
Getting my car fixed or…
Sunday, December 11, 2005

...The dangers of free alcohol.

So I left my car parked up outside my house the other day, and forgot to push the driver’s side wing mirror in. Imagine my glee when I get up the next morning to find some yu bun duh hwoon dahn had taken the wing mirror off. These things can take quite a whack before they get broken off (seriously I caught one doing thirty once, it just bounced right back into place). So somebody not only drove so close to a parked car that they hit the wing mirror, but they must of being doing well over thirty miles an hour while they were driving dangerously close to parked cars.

Given that the speed limit of thirty miles an hour is a little fast for my road at times I’m thinking that calling them a dangerous driving moron is more than generous.

They probably drive a BMW. Okay, so how many of you reading this own a BMW?

On the plus side since driving is part of my job, and since it’s illegal to drive without a driver’s side wing mirror, I had to wait till 12 noon on Wednesday for the garage to pickup my car. Then after that there really was no point going into work so I had an unofficial paid holiday on Wednesday. I hope to find out who hit my car someday, just so I can return the favour, preferably in an act involving me, their car, and a two pound lump hammer.

See how they like it. Anyway.

It was my works Christmas party on Friday, so two colleagues and I drove the couple of hundred miles to Bristol for too lift a few jars. As can be expected of England the weather was glories, fog sweeping in over the low hills ended with a journey that took much longer than it should have.

Not good since I didn’t want to go in the first place. I mean, there are pubs just down the road from me. I don’t need to travel halfway across the country to get drunk.

But we arrived eventually at around four o’clock. Met up with a lot of the other guys, who had sensibly taken the train and so arrived much earlier (though they also had to work in the morning, I got the whole day off HA!). I checked into the Hotel (paid for, nice) and got showered and dressed.

Then I get a phone call from one of the guys I drove up with, along the lines of “Where are you?”

So I find out where everyone else is, and how to get there, and then I spend ten minutes walking in the wrong direction because I thought they said right then left, instead of left then right.

But I arrive eventually, then I have to wait for a drink. So I wait.

Still waiting.

Hey, still haven’t got a drink here.

Someone’s complaining cause they’ve just finished theirs (they had nearly a full pint when I got there). I’m thirsty.

ahh, at last! Hmm, never had Budweiser on tap before…

So sometime goes by, lots of beers are drunk and then it’s time for dinner. I had Steak and chips, medium rare, and it was really nice. Though my manager did end up eating at the same table as me, which wasn’t the most fun ever.

But the night continued much in the same vein. Huge amounts of alcoholic beverages, and general merriment made for a fun time, but not that much in reportable events.

That is until a group of the London engineers and I went on to another pub. Well, I walked off with two others and we ended up wandering around Bristol talking to students, and finding out where the best places to go were. Funnily enough they didn’t want to join us, which is just rude, who wouldn’t want to join a couple of pissed up Londoners on a night out?


Anyway we ended up joining the other guys at a sports bar for a few beers.
Beyond one of the guys getting drunk and saying the normal drunk stuff:
“I love you man, anyone screws with you, and I’ll kill-em…”
Lots of cool stuff happened.

Now before I explain this next part I want you to understand my full meaning. This guy has worse luck with the fairer sex than me (seriously, he threw up on a girl once).

So imagine our abject shock and surprise when a big group of Women came running up to us shouting:
“It’s him, I told you! It’s Daniel!”

So for the rest of the night these Women keep popping up and shouting “Brian! It’s Brian.” Before they tell us they’re going to a club, and would we like to come along. Well a group of beautiful women ask you to join them at a club what are you going to say?

Of course we politely refused.

Just kidding. We went to the club, but a few of the older fellas dropped out and went back to the Hotel. So the remaining three of us bravely set foot where so many hands had roamed before and entered the club of all darkness. One of us had had to much to drink and forgot you had to pay to get in the club, and went running off shouting “WOOOO!”

So I had to pay for him. Then the other guy says, “what, you ain’t gonna pay for me too?”.

So in the end it cost me £15 to gain entry to this fine establishment. It wasn’t too bad, I made sure I didn’t pay for one damn drink after that (“It’s your round mate” “I paid for you to get in.”).

So a very fun night in the end. All I know is I some how got back to the hotel, and I was so hung-over on Saturday I left half my stuff there…


Friday, August 3, 2007 4:38 AM


Hi citizen,
I like your blog. very interesting. Keep up the good blogging. Hope it's ok if I leave a message. Just leaving a message without all the java script because it didn't make sense.

you said (I hope to find out who hit my car someday, just so I can return the favour, preferably in an act involving me, their car, and a two pound lump hammer.)

lol it was me who knocked off your mirror. just kidding. I don't own a BMW.

Friday, August 3, 2007 4:30 AM


Hi citizen,
I like your blog. very interesting. Keep up the good blogging. Hope it's ok if I leave a message.


just so I can return the favour, preferably in an act involving me, their car, and a two pound lump hammer
lol it was me just kidding. I don't own a BMW.

Sunday, February 12, 2006 1:04 PM


Hmmm, I could get good at this stalking lark.

See ya x

Sunday, December 11, 2005 1:24 PM


well that didn't work. Sorry.

Sunday, December 11, 2005 1:23 PM



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