
Lost in Translation
Thursday, February 9, 2006

There were so many things I wanted to get done today (I definitly need to do a huge pile of dishes and wash some clothes tomorrow, I am running low on clean cups as well as underwear and my apartment looks a mess). I kept switching between my computer and the telly instead for the whole day.

First I watched the first ep from the Battlestar Galactica series. I do have to agree that the regular series is better than the piloting mini series. The ep was really good. I might become a fan of the new series after all.

Then I resumed translating parts of the Roleplaying Game for my players and uploading it to the website. By now I have the most important character generation stuff up and two of my players already know about it and have started working with it.

I also translated and uploaded Joss Whedon's article on the history of the 'Verse from the movie guide. And pt was totally legal? LOL If he presented that article to FOX when he created the series, it is no wonder they cancelled it.

I rewatched Jaynestown and Safe today. Enjoyed both of them of course, even though they are not among my favorite eps.

Oh, and I had a wonderful dream last night which ended with Mal kissing me. Now, that was something... I will go to bed now and hope to repeat the experience.


Thursday, February 9, 2006 3:28 PM


There was kissin'? Wow, I'm envious.


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