
Howdy Y'All
Monday, February 20, 2006

I've been lurking for a couple of weeks, but thought I'd finally make myself know. I've been a Firefly fan since the beginning. I missed several episodes because of real life things, but was hooked by what I did see. Personally I was a bit appalled by Fox's handling of it, out of order episodes, schedule changes. It was almost like they wanted it to fail, but I'm sure that's just paranoia. At the moment all I get is Fox so I'm hoping they don't cancel my the shows they've still got that I like, House, Bones, and Prison Break among them. I was sad to see Kitchen Confidential go. Guess that's it for now.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:13 AM


Glad you de-lurked and welcome! It's always nice to meet another browncoat. I like some of the same shows you do. House and Bones are regulars on my tv. Hope to catch up with you on the chat.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:30 AM


Hey there. Welcome to the best lil ship in the 'verse, barring Serenity herself, of course. :-D

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1:12 AM


Howdy, Phoenixrising! Always nice to hear someone pipe up around here. Feel free to join in on anything that perks your interest, everyone's real shiny out in this little corner of the black. No one's flamed at me, yet, and I swear sometimes I just post stuff 'cause I like to hear the sound of my own typing ;p

Anyways, looks like FollowMal's paid you her visit already and I must say that coat looks to fit you quite well. Pull up a chair and sit a spell, there's usually some food cooking in the kitchen.

Keep the faith, spread the word, and know that we'll all be holding the line when Mal gets back. (/me wipes a little tear from his eye as I just got done watching through the movie YET again, and I'm still a tad sentimental... :)

Monday, February 20, 2006 11:09 PM


every time the Alliance knocks us down more and more just keep getting up

Monday, February 20, 2006 9:03 PM



We're glad you delurked. New recruits get a Browncoat, so here is yours....

*hands Phoenixrising a browncoat*

it is so cool how many new folks are signing on with our little ship!

Post often, we love hearin' from you.

Monday, February 20, 2006 8:56 PM


And the ranks continue to grow!


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