
Monday, January 30, 2006

Jessica is an old friend who I picked out to be my first victim in my mission to convert me some hethens.

I went over to her house one day just to show her the first few episodes. Take it slow, I figured. On that first day we ended up watching the first seven episodes straight through before I had to go.

A few weeks later I returned and despite a number of obstacles (mainly other friends showing up and attempting to interrupt the Firefly marathon), we watched all the way through the last seven episodes, the bloopers (the extended version, I have it on my ipod), and the deleted scenes. We proceeded then to watch Serenity.

At the end of the day I got the distinct feeling that although she had watched and loved it all, she wasn't going to be buying any of it. She cited the reason of insufficient funds, but I got the vibe that she really just didn't care that much about it. I left saddened, that despite my best efforts I hadn't managed to boost sales even a tiny bit.

That night, online she messaged me a single line of "FIREFLY!" I sent her every link I could think of. Sent her the link to "Dead or Alive." Sent her the link to this website. Sent her a link to the strawberry awards. I made an Inara wallpaper for her. It's up in the blue sun room. She likes Inara, somethin' fierce.

Only two days later she informed me that she had, in fact, bought herself a copy of Serenity.

I guess sometimes it just takes time.


Monday, January 30, 2006 3:31 PM


Nice job! That is great. It's always good to take it slow and it seemed to pay off. Now just be supportive and move her towards the series to purchase. I started out slow but now my 3 friends, two brothers, and parents have all bought the Firefly series and Serenity. Good job Frankie.


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