sarcastic coz he’s too stupid for that!

Someone was sick! I know nothing. Couldn’t tell ya. Bet the cleaners could though!

Falling through a stack of chairs during the closing ceremony is not a good idea.

Sean has the nicest hands!!

Someone should have remembered that the contents of a water bottle is not always water.

The gag reel was genius. Anything Firefly/Serenity related was gonna be a big hit though really.
Nathan to crew guy – “So, if you could recast any actor on the film who would it be?”
Crew guy – “Probably….. Nathan. Because he has many, many talents but none of them are acting.

Con goers are such friendly people.

When Jonathan brings whiskey, he never brings enough. On purpose!

I’m sooo jealous of Matt. Summer knows him by name and everything. He is such a tease. What will she say in two weeks time?

I learned that for 5 star hotel the Raddison certainly believes in air conditioning. Song of the con… 'Brrr, it’s cold in here.'

The last song of the final disco of the greatest weekend ever should not have been ‘I’ve had the time of my life’. I told you all I was gonna cry.

So, there are so many other things that were great about last weekend I couldn’t write them all down. But one other thing that’s for certain is that if there’s a Serenity3… I’m there. I wouldn’t have missed the last one for the world.


Much love



Friday, November 25, 2005 7:23 PM


oopsie! look at all the exact same posts!! Sorry!!

Friday, November 25, 2005 7:22 PM


Brr its cold in here should be every con's song..seriously. Even in winter they have the A/C

Too many great highlights to name! If they have a Serenity 3, im comin!!

Friday, November 25, 2005 7:21 PM


Brr its cold in here should be every con's song..seriously. Even in winter they have the A/C

Too many great highlights to name! If they have a Serenity 3, im comin!!

Friday, November 25, 2005 7:18 PM


Brr its cold in here should be every con's song..seriously. Even in winter they have the A/C

Too many great highlights to name! If they have a Serenity 3, im comin!!

Thursday, November 24, 2005 5:26 AM


Awww, so many good memories! I wish I could remember it all perfectly forever!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 9:26 PM


Ooooh, it sounds like it was crazy fun.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 4:42 AM


since they won't tell ya, I will. It's Japanese slang for a "facial". Kinda like a "pearl necklace" and if you still can't figure out what it is then you're probably either too young or too stupid to need to know!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005 7:28 PM


LOL @ the burning cleavage.


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