
Browncoats compared to other fans...
Sunday, January 1, 2006

I've been a part of many fandoms in my life and each has their own...'quirks'...

Anime fans range as much as the title does. Sometimes they're sensible, sometimes they're a little crazy, and sometimes...they're Inuyasha fans. But depnding on their personality, they can be usually very easy to get along with. But many hate the idea of dubs and I know most of us hate censorship. Me and many of my friends get into rants over Toonami's blood edits.

Green Day fans are often like the band themselves. Cynical of society, but crazy and hyper in the same body. But I can't get along with most of the fans I meet online. Well, except for the Pantsing Mike Brigade, but we reccently got deleted from the face of GSB. Also, some older fans are really bitter about their new commercial success and commonly generalize the new fans as immature teenagers who only know American Idiot and only like them for their looks. *shakes head* But often times, these new fans become true blue veterans and are as knowlegdible as the people who've been into them for 10 years. Not all fans fit this negative image I've painted...but they're are days I can't stand those fans.

Dead Like Me fans...they are the closest things to Browncoats I've experienced before I started watching Firefly. We're all different but we get brought together about this little show about grim reapers. And not to mention we had a grave injustice commited against us too...damn network execs thought Fat Actress and Weeds were better buys. We've tried to fight though...hell, Browncoats are often used as examples when we talk about bringing the show back. And they're open to new fans too.

Browncoats though...they're some of the best fans I've ever seen. They were...and still are...extremely passionate. They never gave up because they saw something big in our favorite little show. And with Serenity, they did the impossible. Not to mention they are EXTREMELY open to new fans!! Even though I've only been into it for not even 4 months, I've never felt out of place.

But why did it take me so long to join here? Oh well.

Thanks for reading my useless mini-essay.


Monday, January 2, 2006 12:27 AM


I've been a browncoat since the show originally aired. But the amazing thing about us is no matter how long the show has been gone we grow in number.

Sunday, January 1, 2006 8:01 PM


Wow, you are so right. I never thought about it before, although I am one of those cynical jaded commercial-success hating Greenday fans. (I have yet to meet a new fan of Greenday who wasn't a teenage idiot)

But aside from that you are so spot on. I mean I'm really suprised when I find out how diverse a fan base Firefly/Serenity reaches- maybe that's why the execs axed that, and dead like me- because they can't stick us in a demographic??


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