
Japanese food...with Chinese Overtones
Saturday, March 25, 2006

Firefly has taken over my life. And I am loving every moment. I tell you, my fellow moonbrains, because you will understand.

Firefly, Serenity, it's everywhere.

Monday I went out with my husband for an evening. We had not had a night out alone since November. We went to one of those Japanese hibachi resterants. It's one of those places where they sit you with random people to fill a table. And there was a younger girl, she was 11, and damned if she didn't look like young River from the BDM. To the point of distraction. She had less freckles, but other then that doppleganger.
Her father looked kind of like Badger, but I think the accent helped that and I might be stretching, but still I was reminded.
I was glad to eat with chopsticks and have decided I needed a pair of my own for home. When I ordered tea with dinner I got my own little pot like Inara's and I took great care to pour with grace. It was fun. I am totally off my nut, I know. My husband, a fan himself, but not as rabid, thought I went off the deep end when I bought my blonde haired, blue eyed son a hawiian shirt. This will be cute.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 1:55 AM


Ah well done, I am very impressed. It is great to meet fellow browncoats who are just as obsessed as I am. I've only owned Firefly/Serenity about 5 weeks and I have watched the whole series about 7 times already - I just can't get enough of it. As for your experience with the people in the restaurant - definitely a bit freaky. However, as long as you guys enjoyed yourselves the thats all that counts.

Saturday, March 25, 2006 6:24 PM


You are hoplessly lost in the verse. There is no saving you now. You are indeed where you belong. Pull up a chair and share your obsession with all us like minded looneys.

Saturday, March 25, 2006 5:42 PM


Hee I do the same types of things. One night we went to a movie with friends and my guy put on his best hawaiian shirt, kahkis, a t shirt, and suede boots. I wore a creme knit tanktop and this gorgeous creme and brown long inca patterned A-line skirt with long brown boots under it.
When we arrived our friend Karen just kept saying how nice we looked. I caught a glimpse of us in the window and I kid you not, we looked how Wash and Zoƫ might look on a date.


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