
First Day of the New Year
Sunday, January 1, 2006

Well, here I sit in a quandary, needing to pour out lots of stuff that I'm feeling, but knowing that this is a public forum and not wanting to hint at my problems to other folks.

Suffice it to say... there may have to be changes that will be difficult this year. A relationship may have to end, after many years, and running along in tandem with this prospect is the fact that my baby daughter is getting her first job, is in love and will likely be leaving home soon. Not maybe immediately soon, but soon. Funny thing is, my husband seems to be pushing this on, and I'm not happy about that. Can't seem to explain to him, for the life of me, that he may want her to be on her own now, but he will miss her. Or is it possible that this man is truly going to be happy when she leaves home? Seems like it to me, and I just can't understand that, for I'm going to be very lonely and sad to see her go. Yea, I know, I know, the old "empty nest syndrome" is what I'm feeling, but it's also that I like my daughter, I enjoy her company and I'm just flat out gonna miss her.

And I find I am having not so good feelings toward my husband for being so pushy with her. He makes her feel unwelcome.. and I'm pissed about that.

Well, the old year went out with this constant nagging thing, it seems it will begin with it too.

God, I'm glad I have Firefly and this board to call my home too, or I think I'd just get a little crazy.

On a lighter note... my Mom went to a family dinner and took " Serenity" to share with my aunt and cousin and family. They will get hooked there is no denying it and they have a large circle of friends who will get hooked and on it goes. Thank you to my Mom who remembered to take it and spread the Firefly love.


Friday, February 3, 2006 9:59 PM


Hi FollowMal,

I'm so glad to hear you are more-or-less my age. At least you're being courageous about it; I, myself, did not even have the guts to put it in my bio. :)

You're a woman! I know, you're thinking: "You telling me that 'cause you think I don't know?" :) But seriously, no, I didn't realize (leave it to a male to assume a male, lol). Not that it matters, but I guess it just makes it a bit more special, for me, that you reached out to me, yesterday; as my whole "crazy-about-River-Tam-to-the-tune-of-tragic-space-dementia" thingy is probably not something you can really relate to.

Thank you!


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