
Mostly For the Staying Awake... (Apologies)
Thursday, March 2, 2006

Most important thing with working the night-shifts, I've learned, is keeping a consistent schedule. (Hard to remember to go to bed when the sun's still rising...) And if I sleep too early, I know I'll just be tired all tomorrow and end up wasting away my free time. (Okay, so I'd likely spend it watching Firefly, but still...)

Feeling a little guilty about not getting much work on various projects today (still getting back into the swing of being all "creative", trying to get some more disciplined in that area... trying to do at least a little bit every day, but I guess it's okay to take a break once in awhile.)

Let's see... I've got some supplies coming in sometime next week so I can experiment with getting my lunchbox done. (Still getting the side panels finished, and trying to spread the BDH's evenly over all four sides. 4 sides/ nine heroes... still deciding whether to try and pair some of them up, or just do 3 separate pics per side. Plus Kaylee keeps popping up into quite a lot of them, go figure.) Some point I'll have to get around to looking up copyright laws, see how badly I'd be infringing if I wanted to try and sell some. Figure I'll post instructions for how I did it regardless, maybe make my files available for use. (Assuming my plan works...) Doing it mostly out of love anyways...

Also trying my hand at writing again. (My first love.) That's still going slowly, but I always did when I'm working on a story. (No Stephen King am I.) Have an idea for translating the plot from Fistful of Dollars/ Seven Samurai into a Firefly fic.(wait... I think that's the wrong movie. Akira Kurasawa, same plotline... can't remember it's been awhile since I saw it. There was also that Bruce Willis movie set in the '20's had the same story.) Was going to try and do it like a screenplay for an episode, but it won't fit into 45 minutes, so I'm switching back to novel-style. Never tried writing fanfic, so it's something of a challenge.

Also still working on that whole winning the lottery thing... wish I had a couple hundred million dollars, 'cause guess where I'd be investing that?

Okay, enough inane rambling. Maximum verbosity off.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 9:01 AM


cool idea there..Fistfull/lastman standing might be a little tough to pull off since the story is about lone gunman..however seven sam/magnificent seven should make a great firefly/ serenity.(i.e Heart of gold)


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