
Azati Prime
Sunday, March 21, 2004

Am I the only one still watching "Enterprise?" Someone tapes the episodes two at a time and sends them to me via snail mail since we have no UPN station. I know we're two weeks behind and I want to know what happens to the ship. I assume since Enterprise was being blown to that the only solution is a time travel one. I'm a little tired of all the alternate time line story arcs but I'm still watching. Tell me we're done with the zendi and moving on to other things. Give me a reason to keep watching!


Tuesday, March 23, 2004 1:46 PM



It's not going to be a reset.

Sunday, March 21, 2004 4:43 PM


Cool! Thanks for the update! When you deal with being two weeks behind + snail mail time you always assume you've missed something. Can't wait for the last episodes! Thought the effects for AP were great. I just don't want a Star Trek series to go off the air so soon.

Sunday, March 21, 2004 2:15 PM


I met Micael DeMeritt yesterday at the con I mentioned in my last blog. (First assistant director on Enterprise for the unnformed) He was doing a seminar on the production process of the show. He said tht the show is going to be in repeats until early to mid april and has been since Azati Prime aired (so you havent missed anything) then they have six more episodes with the last three joing up as the season finale. (I think he may have said that the final episode will be two hours but dont hold me to it). He also said that the last three have the highest budget per episode that the show has ever seen and should be spectacular. Hopefully it'll pull enough veiwers to make UPN want to keep the show and if not then hey, at least it'll be a good last hurrah.


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