
Lunchbox in Progress
Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Okay, so I've sort of turned an idle thought I had one evening into something of an obsession

Just sort of thought it'd be neat to have a Firefly lunchbox, and seeing that there were none to have, figured I could try and see if I could make one myself, sort of a craft project.

Soo... now it's my baby. ;p Hopefully the rest of my materials will show up this week sometime. I'm praying the method I'm planning on will work, and assuming it does, I'll post a little how-to around here for anyone interested.

Actually, it's been turning out much harder than I originally thought it would. I thought the art would take no time at all... but I haven't been doing much art in a long time, so I keep re-discovering techniques, and changing things, etc.

The top piece came easily, cause I had a pretty clear idea of what I wanted. The sides are coming out much tougher to do, though. All I knew originally was that I wanted to show all nine of the crew. Going from there, I basically ran through all the screencaps I could find and picked out my favorites, trying to narrow it down. First two attempts came out a little... Kaylee-centric, though :)

So I finally had an idea... It's a lunchbox, food can go in there... why not just focus on the galley scenes where they're all eating together? Getting the pics together then was much easier once I had a theme. I can get all nine in there in some form or another, and I wanted to go for that feeling of family I always got from watching those scenes.

Course, I'm still struggling with exactly what sort of composition I want, and how to tie it all in together... Think I've got a good idea out there now, but I've come to the point where I've lost all objectivity on it. I'm literally not seeing what's actually there anymore ;p

So, it's time for a short break from it before I paint myself into a metaphorical corner. Maybe a good day's sleep will give me some much-needed perspective... I've also got a possible composition up in the Blue Sun Room, hoping for some objective assessment would help me out.

Anyways, I've you've read through all of this, you're my hero ;p Mostly just felt the need to decompress for the day, and I was already here on the site... And I do tend to go on and on... ;p

Keep on truckin' fellow Browncoats.


Thursday, March 9, 2006 12:24 PM


I like what you have been doing so far. I think your lunchbox will turn out shiny. And the idea about the galley works very well.

Off to Blue Sun Room

Thursday, March 9, 2006 12:24 PM


I like what you have been doing so far. I think your lunchbox will turn out shiny. And the idea about the galley works very well.

Off to Blue Sun Room

Wednesday, March 8, 2006 8:21 AM


I will definatly be interested in a how to guide once your finished. A Firefly lunchbox would be so shiny!
Sleep well little Browncoat.


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