
No writing, just flanning
Monday, March 13, 2006

Been chatting with MalNourished an awful lot lately. She and FollowMal have got yahoo messenger and we're becoming quite the trio. That's what's so nice about Browncoats. There isn't that nerdiness or geekiness about it and browncoats are always so nice. Not like those Trekkies and Trekkers. Laid back, sittin easy. Just like the 'verse.

Been getting psyched for this Moonlight Rising convention. I've already got Jaynesbunkwoman converted and she's now going too. I've been trying to do some of my viral marketing a bit. I'd say one ticket means it is working at least a little!

Got some entirely excellent news today. Best ever. The girls over at Appreciatin' Nathan board are doing up tee-shirts and we wanted to give one to Nathan. Looks like I'll get a chance to give it to him.

This whole convention thing has me floored. I've been to about three conventions before. Two Creation Conventions and one Blake's 7 Convention. The Blake's 7 one was more like this Moonlight Rising one, but mom and I couldn't stay overnight. I heard rumors about big-ass parties and crazy goings-on. Being a teenager at the time (like 14!) I'm now old enough to become a part of that and I'm seriously looking forward to it.

I've never had good seating and never even thought that I'd be speaking to the chairperson of the event. And here I am, already spoken to the chairperson on the phone and reserved seating! It's friggin awesome. Sometimes I just can't believe it.

If I'm having this much fun leading up to the gorram thing, I can only imagine what fun I'm going to have actually AT the convention with my crew there!


Monday, March 13, 2006 6:19 PM


This will be my first con. And I'm right there with the uber excited-ness.

Monday, March 13, 2006 4:22 PM


Shiny! You're soo lucky! Hey, I have yahoo too. What's your sn? Look me up: jazzymcweir. :-D

Monday, March 13, 2006 4:17 PM


I totally feel you on the excitement thing. I have never been to a convention in my life! Now I am going to FlanII with my best friend and I found out I have front row seating! I know it's like 9 months away but I am still so psyched about it! Have fun and take tons of pics!:D

Monday, March 13, 2006 12:35 PM


Fantastic. You'll have to take lots and lots of pictures for those of us stuck in other countries/unable to get tickets/can't get time off... etc!


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