
Noise in Space
Thursday, March 2, 2006

So I haven't managed to produce a blog since I worked the rodeo and got sick. But now my brain is back in action and I have a gripe.

When I first started watching Firefly I couldn't understand why there weren't any noises when something happened in space. But then I remembered that space is a vacuum so there couldn't be noise and I was thrilled by it all. So acurate. And the whole inertia thing. Loved it. No reason to have engines going. Star Trek never thought that out.

But then I saw the BDM. Noise. In. Space. I couldn't figure out what bugged me, but that was it. Too much noise. Maybe I just need to go back and rewatch it for the 4th time (yes I am beind, but give me a break, it's only my 3rd week). Could be it was just in the atmo that I assumed was space. I hope it was that. I hope I was so completely absorbed in the movie that nothing else matterd. But it does matter. It didn't matter while watching the BDM, it only mattered while watching the BDS. It was a lovely little quirk that I enjoyed so much.

Realsim in Sci-Fi. Don't get that too often.


And I am an idiot!!! I could not figure out why I liked Adam Baldwin, but then one day it hit me (after cruising imdb). MAJOR MITCHELL!!! My first true military crush, (save Todd, but he was real). I fell in love with the way he was in ID4. Hard to believe that he came back to me after all these years. And without his shirt. Just rewatched Jaynestown. Hmmm...I wonder if I ever get married and have kids, if I could convince my husband to name our son Jayne? Maybe a middle name.
You say I am crazy...I say I am passionate.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 6:59 AM


Noise in space only happens in the ion cloud, AZ. Thank goodness, huh, cuz I liked the no sound in space thing too and thought.. hey, not that...then realized it was within the ion cloud, which would conduct sound.

And the whole namin' a kid Jayne thing. Good luck. I'm trying to get both my daughter's to promise me that my first born grandson will be named Malcolm. :)


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