
Saturday, February 25, 2006

The other day I posted about seeing a small girl dancing, reflected in River's helmet, in that space scene in Bushwhacked, where she's gazing at the stars. Got some... unexpected reactions. Someone said he saw in me "a hopeless romantic who just hasn't had the harsh realities of the world beat him into oblivion yet." Wasn't offended or anything; surprised me a bit, is all. Because this is really who I am. Given the option to see a helmet, or a dancing girl, I want to see the latter; I choose to see the latter, rather.

I've seen it happen before; people get somewhat irritated with me when I go on about the beauty of the River persona. I guess because they feel reality is less stellar than the stars I dream on. But, honestly, I know reality is grim; I'm living it. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. Seen it all. But, as I was told, one fine day, "You just need to look with better eyes." I try that. I need that. I need to believe in River, and everything she stands for. Because, without River, this world is simply too overwhelming for me. "Little souls, big world," as she said so beautifully herself. That saying really gets to me, every time.

... And people wonder why I Love River; and I wonder why they're not ...

Now, by far the greater irony is, that the Bushwhacked picture itself, in which I chose to see a beauty, regardless of whether it was objectively really there, is depicting precisely that! It shows River, gazing at the stars, full of amazement and awe, whereas, objectively, one might argue there's not much to see. Like Simon; he looks at River, confuzzled at why she marvels so. To see the world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower; to hold eternity in the palm of your hand, and infinity in an hour!

But now I get to the part that really chokes me up. Because my sweet River, a mentally traumatized 17-year-old girl, who certainly had the harsh realities of the world try and beat her into oblivion, she, of all people, (still) sees the beauty! She, who said she was found broken, is, at heart, least unbroken of all.

/me, pauses to *cry*

And that, my dear friends, gives me all manner of hope. Because if she, under those circumstances, can still see the beauty of life, then so can I.


Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:01 AM


You so rock asarian

Saturday, February 25, 2006 6:58 PM


completely agree; reality exists, but it sucks, so its best ignored ;) denial ain't always bad, sometimes neccesary

Saturday, February 25, 2006 6:10 PM


Nice "Blade Runner" quote there, asarian;)

And never noticed the dancing girl in the helmet myself, but it sounds like a nifty easter egg that would suit the scene.



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