
1 blocked ear + 1½ hour long flight = PAIN!
Thursday, March 2, 2006

So here we are muppets...

The end of another hard week, with our shoulders aching and our livers begging us not to destroy them even further. Our tummies are rumbling with anticipation of weekend food (yum!) and our feet looking forward to a couple days of respite.
And all I care about right now is my gorram ear! It is still blocked (going on a week and a bit) and I have a painful flight tomorrow...

*sigh... It really hasn't been my week... It has been the busiest week ever! We took a record # of calls in one day (280 jobs and now multiply that by about 10 - as that is about the number of calls we have to make associated to each job, and there you have it!)

But, I do have some bad news - because I am going to Brisbane, chances are, I won't be back until the following Sunday (the 11th for us Auzdogs <-- I have no idea where that came from... )
but never fear! I will try and use my Dad's laptop, but keep in mind that I may be too trollied to make sense but I will be thinking of you ALL and I'll be here in spirit

Just remember to smile and to stay shiny!!!
And that I will be thinking of you all, "Good Morning Sunshine!!!" & "Good Night, Sweet Dreams..." *mwah*

And just for the truly spesh people - ALL OF YOU!! I will be watching the Firefly series, so I'll feel even more connected to the best fans in the 'verse!

Ok... I'll stop now hahahaha!
Love you!


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 3:25 PM


Oh, it seems I missed this blog. It's a bit late to respond, but I'm going to anyway, because I simply cannot bear the thought of you have expressed your thoughts uncommented. :) Consider it symbolic: good people like you should never stand alone.


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