
Sunday, March 26, 2006

i'm usually not much of blogger, but sometimes I just have to write something. Plus I know all the nice Browncoats out there won't laugh at me.
i've been toying with an idea for a while now, and I thought I'd let y'all in on it, sos to see what ya think. Alright, 200 years in the future, the Earth gets overcrowded, so we push out and start to colonize the rest of our solar system. sorta like the 1600s in space. America is the dominant superpower, followed by the UEN (United European Nations) which is the UK, France, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Sweden, Germany, etc. joined together. earth has turned into the "downtown" of the solar system. All high tech equipment, lots of futuristic buildings, where only the rich and powerful can afford to live due to massive inflation. Mars is like the suburbs in some places, and like Skid Row in others. Mars was supposed to be the new Earth, and since it is the closest, most of the not-rich-enough-to-live-on-Earth-but-still-rich people live there. Then there are some areas that are desolate wastes, inhabited by roving bands of bandits. Jupiter and saturn are major mining centers, as is the asteroid belt. But with space traffic comes space piracy. Hence where Nathan Gray comes in. Gray is a down-on-his-luck pirate, close to giving up and becoming a beggar in the slums of Venus. Until he captures the Navy's latest technolgical marvel. The stealth frigate dubbed 'Greyhawk' changed Gray's life. He went from scratching a living off of rocks to practically rolling in cash. But now he has the entire American-Earth Navy after him. which is just how he likes it.

Ahhh, fingers hurting. Anyhoo, I'm messing around with this concept, and one of these days I might get around to writing it. feedback would be appreciated. Now I have Sid Meier's Pirates!


Sunday, March 26, 2006 8:40 PM


If it's strong ehough in your head to have all those details then write it. Go ahead and get it out there. Like copilot said, if you don't it'll just eat you up.

I know. I've had a werewolf story bouncing around in my head for several years now and it just won't go away. I tried to ignore it because I'm not that good a writer but it won't leave me alone so I'm attmpting to put it on paper.

Don't let this happen to you ;)
Write your story and see what happens.

Sunday, March 26, 2006 5:16 PM


Write! If you have an idea that detailed it'll just eat up your imagination untill you get it out.


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