
Comics and a Man called Jayne
Monday, March 20, 2006

First I would like to thank (in no particular order) mal4prez, bookaddict, Lvs2read, and 2x2 for encouraging me to put pen to paper and get started on some fic. Now I know who to blame when I am up late trying to finish dialog.

But this weekend I finally got the comic series. So, what gives? Is it just me or does it seem too often writers go back to the old "enemy that we thought was dead but isn't" plot line? Not that it is a bad thing and it made it easy to prevent too much exposition, but it would be nice to have something different than standard revenge fare.

Maybe I have just gotten tired of comics in general. NAAAWWWWW!!! I hope not. Although I must say my interest has gone down the last few years. Or maybe it is because my money flow has decreased. Who knows? I need to find me a sugar daddy to buy my shiny Firefly inspired goodies.

I don't want to admit to it, as much as I hates it, but I have to fully admit I am a Jayne-addict. What is it about that man? Maybe it is because he is so atypical male that there is absolutely no way I could ever feel anything but feminine. AH, that would be the day. I guess once guys find out what I do for a living they kind of get scared. Or maybe it is because my friend and I like to brag that we know how to castrate things. I am thinking it is the latter. It's all good though. I still have my Captain and my merc.



Monday, March 20, 2006 5:21 PM


I did write something before...but it sort of vanished. Anyway good luck with the fiction, I'm looking forward to reading it...and castrating things? What do you do?

Monday, March 20, 2006 8:08 AM


Yay! I'll take all the credit/blame you want! Now where's that shiny story? :) I'd be happy to beta if you need one, by the way...

I agree about the comics, generally disappointing for me. I want to see one drawn by mphillips, can you imagine? Gah!


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