
My food is problematic
Wednesday, February 1, 2006

It sure is. I have a dentist appointment today; unpleasant tooth-ache (is there any other kind, I wonder?). Eating hurts like, well, that special hell. :) Though it affords me a good -- albeit ostentatiously obvious -- excuse to bring River into it again, lol. It was a delightful scene in which she said that (is there any other kind, I wonder?). And they want to stick her in those nasty fanfics! *shudder*

Also, I made the mistake of posting in the Fruity Oaty Bars thread. And now I cannot get that jingle out of my head, either!

At any rate, I'm banking real money on that tooth-ache being gone tomorrow. If I'm wrong, you best shoot me now... Or, we could talk more. :)


Sunday, February 12, 2006 10:49 AM


*hugs and comforts* There there babes I understand its upsetting...I dont even bother with that bs. *hangs head* People are sad...

Me? Psychic? Um...I dont really consider myself one...Id like to be one though. Call me paranoid but Im one of those people who just itches to know what people are thinking...Liars everywhere you know O.o Shhh! Little ears listening... I am flattered that you think I could possibly be a psychic though...or...was that sarcasm...?

Sunday, February 12, 2006 9:11 AM


Hey ShadowChild, :)

Aw; you're a very sweet person, you know that? Making me feel all better again. :) Thank you! I really needed that, too, btw. Are you perchance psychic, too? :)

As for the fanfics, yeah, people do put River an sexual relationships. And I know it's me, but that just triggers the hell out of me something fierce. :( I really had to walk away that night; and it will be a long, long day before I ever dare see a fanfic again.

Sunday, February 12, 2006 8:37 AM


I love River and I love every opportunity to bring her or her wonderful words into a convrosation. I do hope your tooth feels better!!! *kisses it better* Whats wrong with the fics? I dont read them often. Theyre not putting River in sexual relationships are they??? Cuz if they are Id be happy to help you irradicate them *nods*


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