
I just gotst/\ let you know!!
Thursday, February 16, 2006

Well... Good Morning!!!

It is 8:30am & I have half an hour till I start work and I thought I should let you know that today will be my last day on the site for about a week - I know!!! It's ok, really it cuts me deep too but we will get through this together :)

LOL!!! You know, I crack myself up and I know that is like crazy but at least I make myself laugh ;)

The reason I won't be on for a while is because I have to go back home to Brisbane to be with my family (or what's left... long story) - I'm really looking forward to seeing all my old friends and just going crazy like old times!!!

See... we don't have internet at home, although my dad has the net hooked up to his laptop but I doubt he will let me use it hahahaha!

Well, I'll prolly write during the day - as I'm stuck for work and I've only been getting about 100 calls (which is a slow day)... So cutting a long story short (well not really) I'll be on here probably the whole day :)
Yay for you ;) LOL!

Keep on smilin'

PS - I am wearing a new outfit today and may I add it is shiny... literally :P


Thursday, February 16, 2006 9:08 PM


Just my luck: I find someone I really, really like -- that would be you, lol -- and then you leave! :) Wa!

Hmm, could I possibly be any more selfish about this, I wonder?! :) No, seriously, though, I hope you have a good stay for the week. Only worry is, if you're as nice a person in real life as you are here, then you may have to visit a thousand old friends! So, please be back, ok? We're missing you!

I know, storm's getting worse. But we'll pass through it soon enough.

Thursday, February 16, 2006 12:11 PM


Miss you already. Reflective clothing is not only fashionable but also a good safety percaution. You know in cause you go walking around at night and don't like being hit by cars. Getting hit by cars hurts really bad by the way.


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