
A new day
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Thank-you everyone who read or commented on my blog yesterday. I was feeling very upset and I think it all just got a bit much. All your *hugs* and advice really helped to calm me down and this morning I'm much happier.

I went to visit the accommmodation people first thing this morning and explained what was going on. They were very sympathetic and apparently my name flagged on their system because I have a circulatory disorder and it would seem that puts me fairly high up on their list of concerns.

I've filled in a late application form and although I'm not guaranteed anything I should be able to find a room on campus. I'll also keep an eye out for 'house mate wanted' signs.

I also spoke to my Dad... without bursting into tears and he's going to ask around and see if he can find a car suitable for me to buy (I have some savings from working last summer) then I won't be stuck on campus (-basically the middle of No and Where).

So yeah... Thanks again!

A little shaky maybe, but I'm still flyin'


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 6:14 AM


:) good to see another day is bringing better news. we all have our bad days, but may they be few and far between. stay shiny.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 5:55 AM


I'm so happy for you darling. Sometimes people can surprise you by being just plain nice.


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