
We Share A Brain: Love for Browncoats!
Thursday, March 16, 2006

This is my first blog ever! I don't really know how this is supposed to go, and I'm feelin' a mite sappy today so bear with me.

I want to start my blogging career with a dedication to all the Browncoats on this site! I don't know what it is about Firefly that attracts such wonderful people and makes us into a family. It seems that falling in love with the 'verse causes people to excrete some sort of glue that draws us together and makes us stick, and it works fast! Fast like a freak! (*nod* to FM, and K) We're like family in so many ways--we care, we fight, we worry, we chat for hours at a time on YIM. (What? Your fam doesn't do that?) We even have those extended family members who we only see when they're drunk and causing a ruckus at somebody's wedding.

As I write this, I am thinking about FollowMal and Kaele in particular. We're thick as thieves these days, and it's all manner of shiny. I look forward to chatting with these girls every day (who am I kidding? MULTIPLE times per day!), and to tell you the truth, I couldn't ask for better formerly conjoined sisters with whom I once shared a brain.

Browncoats are the best folk in the 'verse, and I hope that we can bring more into our strange little fold.


Thursday, March 16, 2006 3:49 PM


Oh, that reminds me, it's my turn to borrow the brain tonight...

Does that mean we're the Browncoat equivalent of the Stygian witches from Clash of the Titans?

"My brain, my brain, give me back my brain!"

Shiny blog. I'm like famous and stuff. I get mentioned by other people!

Good job on the blog, Vanessa! *hugs*

Thursday, March 16, 2006 11:19 AM


Well this is a great first blog and I'm hoping to see another from you. This is a special place and bears a lot of thinking on. What a joy that you're finding those real friends in your day to share your laughs, and good times with.

Thursday, March 16, 2006 10:44 AM


Hey, Formerly Conjoined Sis With Whom I Once Shared A Brain... great sappy... I .... uh mean.. great first blog post.

Soon we'll be immortal in the annals of Browncoathooddom, or some thingy like that.

I love you! I mean that!


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2006 March