
Hope is a dangerous thing!
Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Is it possible to hope too much? For something to happen or for something not to happen. Hoping is something I seem to be doing an awful lot of at the moment. Hoping for a Serenity Cubed convention, a sequel to the BDM, a new blog from Jewel, a new job.

It worries me slightly that there may be a point where I have to accept that hoping is not enough. There might come a time when I suddenly realise that I’ve missed my chance of making my hopes and dreams become reality by being pro active. It worries me more that I might not realise when hoping is enough. That one day I look around and think, I should have had faith that everything would be ok. Sometimes I just have to sit back and let things be out of my hands. I hate being out of control. Maybe I need to address that!

It is a contented person who is totally happy with what they have been given in life. Then again I believe that one of the greatest human strengths is the aspiration we have to be better, go farther, help more. The key to all of this is knowing when enough is enough. When there is nothing more to be done. My problem is that I have a great many aspirations to do all kinds of things. What I lack is the courage, the conviction and the strength to risk failure in the hopes of doing something that I’ll remember for the rest of my life.

It’s been a tough year for me, but I wouldn’t change any of it. For I think it is during the hardest time that we discover, not who we are, but who we can be when the chips are down. And people surprise you in many unexpected ways. The people who we believe would be the worst ones to have around during a crisis can often turn out to be the greatest. It’s a tough thing to be let down by a friend who you thought was the strongest person you knew, and to pick yourself back up and start again, but sometimes it must be done.

I do apologise to anyone who has stumbled in here by accident. These thoughts made a lot more sense in my head. It might be all the random I’ve been subjected to recently. Either that or it’s because I’ve had an introspective sort of day. Suffice it to say that I still love Firefly as much as I ever did. If nothing else I can be grateful for the fact that Firefly has brought me a great many happy things. Among them,

A wholly crazy bunch of Randomites, you’re never too old to make fantastic new friends.
A movie I adore to accompany the series I love so dearly.
The chance to meet some Big Damn Heroes.
Many hours of laughter.
And last but not least, hope for the future.

See, we’re back to that pesky hope again.

Much Love


Tuesday, December 6, 2005 10:29 PM


love you babes

Tuesday, December 6, 2005 4:16 PM


We grow, and we learn, but losing sucks.

Sometimes we lose. But it doesn't rain every day.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005 4:02 PM


Faith Manages!!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2005 3:51 PM


Love back!!


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