
Your thoughts on Wash
Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I'm looking for insight. From You.

After Malcolm Reynolds, Book is my favorite caracter. It's been said that Book may be based on St.Patrick who never spoke of his guilty consience about his crime(s) when he became a priest. Now that's a story I can dig my teeth into.

But Wash? What do you see in Wash?

Now consider that I'm trying to be civil and as considerate as possible: All I want is to see through your eyes.

Plus I'm getting off my high horse, if that will help some.

Just tell me what you see when you look at Hoban 'Wash' Washbourne ...


Sunday, November 27, 2005 12:25 PM


I'm not sure if it's so much the favorite character, but I think people get attached to everyone in the crew because everyone is an intregal part. Everyone (well, most people) loves the funny person, and I think almost everyone is attached to the marriage of Zoe and Wash as well.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Joss has this knack for killing people in an instant. As in, one second the character is there and the next the character is dead. I think the mourning is for Wash, but on a bigger scale is mourning for Zoe's loss. The sight of Wash's death was overshadowed by the sound of Zoe's heart breaking. I think that's the sadness that most people can see and feel.

Thursday, November 24, 2005 2:19 AM


reference to somedeepmystery's entry...

Now we're talkin'. And you didn't run long. Double that texte and I'll consider it.

I read that texte and you were right: She does sum Wash pretty well. Here's a quote from that texte...

(...)And it's right then, minutes after he's been hauled back from the volcano's edge, when he's still bleeding and bruised and shaking and scared, that we meet the real Wash.(...)

THAT is a movie moment. That moment sends chills down my back. That is not just good writing. It is not just a good director.

If you know about the commentary of that episode, Alan mentions that in that scene he's all sweaty and in the cockpit he isn't... So what. He just nailed that scene.

How is it she described it? Pure genius or something...

That's right.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 6:57 PM


That's really interesting if you think about it. Book's always been the least interesting to me. Not that I don't love him, I do.

For me, in everything I watch, it's always the funny guy that wins me over.

Firefly just has something for everyone! :p

I liked the idea of him too, this non fighter type person who was in this situation. He puts his foot in his mouth, he makes snarky commentary, then he flies like a dream. I should also mention I've always had a thing for pilots...

I also like the that he gets panicky with the unknown, wants a way out if there is one to be had, but in the end when he knows what needs to be done, he does it with this zen like determination. Not just the flying I don't think because he's like that in War Stories too when they go after Mal.

I like he and Zoe together. How he seems to like everyone unless they give him a reason not to.

There was a cute little dissertation I found awhile back, that kind of sums up what it is. It's from a girls perspective though.

Of course everyone sees things through their own pair of Fan glasses. I really do care about every character on that show, but after watching it over and over again Wash basically sneaked up on me as the favorite. It's probably just my personality. :)

Sorry if that makes no sense or is just too long to read. Also, it may not really be very informative. :p I'll probably think of somethng brilliant later when I'm trying to sleep.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:31 AM


Oops, forgot to say:

Thanks, now I'll get off my high horse. :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:27 AM


Personally, I think Wash is the easiest Firefly character to get wrong.

Here is a man who

1) has a wife that he adores (and who adores him), despite their marital problems, and is willing to put up with a lot to stay with her.

2) has a job that he loves (who wouldn't love flying that ship) and a boss he usually doesn't (honestly, who would want Mal for a boss???).

3) has neighbors he can't stand (Jayne). (Come on, be truthful. You all know you have at least one.)

4) is continually put into situations that conflict with his beliefs and has to compromise to keep the wife and/or the job.

5) manages to keep his sense of humor and love of life despite all the crap that's falling down around his ears.

Sure, he's not a muscle man (though, watching the pilot again I renoticed his rather well-developed arms, whoo boy!). Sure, he's not a natural or trained fighter, but he'd do his damdest to protect those around him, especially Zoe. He and Mal are the one's I'd trust with my life if things were going wrong, basically because they're both honorable men. (I don't know about Zoe, God bless her. She's a hard one to read.)

I bet Wash could have gotten a well-paying, low-stress job flying some dull, overly-automated cruise ship, Alliance cargo ship, or somesuch. And yet he chose what many of us wish we had the guts/ability to do: love of job over need for money. In so doing, he found the love of his life, his soul mate. He has a good relationship with a stressfull boss, cordial relations with the jerk neigbor, and good--very good--friends.

Maybe it's because Wash represents so much of what we wish we could have but don't have the wherewithal to attain that we misread him so.


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