
Maybe It's Me...
Thursday, January 26, 2006

First off, I'm 26 years old, which ain't old or world-weary by a long shot, but I've been around the block enough times to have developed some cynicism about the world in general, and to have come to the realization that my life ain't going to turn out like I'd thought it would. It's pretty easy to just get stuck in the daily grind of work and stress, and money, and all the other baggage that comes from trying to make ends meet.

Here's the thing though. Lately, when I'm driving in my car, I like to pretend it's spaceship.

It's got needles and dials, and levers and everything, and in TV they always seem to have lots of little switches to hit in those ships. (Loved what Alan Tudyk was talking about with his character, how he had those three switches he'd hit whenever the scene called for him to get something ready in the cockpit. :)

Actually, my car's a little bit like Serenity. It's always on the verge of falling apart, and it's basically held together with baling wire, duct tape, and love. (Well, maybe not so much the love insofar as my own car goes...)

I do a little pre-flight check before I go anywere. I no longer park my car, so much as take it in for a landing.

Here's another thing: I work in a grocery store, far from glamorous, but it pays the bills okay. I run the night crew there. Basically from 10pm to 6 in the morning, I'm in charge of the stockers, the floor guy, and the overnight cashier. I'm really not terribly cut out for a leadership role, but I sort of happened into the job. Now that I'm totally stuck on this show, though, I find that I kind of channel Mal when I'm on the job. When I have to do one of those "I'm the boss, listen do what I tell you" things, I try to think of how Mal would handle the situation.

Wierd thing is: it kind of works.

Perhaps it's just me, but Firefly re-opened a door into my imagination. For me that means alot. I've been dealing with some serious writer's block for years now, almost to the point where I was starting to look at a life where I wasn't going to be doing anything creative.

I've actually started drawing again, for the first time in almost four years, and I'm revisting a couple stories that I never got around to starting.

The Serenity may be grounded for the time being, but since it fly into my life, I've gone from burnt-out minimum-wager to starving artist.

And that ain't nuthin...

Holding 'till Mal gets back.



Thursday, January 26, 2006 1:23 PM


Ah NuClearDay, Don't give up so much hope. We all have to go through the negative things in life to know and experience the joy in other situations. I'm glad that Firefly has helped you in the hard times. Keep flyin' friend. It's the only thing you can do. ---YCSTS


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