
My First Firefly fanfic
Wednesday, February 8, 2006

I just posted my first firefly fan fic. It makes me nervous. Doing the Serenity Tarot cards was fun because I've never worked with photoshop before and it was just sort of relaxing, but writing is completely different. I've been writing short stories since I was about thirteen. I'm an English major. It's more than a hobby for me... In fact, in an attempt to take my writing more seriously, I once took a vow never to write fan fic after high school. But, for better or worse, I felt motivated to break it.

So, wish me luck, and please, if you like the story, tell me so and harass me about getting the next chapter done. I've posted chapter one and have half of chapter two written already. I actually have an outline that goes all the way to the end of the story. If all goes well this will be the first novel-length anything I have ever completed (or my second novella, we'll see). So please, help a browncoat out...

Here's the descrption I have posted:
Set after OIS. Much to Inara’s chagrin, Mal accepts a job offer that takes Serenity far away from New Melbourne and to an unremarkable moon called Three Hills. With Inara’s promise to leave looming over them like a shadow and the job on Three Hills becoming more potentially deadly at each turn, Mal and Inara begin to retreat into their memories while all the while trying to find out what’s going on in their present… assuming they survive to find out. Also, Simon turns to Book for help when with his latest attempt to woo Kaylee, Zoe takes River under her wing, and circumstances lead to and unlikely partnership between Jayne and…

I loved the pre-romance between Mal and Inara, so if you loved it too, this fic is for you. In fact, originally I was just going to write M/I romance nonsense, but then I felt that all the characters rule so much that I needed to have all of them in the story. Book gets to play good-guy. Simon gets to be adorable, awkward Simon. Wash gets to fret over Zoe's upcoming birthday. Jayne... well, he gets to do interesting things too.

Okay, I think this is enough self-promoation for one evening (what can I say? I am excited and want people to read). So, peace.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 5:25 PM


Writing, no matter in what form, is always a good exercise. It doesn't matter if its Fanfic, it's still *writing*, and the more you write, the more you will hone your craft...

I'm very much enjoying your fiction so far. I think your charactization is good, and your style flows nicely. I have noticed a couple of typos here and there, but nothing major; I've always found it hard to proofread on a computer screen myself... I just can't spot the errors on the screen as well as I can printed out, and it's really hard to catch your own errors sometimes, I know... :o)

I like the background you are weaving of Inara's life before Serenity... recognize the MofaG influence - I was thnking of writing a Inara fic that was going to be centered around the Companion Houses and the structures and customs of their lives, and read that book among others to get a feel for what that world might be like... maybe someday I'll actually get to it, too! But for now, I can read your interpretation and enjoy that!

I too love the pre-romance, I am totally, completely, head-over-heels in love with Mal and Inara and the depth of their characters... they speak to me somehow, and I am very grateful to see a new M/I fic out there, as they seem less common than the Kaylee/everyone else fics ;o)

I'm eagerly awaiting your next installment, and if you ever feel the inclination to have some deep Inara conversation, I'd LOVE to discuss her, I think she's a wonderfully complicated character!!

Thursday, February 9, 2006 1:37 AM


I shall go and check your fiction out.


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