
article in Entertainment Weekly: End of Firefly??
Friday, December 16, 2005

Did anyone read the latest issue of EW?? there is a small article on Joss Whedon and the future of Firefly. He says quote "In the end, it was a tough sell" adding that it appears the Firefly saga has reached its conclusion". The title is "Adios, 'Firefly'. Has anyone read this? I am kind of freaking out here.


Saturday, December 17, 2005 11:18 AM


That was me :P

Saturday, December 17, 2005 10:34 AM



I got my Entertainment Weekly magazine in the mail today and this is the article verbatim......

Adios, 'Firefly'...
Joss Whedon lets ''Firefly'' go -- The ''Serenity'' director may turn to ''Buff the Vampire Slayer'' for his next big-screen project by Jeff Jensen

When Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon looks back on 2005, he can take comfort in knowing that his film-directing debut, the sci-fi Western Serenity, resurrected his canceled-too-soon cult classic TV series Firefly, and was also one of the year's best-reviewed movies. ''I should say I'm above reading reviews,'' he says. ''But I would be lying.'' Alas, Whedon's fond memories are also tainted by Serenity's status as a franchise nonstarter; despite Universal's best marketing efforts, the film only mustered $25 million. ''In the end, it was what it was: a tough sell,'' says Whedon, adding that it appears the Firefly saga has reached its conclusion. He has no regrets and he's moving on. He's currently penning a Wonder Woman flick for Warner Bros., and has the thriller Goners set up at Universal; he'll direct whichever gets a green light first. Buffy's papa has more Slayerstuff in the pipeline as well: an ongoing comic book (''the eighth season we never made''), and possibly a series of DVD flicks focusing on characters like platinum bloodsucker Spike. As for Serenity, ''I have closure,'' he says. ''And now, I can have it in my home which means that finally I can actually stop working on it.''

No mention of DVD sales making or breaking sequels.

By the way, their review of the DVD was a B. I thought that was kinda weird, because their review of the movie was an A-.

I really don't know what to think. On paper, in this magazine, they are making it sound like Joss is saying it's over. And I can't see how that is good for DVD sales.

The article also quotes the wrong figures for box office. 25 million is domestic early, not the final amt. at boxofficemojo.

Makes me want to write EW, unless Joss confirms this, and tell 'em to get their figures and story straight!

Does anyone know, will Joss respond to this? Will he notice we are talking about it and say something?

Saturday, December 17, 2005 7:41 AM


Never say die, folks. I'm shocked to hear the negative talk! We've held out this far, it would only be foolish to begin to give up hope now. Don't trust anything you hear. I mean, look at the sales on Amazon!!! I seriously doubt this is the end of the line for the browncoats. We will rise again if you just have a little more faith. But like crazy on Tuesday. I know I am.

Saturday, December 17, 2005 6:38 AM


I read what i could on-line but I do not subscribe so I could not read whole article...Has any body read entire article? I was told by someone who has that later in the article he repeats the future of the franchise depends on dvd sales..Can someone who has read the entire article confirm or deny this?

Saturday, December 17, 2005 1:30 AM


If the article is correct, and it appears to be, the show and movie are over. Simply not enough broad based interest to sustain either. Too Bad--I guess that it is time for all of us to move on

Friday, December 16, 2005 3:13 PM


I hope this is incorrect, and that the DVD sells well enough to make more stories in the 'Verse. Maybe it'll have a Star Trek-style resurrection in later years, but right now I feel pretty damned sad. I hope I'm overreacting.

Friday, December 16, 2005 2:47 PM


In EVERY other interview Joss has done he's cited the importance of DVD sales and how it's still up in the air even if it is definately a stretch. Stupid to just take EWs take blindly. It's not the end. May be the end of Serenity on the big screen. May be the end of Firefly the series. May not even get a miniseries or anything from Scifi, but really can't see that NOT happening SOMEDAY... But there are books yet to come, comics, fan-made works... As long as we Browncoats are still around, the 'verse is not over.

Friday, December 16, 2005 2:27 PM


Pull yourselfs together. This is premature to say it at least.

What kind of "tough sell" is he referring to? The DVD is not even on the market yet and both the BDM and Firefly are on a pretty high demand at this juncture.

I have three possible explanations:

- Universal forced Joss to an extreme statement to push the DVD sales even furtherwhich makes this thing a morally questionable marketing trick
- Someone underestimates the momentum building up in the franchise right now
- WE took the quote out of context

Friday, December 16, 2005 2:03 PM


I went and read a link, couldn't finish, I burst into tears. I wouldn't have the guts to post a link and put it on the main posts. Crushed isn't even the word... mourning maybe. I just can't believe he'd say in an interview that the DVD sales will make the difference then a mere days later say this. Could there be some mistake? Please God, let there be some mistake.


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