
Still angelized
Monday, February 13, 2006

hm ... I am beginning to understand what some of my friends have tried to tell me years ago. This whole Buffy/Angel thing ... I have watched all 22 eps of the first Angel season now and I enjoyed them immensely. I even started rewatching them right away. And I have lots of ideas for fanfiction which I will probably never write, or if I write it, I will keep it to myself and never publish it, because it is all Mary Sue-ish. Did I mention that I really have a thing going for knights in shining armour? And I am not even the type that needs a lot of rescueing in daily life.

Well, but backt to the things that really matter :-) I have just talked to my remote-player for the RPG via Skype for the first time. The connection was not too good and he does not have the newest version yet, so we could not try out the video connection, but still it was good to hear his voice (I had not seen him or talked to him for almost six month now). I mean, we could have used the phone, of course, but that's just not cool. (Did I mention my nerdyness-factor yet? I guess for a woman I rate pretty high, think Daria and then add some nerdyness )

And I found a fourth player today and another one who will not participate regularily, but wants to join in as a guest player from time to time. This is so cool! I can't wait to get started and have the first adventure already mapped out (secretly plotting and scheming while at work, hoping that my boss never looks into the folders of my desktop PC)



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