
Still a Crybaby ;p
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Yup, I must be a glutton for punishment or something. Another two nights off, and on my last night I decided "oh what the frell, it's 3:00am and nothing's on the TV, why don't I put in Serenity again?" It's turning into like a weekly ritual now. I keep saying I'm not going to see it until I've rewatched the series in order again, but then every week... in goes the DVD ;p

Sure, I prefer the series for the usual reasons, and I've a couple minor gripes with the movie in some places (not really Joss's fault, really, just the normal problems I'd imagine you'd have trying to translate so much story into under two hours.) Anyways, this is like the fifth or sixth time I've seen the BDM, and that last half hour still gets me every time. I won't go into spoilers, but man... weep fest ;p (Then I go online, and think I'll dig up some fan videos, and of course the first two I go to are 'Leaf on the Wind' and 'A Tiny Grief Song'... so there went the waterworks again... :)

Almost have my lunchbox done. Most of the inks are finished-ish, and had to scrap a couple things and start from scratch, but so it goes ;p Still a little rusty with my inking, and normally I'd let it go, but it was Kaylee's sweet little smile I'd screwed up and I just couldn't let that go ;) (But at least I've been able to hold myself back and not turn it into the Kaylee lunchbox it almost was... that's for the next one I suppose :)

Hopefully I'll have something to put up sometime next week. I've got my transfer paper and other supplies, so I'm tentatively going to try my first transfer today, and do some experimenting; see if I need to change anything, etc. Thanks to all for the positive comments I've gotten from my posts in the Blue Sun Room, and help with looking for screencaps: most helpful ;p



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