
Nature vs Nurture in the case of reavers and why I became a browncoat instead of a trekkie.
Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Today in my government class, we watched an episode of the original Star Trek to see how it dealt with civil rights in the 60s. I could see the meaning but I couldn't help but be reminded why I didn't like Star Trek, no matter what year it was. It was just so boring and hokey to me. I never quite saw what my parents saw in it. Then I think about Firefly and what appealed to me about it. Sure, Joss said he had the Cheese factor in there, but I guess I loved how the series wasn't a normal sci-fi series. And in Serenity, the writing was spot on. Much better than Lucas's writing in Star Wars. But I ramble...I want to get to my other point.

In bio, we started talking about Nature vs Nurture. My teacher said something about DNA in corn and some kid said something about how Plastic Surgery applied to it too. Well, it made me think about Miranda and the Reavers in Serenity. I'm guessing we've all seen the movie by now, so I shouldn't have to worry about spoiling. Anyway, the people of Miranda were normal human beings with conflicts. The Alliance tried to bring in peace and try to nurture this planet into falling under their beliefs. It backfired though when 90% of the population died and the other 10% went crazy and turned into these horrible creatures called Reavers. Despite the backfire, Miranda and the Reavers were the Alliance's attempts of nurturing. Bad nurturing, but still nurturing...

Too bad I couldn't tell that to the class. No one would know what I was talking about and the treehugger would have dismissed me for using a fictional sitiuation. Oh well...


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 2:39 AM


hehehe! i got plenty of giggles from this! so funny!

i've had those thoughts in gov't too. only i wrote a paper about mal being a disaffected member of the state. it's in my blog here if you ever get bored!


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